Create a copilot from a classic chatbot


Power Virtual Agents capabilities and features are now part of Microsoft Copilot Studio following significant investments in generative AI and enhanced integrations across Microsoft Copilot.

Some articles and screenshots may refer to Power Virtual Agents while we update documentation and training content.

You can turn an existing, classic chatbot into a copilot to use the latest features of Microsoft Copilot Studio.


Classic chatbots that use any of these features aren't eligible to be cloned:

  • Languages other than English
  • Handoff to Omnichannel for Customer Service
  • Knowledge Management extensions


When you clone the contents of a classic chatbot, any topic authored using Bot Framework Composer is created as an empty topic with none of the content or nodes in the original topic. You must add content to those topics after your copilot is created. However, the cloned topic has the same input and output variables as the original.

Clone a classic chatbot

  1. Open your classic chatbot in Copilot Studio.

  2. On the Overview page, select Copy this chatbot.

    Screenshot of the tile with the Copy this chatbot button.

    A Chatbots window opens, with these options: Copy and convert this bot or Try out the new studio experience.

  3. Select Copy and convert this bot and modify the default name for your copy as desired.

  4. Select Create.


    If your bot isn't eligible for cloning, Copilot Studio prompts you to create a new copilot instead.

  5. Wait for Copilot Studio to create your new copilot. When it's ready, select Go to your bot to open it in Copilot Studio.

Create and edit topics.