Collaborate with others in model-driven apps

Collaborate with colleagues and share links in model-driven Power Apps the same way do you as in Microsoft Office.

Multiplayer apps

When you're working on a record, you can also see other users who are working on the same record.

You can also select a user's picture to see their online status, send them an email, or start a Teams chat.

View a user's online status.

This feature uses the Azure Fluid Relay service, which must be available in your region. For more information, see Azure Fluid Relay service availability. Because this feature uses the Azure Fluid Relay service, users must be able to access

View a user's status and picture

App users, such as the record owner, as well as the users appearing in grids and lookups are displayed with their picture and online status. This feature is now available on all model-driven apps and cannot be disabled.

VView a user's online status.


This feature will be extended to user lookups and grid user columns.


You can now easily share records with your colleagues using the new Share button. Select Copy link or Email link in order to send a record link to your colleagues.


If you have the share privilege on a record and you email a record link to a colleague, the colleague will automatically get read access to the record.