dsc resource schema


Returns the JSON Schema for instances of a resource.


dsc resource schema [Options] --resource <RESOURCE>


The schema subcommand returns the JSON schema for a instances of a specific DSC Resource. DSC uses these schemas to validate the input for the get, set, and test subcommands and when validating the instances in a DSC Configuration document.

Integrating tools may use these schemas for validation or to enhance the configuration authoring experience. A resource's instance schema defines the valid structure for an instance, including which properties are mandatory and what their values should be. The instance schemas may also include lightweight documentation for the properties with the title and description keywords.


Example 1 - Get the schema for a resource

This example returns the schema for the OSInfo command-based DSC Resource.

dsc resource schema --resource Microsoft/OSInfo
$schema: http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#
$id: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/PowerShell/DSC/main/schemas/resources/Microsoft/OSInfo/v0.1.0/schema.json
title: OsInfo
description: |
  Returns information about the operating system.

markdownDescription: |
  The `Microsoft/OSInfo` resource enables you to assert whether a machine meets criteria related to
  the operating system. The resource is only capable of assertions. It doesn't implement the set
  operation and can't configure the operating system.

  [Online documentation][01]

  [01]: https://learn.microsoft.com/powershell/dsc/reference/microsoft/osinfo/resource
type: object
required: []
additionalProperties: false
    type: string
    readOnly: true
    title: Data Type ID
    description: |
      Returns the unique ID for the OSInfo instance data type.

    markdownDescription: |
      Returns the unique ID for the OSInfo instance data type.

      [Online documentation][01]

      [01]: https://learn.microsoft.com/powershell/dsc/reference/microsoft/osinfo/resource#id
    type: string
    title: Processor architecture
    description: |
      Defines the processor architecture as reported by 'uname -m' on the operating system.

    markdownDescription: |
      Defines the processor architecture as reported by `uname -m` on the operating system.

      [Online documentation][01]

      [01]: https://learn.microsoft.com/powershell/dsc/reference/microsoft/osinfo/resource#architecture
    type: string
    - '32'
    - '64'
    - unknown
    title: Operating system bitness
    description: |
      Defines whether the operating system is a 32-bit or 64-bit operating system.

    markdownDescription: |
      Defines whether the operating system is a 32-bit or 64-bit operating system.

      [Online documentation][01]

      [01]: https://learn.microsoft.com/powershell/dsc/reference/microsoft/osinfo/resource#bitness
    type: string
    title: Linux codename
    description: |
      Defines the codename for the operating system as returned from 'lsb_release --codename'.

    markdownDescription: |
      Defines the codename for the operating system as returned from `lsb_release --codename`.

      [Online documentation][01]

      [01]: https://learn.microsoft.com/powershell/dsc/reference/microsoft/osinfo/resource#codename
    type: string
    title: Windows edition
    description: |
      Defines the operating system edition, like 'Windows 11' or 'Windows Server 2016'.

    markdownDescription: |
      Defines the operating system edition, like `Windows 11` or `Windows Server 2016`.

      [Online documentation][01]

      [01]: https://learn.microsoft.com/powershell/dsc/reference/microsoft/osinfo/resource#edition
    type: string
    - Linux
    - macOS
    - Windows
    title: Operating system family
    description: |
      Defines whether the operating system is Linux, macOS, or Windows.

    markdownDescription: |
      Defines whether the operating system is Linux, macOS, or Windows.

      [Online documentation][01]

      [01]: https://learn.microsoft.com/powershell/dsc/reference/microsoft/osinfo/resource#family
    type: string
    title: Operating system version
    description: |
      Defines the version of the operating system as a string.

    markdownDescription: |
      Defines the version of the operating system as a string.

      [Online documentation][01]

      [01]: https://learn.microsoft.com/powershell/dsc/reference/microsoft/osinfo/resource#version


-r, --resource

Specifies the fully qualified type name of the DSC Resource to retrieve the instance schema from, like Microsoft.Windows/Registry.

The fully qualified type name syntax is: <owner>[.<group>][.<area>]/<name>, where:

  • The owner is the maintaining author or organization for the resource.
  • The group and area are optional name components that enable namespacing for a resource.
  • The name identifies the component the resource manages.
Type:      String
Mandatory: true

-f, --format

The --format option controls the console output format for the command. If the command output is redirected or captured as a variable, the output is always JSON.

Type:         String
Mandatory:    false
DefaultValue: yaml
ValidValues:  [json, pretty-json, yaml]

-h, --help

Displays the help for the current command or subcommand. When you specify this option, the application ignores all options and arguments after this one.

Type:      Boolean
Mandatory: false


This command returns a JSON object representing the JSON schema for an instance of the specified DSC Resource.