

Expand or remove the contents of an archive (.zip) file.


Archive [String] #ResourceName
    Destination = [string]
    Path = [string]
    [Checksum = [string]{ CreatedDate | ModifiedDate | SHA-1 | SHA-256 | SHA-512 }]
    [Credential = [PSCredential]]
    [DependsOn = [string[]]]
    [Ensure = [string]{ Absent | Present }]
    [Force = [bool]]
    [PsDscRunAsCredential = [PSCredential]]
    [Validate = [bool]]


The Archive resource enables you to idempotently manage the expanded contents of an archive (.zip) file. It can ensure that an archive's expanded contents are up to date or removed from a system.


  • The System.IO.Compression type assembly must be available on the machine.
  • The System.IO.Compression.FileSystem type assembly must be available on the machine.

Key properties


Specify the path to the folder the expanded content should be written to or removed from.

Type: System.String


Specify the path to the archive file.

Type: System.String

Optional properties


Specify the checksum method to use when validating expanded content against the archive. If you specify a value for Checksum and Validate as $false, the resource throws an invalid argument exception.

If you specify Validate as $true, the default for Checksum is ModifiedDate.


Using either Checksum or Validate implies the other. Even though you can specify Validate without Checksum, it's best practice to specify both together.

The specified method determines how the resource validates the expanded content against the archive:

  • With ModifiedDate, the resource checks that the LastWriteTime property of each expanded file matches the LastWriteTime property of that file in the archive.
  • With CreatedDate, the resource checks that the CreationTime property of each expanded file matches the CreationTime property of that file in the archive.
  • With SHA-1, SHA-256, or SHA-512, the resource uses the specified SHA method to verify the hash of each expanded file against the hash of that file in the archive.
Type: System.String
Accepted Values:
  - ModifiedDate
  - CreatedDate
  - SHA-1
  - SHA-256
  - SHA-512
Default Value: ModifiedDate


Specify the credential of a user account with permissions to access the specified Path and Destination if needed.

Type: System.Management.Automation.PSCredential
Default Value: None


Specify whether the expanded content of the archive file should exist. To expand the archive, specify this property as Present. To remove the expanded content of the archive, specify this property as Absent. The default value is Present.

Type: System.String
Accepted Values:
  - Absent
  - Present
Default Value: Present


Specify whether to overwrite existing content in the Destination. When Force is $false, the resource errors if an item at the destination needs to be overwritten. The default value is $false.

Type: System.Boolean
Default Value: false


Specify whether to verify expanded content by the specified checksum method. The default value is $false.

When Validate is $true and the file at the destination doesn't match the file in the archive:

  • If Ensure is Present and Force is $false, the resource errors with a message that the file at the destination can't be overwritten.
  • If Ensure is Present and Force is $true, the resource overwrites the file.
  • If Ensure is Absent, the resource doesn't remove the file.
Type: System.Boolean
Default Value: false
