DSC Configuration document resource instance schema


Defines a DSC Resource instance in a configuration document.


SchemaDialect: https://json-schema.org/draft/2020-12/schema
SchemaID:      https://raw.githubusercontent.com/PowerShell/DSC/main/schemas/2024/04/config/document.resource.json
Type:          object


The resources property of a DSC Configuration document always includes at least one DSC Resource instance. Together, the instances in a configuration define the desired state that DSC can get, test, and set on a machine.

This document describes the JSON schema for a valid DSC Resource instance in a configuration document.

For more information about DSC Resources, see Anatomy of a command-based DSC Resource.

Required Properties

Every resource instance must be an object that defines these properties:



The name property of a resource instance defines the short, human-readable name for a DSC Resource instance. This property must be unique within a DSC Configuration document. If any resource instances share the same name, DSC raises an error.

The instance name must be a non-empty string containing only letters, numbers, and spaces.

Type:          string
Required:      true
MinimumLength: 1
Pattern:       ^[a-zA-Z0-9 ]+$


The type property identifies the instance's DSC Resource. The value for this property must be the valid fully qualified type name for the resource. For more information about type names, see DSC Resource fully qualified type name schema reference.

Type:     string
Required: true
Pattern:  ^\w+(\.\w+){0,2}\/\w+$


The properties of a resource instance define its desired state. The value of this property must be an object. For assertion resources, the value may be an empty object ({}). DSC uses the DSC Resource's instance schema to validate the defined properties.

Type:     object
Required: true


To declare that a resource instance is dependent on another instance in the configuration, define the dependsOn property.

This property defines a list of DSC Resource instances that DSC must successfully process before processing this instance. Each value for this property must be the resourceID() function lookup for another instance in the configuration. Multiple instances can depend on the same instance, but every dependency for an instance must be unique in that instance's dependsOn property.

The resourceID() function uses this syntax:

"[resourceId('<resource-type-name>', '<instance-name>']"

The <resource-type-name> value is the type property of the dependent resource and <instance-name> is the dependency's name property. When adding a dependency in a YAML-format configuration document, always wrap the resourceID() lookup in double quotes (").

For example, this instance depends on an instance of the Microsoft.Windows/Registry resource named Tailspin Key:

- name: Tailspin Key
  type: Microsoft.Windows/Registry
    keyPath: HKCU\tailspin
    _ensure: Present
- name: Update Tailspin Automatically
  type: Microsoft.Windows/Registry
    keyPath:   HKCU\tailspin\updates
    valueName: automatic
      String: enable
    - "[resourceId('Microsoft.Windows/Registry', 'Tailspin Key')]"


When defining dependencies for nested resource instances, instances can only reference dependencies in the same resource provider or group instance. They can't use the resourceId() function to lookup instances at the top-level of the configuration document or inside another provider or group instance.

If a top-level instance depends on a nested instance, use the resourceId() function to lookup the instance of the provider or group containing the dependency instance instead.

For more information about using functions in configuration documents, see DSC Configuration document functions reference. For more information about the resourceId() function, see resourceId.

Type:              array
Required:          false
ItemsMustBeUnique: true
ItemsType:         string
ItemsPattern:      ^\[resourceId\(\s*'\w+(\.\w+){0,2}\/\w+'\s*,\s*'[a-zA-Z0-9 ]+'\s*\)\]$