DSC Resource manifest schema property reference


Defines how to retrieve the JSON Schema that validates a DSC Resource instance.


SchemaDialect: https://json-schema.org/draft/2020-12/schema
SchemaID:      https://raw.githubusercontent.com/PowerShell/DSC/main/schemas/2024/04/resource/manifest.schema.json
Type:          object


Every command-based DSC Resource must define the schema property in its manifest. This property defines how DSC can get the JSON schema it needs to validate instances of the resource.

The JSON schema can be defined dynamically with the command property or statically with the embedded property.

For development purposes, it can be more convenient to use the command property and avoid needing to adjust both the code and the schema.

Microsoft recommends using the embedded property when publishing a resource publicly. When the manifest declares the schema with the command property, DSC calls the command at the beginning of any operation using the resource, possibly impacting performance. The schema is also unavailable to integrating tools when the resource isn't installed locally. When the schema is embedded in the manifest, DSC and integrating tools only need the manifest itself.


Example 1 - Get JSON schema with a command

This example is from the Microsoft.Windows/Registry DSC Resource.

"schema": {
  "command": {
    "executable": "registry",
    "args": ["schema"]

With the command property defined, DSC gets the JSON schema to validate instances of this resource with the following command:

registry schema

Example 2 - Embedded JSON schema

This example is from the Microsoft/OSInfo DSC Resource. It defines an embedded JSON schema that DSC uses to validate an instance of the resource.

"schema": {
  "embedded": {
    "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#",
    "title": "OSInfo",
    "type": "object",
    "required": [],
    "properties": {
      "$id": { "type": "string" },
      "architecture": { "type": ["string","null"] },
      "bitness": { "$ref": "#/definitions/Bitness" },
      "codename": { "type": ["string","null"] },
      "edition": { "type": ["string","null"] },
      "family": { "$ref": "#/definitions/Family" },
      "version": { "type": "string" }
    "additionalProperties": false,
    "definitions": {
      "Bitness": { "type": "string", "enum": ["32","64","unknown"] },
      "Family": { "type": "string", "enum": ["Linux","macOS","Windows"] }

Required Properties

The schema definition must include exactly one of these properties:



The command property defines how DSC must call the resource to get the JSON schema that validates its instances. The value of this property must be an object and define the executable property.

When publishing a manifest with the command property, Microsoft recommends publishing the JSON schema to a publicly available URI and setting the url property to that URI. This enables authoring tools and other integrating applications to validate instances without running the command locally.

Type:               object
RequiredProperties: [executable]


The executable property defines the name of the command to run. The value must be the name of a command discoverable in the system's PATH environment variable or the full path to the command. A file extension is only required when the command isn't recognizable by the operating system as an executable.

Type:     string
Required: true


The args property defines an array of strings to pass as arguments to the command. DSC passes the arguments to the command in the order they're specified.

Type:     array
Required: false
Default:  []


The embedded property defines the full JSON schema for DSC to validate instances of the DSC Resource. The value for this property must be a valid JSON schema that defines the $schema, type, and properties keywords.

Type:                 object
MinimumPropertyCount: 1


The url property defines the URL to the resource's published JSON schema. It's used by integrating tools for resources that define the command property instead of the embedded property.

Type:   string
Format: uri