How to add credentials to repositories with Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet

Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet allows you to register private repositories that contain installable PSResource packages. Typically, private repositories require you to have credentials to access them. JFrog Artifactory is a service that allows you to create private NuGet repositories. This article demonstrates how to use SecretStore credentials with an Artifactory repository.


  • Set up a SecretManagement vault
  • Create a credential to be used with Artifactory


This example uses SecretStore, but you can use any SecretManagement extension vault and with any repository.

Use Get-SecretInfo to verify that the vault contains the credential you need.

Name          Type         VaultName
----          ----         ---------
JFrogCred     PSCredential SecretStore

For more information about SecretManagement, see Overview of the SecretManagement and SecretStore modules.

Add a credential to a PSResourceRepository

Once you have a store credential, you need to add it to the registered repository. Create a PSCredentialInfo object that references the store credential. You can register a new PSResourceRepository or add the credential to an existing one using the Set-PSResourceRepository cmdlet. This example shows how to register a new repository.

$registerPSResourceRepositorySplat = @{
  Name = 'artifactory'
  Uri = ''
  Trusted = $true
  CredentialInfo = [Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet.UtilClasses.PSCredentialInfo]::new(
    'SecretStore', 'JFrogCred')
Register-PSResourceRepository @registerPSResourceRepositorySplat

Run Get-PSResourceRepository to see the registered repositories.

PS C:\Users > Get-PSResourceRepository
Name        Uri                                                                 Trusted Priority
----        ---                                                                 ------- --------
artifactory    True    50
PSGallery                            False   50

Publishing resources to the repository

To publish resources to a secured repository, you must provide the credential you configured. This example show how to publish a resource to the artifactory repository using your stored credential.

Publish-PSResource -Path .\Get-Hello\ -Repository artifactory -ApiKey (Get-Secret JFrogPublish)

Once you have provided the credential, PowerShellGet reuses the credential for subsequent commands that target the same repository. The following examples show how to find and install a resource. Notice that the credential isn't required.

Find-PSResource -Name Get-Hello -Repository artifactory
Name      Version Prerelease Repository  Description
----      ------- ---------- ----------  -----------
Get-Hello            artifactory test module
PS C:\Users> Install-PSResource Get-Hello