Provides subcommands for viewing and changing the configuration of the HPC Job Scheduler Service.
Subcommand | Description |
cluscfg createcert | Enrolls the user in a certificate and places the certificate in the user's store. Note: This subcommand is deprecated as of HPC Pack 2012. Use hpccred getcreds instead. |
cluscfg delcreds | Deletes the cached credentials for a specified user that the HPC Job Scheduler Service uses to submit jobs. Note: This subcommand is deprecated as of HPC Pack 2012. Use hpccred delcreds instead. |
clusfig getcreds | Gets the soft card credential of the user Note: This subcommand is deprecated as of HPC Pack 2012. Use hpccred getcreds instead. |
cluscfg listenvs | Displays the values of the cluster-wide environment variables. |
cluscfg listparams | Displays the values of the cluster-wide parameters. |
cluscfg mailcred | Sets the credentials for the account that is used to send email notifications about jobs. Note: This subcommand was introduced in Microsoft HPC Pack 2008 R2 and is not supported in previous versions. This subcommand is deprecated as of HPC Pack 2012. Use hpccred mailcred instead. |
cluscfg setcreds | Sets the credentials to use for the specified user when submitting jobs, and stores the credentials in the credential cache. Note: This subcommand is deprecated as of HPC Pack 2012. Use cluscfg setcreds instead. |
cluscfg setenvs | Sets the values of one or more specified cluster-wide environment variables. |
cluscfg setparams | Sets the values of one or more specified cluster-wide parameters. |
cluscfg view | Displays statistics for the specified HPC cluster, including the name of the cluster; version of the HPC Pack that is installed on the cluster; and the number of nodes, cores, jobs, and tasks in various states. |
cluscfg /? | Displays Help at the command prompt. |
cluscfg /help | Displays Help at the command prompt. |