
Create a new sourceCollection object.


   -CaseId <String>
   [-ResponseHeadersVariable <String>]
   [-AddToReviewSetOperation <IMicrosoftGraphEdiscoveryAddToReviewSetOperation>]
   [-AdditionalProperties <Hashtable>]
   [-AdditionalSources <IMicrosoftGraphEdiscoveryDataSource[]>]
   [-ContentQuery <String>]
   [-CreatedBy <IMicrosoftGraphIdentitySet>]
   [-CreatedDateTime <DateTime>]
   [-CustodianSources <IMicrosoftGraphEdiscoveryDataSource[]>]
   [-DataSourceScopes <String>]
   [-Description <String>]
   [-DisplayName <String>]
   [-Id <String>]
   [-LastEstimateStatisticsOperation <IMicrosoftGraphEdiscoveryEstimateStatisticsOperation>]
   [-LastModifiedBy <IMicrosoftGraphIdentitySet>]
   [-LastModifiedDateTime <DateTime>]
   [-NoncustodialSources <IMicrosoftGraphEdiscoveryNoncustodialDataSource[]>]
   [-Headers <IDictionary>]
   [-ProgressAction <ActionPreference>]
   -CaseId <String>
   -BodyParameter <IMicrosoftGraphEdiscoverySourceCollection>
   [-ResponseHeadersVariable <String>]
   [-Headers <IDictionary>]
   [-ProgressAction <ActionPreference>]
   -InputObject <IComplianceIdentity>
   [-ResponseHeadersVariable <String>]
   [-AddToReviewSetOperation <IMicrosoftGraphEdiscoveryAddToReviewSetOperation>]
   [-AdditionalProperties <Hashtable>]
   [-AdditionalSources <IMicrosoftGraphEdiscoveryDataSource[]>]
   [-ContentQuery <String>]
   [-CreatedBy <IMicrosoftGraphIdentitySet>]
   [-CreatedDateTime <DateTime>]
   [-CustodianSources <IMicrosoftGraphEdiscoveryDataSource[]>]
   [-DataSourceScopes <String>]
   [-Description <String>]
   [-DisplayName <String>]
   [-Id <String>]
   [-LastEstimateStatisticsOperation <IMicrosoftGraphEdiscoveryEstimateStatisticsOperation>]
   [-LastModifiedBy <IMicrosoftGraphIdentitySet>]
   [-LastModifiedDateTime <DateTime>]
   [-NoncustodialSources <IMicrosoftGraphEdiscoveryNoncustodialDataSource[]>]
   [-Headers <IDictionary>]
   [-ProgressAction <ActionPreference>]
   -InputObject <IComplianceIdentity>
   -BodyParameter <IMicrosoftGraphEdiscoverySourceCollection>
   [-ResponseHeadersVariable <String>]
   [-Headers <IDictionary>]
   [-ProgressAction <ActionPreference>]


Create a new sourceCollection object.


Example 1: Code snippet

Import-Module Microsoft.Graph.Beta.Compliance

$params = @{
	displayName = "Quarterly Financials search"
	contentQuery = "subject:'Quarterly Financials'"
	"custodianSources@odata.bind" = @(

New-MgBetaComplianceEdiscoveryCaseSourceCollection -CaseId $caseId -BodyParameter $params

This example shows how to use the New-MgBetaComplianceEdiscoveryCaseSourceCollection Cmdlet.



Additional Parameters

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


Adds an additional source to the sourceCollection. To construct, see NOTES section for ADDITIONALSOURCES properties and create a hash table.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


addToReviewSetOperation To construct, see NOTES section for ADDTOREVIEWSETOPERATION properties and create a hash table.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


sourceCollection To construct, see NOTES section for BODYPARAMETER properties and create a hash table.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:True
Accept wildcard characters:False


The unique identifier of case

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


Prompts you for confirmation before running the cmdlet.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


The query string in KQL (Keyword Query Language) query. For details, see Keyword queries and search conditions for Content Search and eDiscovery. You can refine searches by using fields paired with values; for example, subject:'Quarterly Financials' AND Date>=06/01/2016 AND Date<=07/01/2016.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


identitySet To construct, see NOTES section for CREATEDBY properties and create a hash table.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


The date and time the sourceCollection was created.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


Custodian sources that are included in the sourceCollection. To construct, see NOTES section for CUSTODIANSOURCES properties and create a hash table.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False



Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


The description of the sourceCollection.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


The display name of the sourceCollection.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


Optional headers that will be added to the request.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:True
Accept wildcard characters:False


The unique identifier for an entity. Read-only.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


Identity Parameter To construct, see NOTES section for INPUTOBJECT properties and create a hash table.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:True
Accept wildcard characters:False


estimateStatisticsOperation To construct, see NOTES section for LASTESTIMATESTATISTICSOPERATION properties and create a hash table.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


identitySet To construct, see NOTES section for LASTMODIFIEDBY properties and create a hash table.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


The last date and time the sourceCollection was modified.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


noncustodialDataSource sources that are included in the sourceCollection To construct, see NOTES section for NONCUSTODIALSOURCES properties and create a hash table.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


{{ Fill ProgressAction Description }}

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


Optional Response Headers Variable.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


Shows what would happen if the cmdlet runs. The cmdlet is not run.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False









To create the parameters described below, construct a hash table containing the appropriate properties. For information on hash tables, run Get-Help about_Hash_Tables.

ADDITIONALSOURCES <IMicrosoftGraphEdiscoveryDataSource- []>: Adds an additional source to the sourceCollection.

  • [Id <String>]: The unique identifier for an entity. Read-only.
  • [CreatedBy <IMicrosoftGraphIdentitySet>]: identitySet
    • [(Any) <Object>]: This indicates any property can be added to this object.
    • [Application <IMicrosoftGraphIdentity>]: identity
      • [(Any) <Object>]: This indicates any property can be added to this object.
      • [DisplayName <String>]: The display name of the identity. The display name might not always be available or up to date. For example, if a user changes their display name the API might show the new value in a future response, but the items associated with the user won't show up as having changed when using delta.
      • [Id <String>]: Unique identifier for the identity. When the unique identifier is unavailable, the displayName property is provided for the identity, but the id property isn't included in the response.
    • [Device <IMicrosoftGraphIdentity>]: identity
    • [User <IMicrosoftGraphIdentity>]: identity
  • [CreatedDateTime <DateTime?>]: The date and time the dataSource was created.
  • [DisplayName <String>]: The display name of the dataSource, and is the name of the SharePoint site.
  • [HoldStatus <String>]: dataSourceHoldStatus

ADDTOREVIEWSETOPERATION <IMicrosoftGraphEdiscoveryAddToReviewSetOperation>: addToReviewSetOperation

  • [(Any) <Object>]: This indicates any property can be added to this object.
  • [Action <String>]: caseAction
  • [CompletedDateTime <DateTime?>]: The date and time the operation was completed.
  • [CreatedBy <IMicrosoftGraphIdentitySet>]: identitySet
    • [(Any) <Object>]: This indicates any property can be added to this object.
    • [Application <IMicrosoftGraphIdentity>]: identity
      • [(Any) <Object>]: This indicates any property can be added to this object.
      • [DisplayName <String>]: The display name of the identity. The display name might not always be available or up to date. For example, if a user changes their display name the API might show the new value in a future response, but the items associated with the user won't show up as having changed when using delta.
      • [Id <String>]: Unique identifier for the identity. When the unique identifier is unavailable, the displayName property is provided for the identity, but the id property isn't included in the response.
    • [Device <IMicrosoftGraphIdentity>]: identity
    • [User <IMicrosoftGraphIdentity>]: identity
  • [CreatedDateTime <DateTime?>]: The date and time the operation was created.
  • [PercentProgress <Int32?>]: The progress of the operation.
  • [ResultInfo <IMicrosoftGraphResultInfo>]: resultInfo
    • [(Any) <Object>]: This indicates any property can be added to this object.
    • [Code <Int32?>]: The result code.
    • [Message <String>]: The message.
    • [Subcode <Int32?>]: The result sub-code.
  • [Status <String>]: caseOperationStatus
  • [Id <String>]: The unique identifier for an entity. Read-only.
  • [ReviewSet <IMicrosoftGraphEdiscoveryReviewSet>]: reviewSet
    • [(Any) <Object>]: This indicates any property can be added to this object.
    • [Id <String>]: The unique identifier for an entity. Read-only.
    • [CreatedBy <IMicrosoftGraphIdentitySet>]: identitySet
    • [CreatedDateTime <DateTime?>]: The datetime when the review set was created. The Timestamp type represents date and time information using ISO 8601 format and is always in UTC time. For example, midnight UTC on Jan 1, 2014 is 2014-01-01T00:00:00Z. Read-only.
    • [DisplayName <String>]: The review set name. The name is unique with a maximum limit of 64 characters.
    • [Queries <IMicrosoftGraphEdiscoveryReviewSetQuery- []>]:
      • [Id <String>]: The unique identifier for an entity. Read-only.
      • [CreatedBy <IMicrosoftGraphIdentitySet>]: identitySet
      • [CreatedDateTime <DateTime?>]: The time and date when the query was created. The Timestamp type represents date and time information using ISO 8601 format and is always in UTC time. For example, midnight UTC on Jan 1, 2014 is 2014-01-01T00:00:00Z
      • [DisplayName <String>]: The name of the query.
      • [LastModifiedBy <IMicrosoftGraphIdentitySet>]: identitySet
      • [LastModifiedDateTime <DateTime?>]: The date and time the query was last modified. The Timestamp type represents date and time information using ISO 8601 format and is always in UTC time. For example, midnight UTC on Jan 1, 2014 is 2014-01-01T00:00:00Z
      • [Query <String>]: The query string in KQL (Keyword Query Language) query. For details, see Document metadata fields in Advanced eDiscovery. This field maps directly to the keywords condition. You can refine searches by using fields listed in the searchable field name paired with values; for example, subject:'Quarterly Financials' AND Date>=06/01/2016 AND Date<=07/01/2016.
  • [SourceCollection <IMicrosoftGraphEdiscoverySourceCollection>]: sourceCollection
    • [(Any) <Object>]: This indicates any property can be added to this object.
    • [Id <String>]: The unique identifier for an entity. Read-only.
    • [AddToReviewSetOperation <IMicrosoftGraphEdiscoveryAddToReviewSetOperation>]: addToReviewSetOperation
    • [AdditionalSources <IMicrosoftGraphEdiscoveryDataSource- []>]: Adds an additional source to the sourceCollection.
      • [Id <String>]: The unique identifier for an entity. Read-only.
      • [CreatedBy <IMicrosoftGraphIdentitySet>]: identitySet
      • [CreatedDateTime <DateTime?>]: The date and time the dataSource was created.
      • [DisplayName <String>]: The display name of the dataSource, and is the name of the SharePoint site.
      • [HoldStatus <String>]: dataSourceHoldStatus
    • [ContentQuery <String>]: The query string in KQL (Keyword Query Language) query. For details, see Keyword queries and search conditions for Content Search and eDiscovery. You can refine searches by using fields paired with values; for example, subject:'Quarterly Financials' AND Date>=06/01/2016 AND Date<=07/01/2016.
    • [CreatedBy <IMicrosoftGraphIdentitySet>]: identitySet
    • [CreatedDateTime <DateTime?>]: The date and time the sourceCollection was created.
    • [CustodianSources <IMicrosoftGraphEdiscoveryDataSource- []>]: Custodian sources that are included in the sourceCollection.
    • [DataSourceScopes <String>]: dataSourceScopes
    • [Description <String>]: The description of the sourceCollection.
    • [DisplayName <String>]: The display name of the sourceCollection.
    • [LastEstimateStatisticsOperation <IMicrosoftGraphEdiscoveryEstimateStatisticsOperation>]: estimateStatisticsOperation
      • [(Any) <Object>]: This indicates any property can be added to this object.
      • [Action <String>]: caseAction
      • [CompletedDateTime <DateTime?>]: The date and time the operation was completed.
      • [CreatedBy <IMicrosoftGraphIdentitySet>]: identitySet
      • [CreatedDateTime <DateTime?>]: The date and time the operation was created.
      • [PercentProgress <Int32?>]: The progress of the operation.
      • [ResultInfo <IMicrosoftGraphResultInfo>]: resultInfo
      • [Status <String>]: caseOperationStatus
      • [Id <String>]: The unique identifier for an entity. Read-only.
      • [IndexedItemCount <Int64?>]: The estimated count of items for the sourceCollection that matched the content query.
      • [IndexedItemsSize <Int64?>]: The estimated size of items for the sourceCollection that matched the content query.
      • [MailboxCount <Int32?>]: The number of mailboxes that had search hits.
      • [SiteCount <Int32?>]: The number of mailboxes that had search hits.
      • [SourceCollection <IMicrosoftGraphEdiscoverySourceCollection>]: sourceCollection
      • [UnindexedItemCount <Int64?>]: The estimated count of unindexed items for the collection.
      • [UnindexedItemsSize <Int64?>]: The estimated size of unindexed items for the collection.
    • [LastModifiedBy <IMicrosoftGraphIdentitySet>]: identitySet
    • [LastModifiedDateTime <DateTime?>]: The last date and time the sourceCollection was modified.
    • [NoncustodialSources <IMicrosoftGraphEdiscoveryNoncustodialDataSource- []>]: noncustodialDataSource sources that are included in the sourceCollection
      • [CreatedDateTime <DateTime?>]: Created date and time of the dataSourceContainer entity.
      • [DisplayName <String>]: Display name of the dataSourceContainer entity.
      • [HoldStatus <String>]: dataSourceHoldStatus
      • [LastIndexOperation <IMicrosoftGraphEdiscoveryCaseIndexOperation>]: caseIndexOperation
        • [(Any) <Object>]: This indicates any property can be added to this object.
        • [Action <String>]: caseAction
        • [CompletedDateTime <DateTime?>]: The date and time the operation was completed.
        • [CreatedBy <IMicrosoftGraphIdentitySet>]: identitySet
        • [CreatedDateTime <DateTime?>]: The date and time the operation was created.
        • [PercentProgress <Int32?>]: The progress of the operation.
        • [ResultInfo <IMicrosoftGraphResultInfo>]: resultInfo
        • [Status <String>]: caseOperationStatus
        • [Id <String>]: The unique identifier for an entity. Read-only.
      • [LastModifiedDateTime <DateTime?>]: Last modified date and time of the dataSourceContainer.
      • [ReleasedDateTime <DateTime?>]: Date and time that the dataSourceContainer was released from the case.
      • [Status <String>]: dataSourceContainerStatus
      • [Id <String>]: The unique identifier for an entity. Read-only.
      • [ApplyHoldToSource <Boolean?>]: Indicates if hold is applied to noncustodial data source (such as mailbox or site).
      • [DataSource <IMicrosoftGraphEdiscoveryDataSource>]: dataSource

BODYPARAMETER <IMicrosoftGraphEdiscoverySourceCollection>: sourceCollection

  • [(Any) <Object>]: This indicates any property can be added to this object.
  • [Id <String>]: The unique identifier for an entity. Read-only.
  • [AddToReviewSetOperation <IMicrosoftGraphEdiscoveryAddToReviewSetOperation>]: addToReviewSetOperation
    • [(Any) <Object>]: This indicates any property can be added to this object.
    • [Action <String>]: caseAction
    • [CompletedDateTime <DateTime?>]: The date and time the operation was completed.
    • [CreatedBy <IMicrosoftGraphIdentitySet>]: identitySet
      • [(Any) <Object>]: This indicates any property can be added to this object.
      • [Application <IMicrosoftGraphIdentity>]: identity
        • [(Any) <Object>]: This indicates any property can be added to this object.
        • [DisplayName <String>]: The display name of the identity. The display name might not always be available or up to date. For example, if a user changes their display name the API might show the new value in a future response, but the items associated with the user won't show up as having changed when using delta.
        • [Id <String>]: Unique identifier for the identity. When the unique identifier is unavailable, the displayName property is provided for the identity, but the id property isn't included in the response.
      • [Device <IMicrosoftGraphIdentity>]: identity
      • [User <IMicrosoftGraphIdentity>]: identity
    • [CreatedDateTime <DateTime?>]: The date and time the operation was created.
    • [PercentProgress <Int32?>]: The progress of the operation.
    • [ResultInfo <IMicrosoftGraphResultInfo>]: resultInfo
      • [(Any) <Object>]: This indicates any property can be added to this object.
      • [Code <Int32?>]: The result code.
      • [Message <String>]: The message.
      • [Subcode <Int32?>]: The result sub-code.
    • [Status <String>]: caseOperationStatus
    • [Id <String>]: The unique identifier for an entity. Read-only.
    • [ReviewSet <IMicrosoftGraphEdiscoveryReviewSet>]: reviewSet
      • [(Any) <Object>]: This indicates any property can be added to this object.
      • [Id <String>]: The unique identifier for an entity. Read-only.
      • [CreatedBy <IMicrosoftGraphIdentitySet>]: identitySet
      • [CreatedDateTime <DateTime?>]: The datetime when the review set was created. The Timestamp type represents date and time information using ISO 8601 format and is always in UTC time. For example, midnight UTC on Jan 1, 2014 is 2014-01-01T00:00:00Z. Read-only.
      • [DisplayName <String>]: The review set name. The name is unique with a maximum limit of 64 characters.
      • [Queries <IMicrosoftGraphEdiscoveryReviewSetQuery- []>]:
        • [Id <String>]: The unique identifier for an entity. Read-only.
        • [CreatedBy <IMicrosoftGraphIdentitySet>]: identitySet
        • [CreatedDateTime <DateTime?>]: The time and date when the query was created. The Timestamp type represents date and time information using ISO 8601 format and is always in UTC time. For example, midnight UTC on Jan 1, 2014 is 2014-01-01T00:00:00Z
        • [DisplayName <String>]: The name of the query.
        • [LastModifiedBy <IMicrosoftGraphIdentitySet>]: identitySet
        • [LastModifiedDateTime <DateTime?>]: The date and time the query was last modified. The Timestamp type represents date and time information using ISO 8601 format and is always in UTC time. For example, midnight UTC on Jan 1, 2014 is 2014-01-01T00:00:00Z
        • [Query <String>]: The query string in KQL (Keyword Query Language) query. For details, see Document metadata fields in Advanced eDiscovery. This field maps directly to the keywords condition. You can refine searches by using fields listed in the searchable field name paired with values; for example, subject:'Quarterly Financials' AND Date>=06/01/2016 AND Date<=07/01/2016.
    • [SourceCollection <IMicrosoftGraphEdiscoverySourceCollection>]: sourceCollection
  • [AdditionalSources <IMicrosoftGraphEdiscoveryDataSource- []>]: Adds an additional source to the sourceCollection.
    • [Id <String>]: The unique identifier for an entity. Read-only.
    • [CreatedBy <IMicrosoftGraphIdentitySet>]: identitySet
    • [CreatedDateTime <DateTime?>]: The date and time the dataSource was created.
    • [DisplayName <String>]: The display name of the dataSource, and is the name of the SharePoint site.
    • [HoldStatus <String>]: dataSourceHoldStatus
  • [ContentQuery <String>]: The query string in KQL (Keyword Query Language) query. For details, see Keyword queries and search conditions for Content Search and eDiscovery. You can refine searches by using fields paired with values; for example, subject:'Quarterly Financials' AND Date>=06/01/2016 AND Date<=07/01/2016.
  • [CreatedBy <IMicrosoftGraphIdentitySet>]: identitySet
  • [CreatedDateTime <DateTime?>]: The date and time the sourceCollection was created.
  • [CustodianSources <IMicrosoftGraphEdiscoveryDataSource- []>]: Custodian sources that are included in the sourceCollection.
  • [DataSourceScopes <String>]: dataSourceScopes
  • [Description <String>]: The description of the sourceCollection.
  • [DisplayName <String>]: The display name of the sourceCollection.
  • [LastEstimateStatisticsOperation <IMicrosoftGraphEdiscoveryEstimateStatisticsOperation>]: estimateStatisticsOperation
    • [(Any) <Object>]: This indicates any property can be added to this object.
    • [Action <String>]: caseAction
    • [CompletedDateTime <DateTime?>]: The date and time the operation was completed.
    • [CreatedBy <IMicrosoftGraphIdentitySet>]: identitySet
    • [CreatedDateTime <DateTime?>]: The date and time the operation was created.
    • [PercentProgress <Int32?>]: The progress of the operation.
    • [ResultInfo <IMicrosoftGraphResultInfo>]: resultInfo
    • [Status <String>]: caseOperationStatus
    • [Id <String>]: The unique identifier for an entity. Read-only.
    • [IndexedItemCount <Int64?>]: The estimated count of items for the sourceCollection that matched the content query.
    • [IndexedItemsSize <Int64?>]: The estimated size of items for the sourceCollection that matched the content query.
    • [MailboxCount <Int32?>]: The number of mailboxes that had search hits.
    • [SiteCount <Int32?>]: The number of mailboxes that had search hits.
    • [SourceCollection <IMicrosoftGraphEdiscoverySourceCollection>]: sourceCollection
    • [UnindexedItemCount <Int64?>]: The estimated count of unindexed items for the collection.
    • [UnindexedItemsSize <Int64?>]: The estimated size of unindexed items for the collection.
  • [LastModifiedBy <IMicrosoftGraphIdentitySet>]: identitySet
  • [LastModifiedDateTime <DateTime?>]: The last date and time the sourceCollection was modified.
  • [NoncustodialSources <IMicrosoftGraphEdiscoveryNoncustodialDataSource- []>]: noncustodialDataSource sources that are included in the sourceCollection
    • [CreatedDateTime <DateTime?>]: Created date and time of the dataSourceContainer entity.
    • [DisplayName <String>]: Display name of the dataSourceContainer entity.
    • [HoldStatus <String>]: dataSourceHoldStatus
    • [LastIndexOperation <IMicrosoftGraphEdiscoveryCaseIndexOperation>]: caseIndexOperation
      • [(Any) <Object>]: This indicates any property can be added to this object.
      • [Action <String>]: caseAction
      • [CompletedDateTime <DateTime?>]: The date and time the operation was completed.
      • [CreatedBy <IMicrosoftGraphIdentitySet>]: identitySet
      • [CreatedDateTime <DateTime?>]: The date and time the operation was created.
      • [PercentProgress <Int32?>]: The progress of the operation.
      • [ResultInfo <IMicrosoftGraphResultInfo>]: resultInfo
      • [Status <String>]: caseOperationStatus
      • [Id <String>]: The unique identifier for an entity. Read-only.
    • [LastModifiedDateTime <DateTime?>]: Last modified date and time of the dataSourceContainer.
    • [ReleasedDateTime <DateTime?>]: Date and time that the dataSourceContainer was released from the case.
    • [Status <String>]: dataSourceContainerStatus
    • [Id <String>]: The unique identifier for an entity. Read-only.
    • [ApplyHoldToSource <Boolean?>]: Indicates if hold is applied to noncustodial data source (such as mailbox or site).
    • [DataSource <IMicrosoftGraphEdiscoveryDataSource>]: dataSource

CREATEDBY <IMicrosoftGraphIdentitySet>: identitySet

  • [(Any) <Object>]: This indicates any property can be added to this object.
  • [Application <IMicrosoftGraphIdentity>]: identity
    • [(Any) <Object>]: This indicates any property can be added to this object.
    • [DisplayName <String>]: The display name of the identity. The display name might not always be available or up to date. For example, if a user changes their display name the API might show the new value in a future response, but the items associated with the user won't show up as having changed when using delta.
    • [Id <String>]: Unique identifier for the identity. When the unique identifier is unavailable, the displayName property is provided for the identity, but the id property isn't included in the response.
  • [Device <IMicrosoftGraphIdentity>]: identity
  • [User <IMicrosoftGraphIdentity>]: identity

CUSTODIANSOURCES <IMicrosoftGraphEdiscoveryDataSource- []>: Custodian sources that are included in the sourceCollection.

  • [Id <String>]: The unique identifier for an entity. Read-only.
  • [CreatedBy <IMicrosoftGraphIdentitySet>]: identitySet
    • [(Any) <Object>]: This indicates any property can be added to this object.
    • [Application <IMicrosoftGraphIdentity>]: identity
      • [(Any) <Object>]: This indicates any property can be added to this object.
      • [DisplayName <String>]: The display name of the identity. The display name might not always be available or up to date. For example, if a user changes their display name the API might show the new value in a future response, but the items associated with the user won't show up as having changed when using delta.
      • [Id <String>]: Unique identifier for the identity. When the unique identifier is unavailable, the displayName property is provided for the identity, but the id property isn't included in the response.
    • [Device <IMicrosoftGraphIdentity>]: identity
    • [User <IMicrosoftGraphIdentity>]: identity
  • [CreatedDateTime <DateTime?>]: The date and time the dataSource was created.
  • [DisplayName <String>]: The display name of the dataSource, and is the name of the SharePoint site.
  • [HoldStatus <String>]: dataSourceHoldStatus

INPUTOBJECT <IComplianceIdentity>: Identity Parameter

  • [AuthoredNoteId <String>]: The unique identifier of authoredNote
  • [CaseId <String>]: The unique identifier of case
  • [CaseOperationId <String>]: The unique identifier of caseOperation
  • [CustodianId <String>]: The unique identifier of custodian
  • [DataSourceId <String>]: The unique identifier of dataSource
  • [LegalHoldId <String>]: The unique identifier of legalHold
  • [NoncustodialDataSourceId <String>]: The unique identifier of noncustodialDataSource
  • [ReviewSetId <String>]: The unique identifier of reviewSet
  • [ReviewSetQueryId <String>]: The unique identifier of reviewSetQuery
  • [SiteSourceId <String>]: The unique identifier of siteSource
  • [SourceCollectionId <String>]: The unique identifier of sourceCollection
  • [SubjectRightsRequestId <String>]: The unique identifier of subjectRightsRequest
  • [TagId <String>]: The unique identifier of tag
  • [TagId1 <String>]: The unique identifier of tag
  • [UnifiedGroupSourceId <String>]: The unique identifier of unifiedGroupSource
  • [UserId <String>]: The unique identifier of user
  • [UserSourceId <String>]: The unique identifier of userSource

LASTESTIMATESTATISTICSOPERATION <IMicrosoftGraphEdiscoveryEstimateStatisticsOperation>: estimateStatisticsOperation

  • [(Any) <Object>]: This indicates any property can be added to this object.
  • [Action <String>]: caseAction
  • [CompletedDateTime <DateTime?>]: The date and time the operation was completed.
  • [CreatedBy <IMicrosoftGraphIdentitySet>]: identitySet
    • [(Any) <Object>]: This indicates any property can be added to this object.
    • [Application <IMicrosoftGraphIdentity>]: identity
      • [(Any) <Object>]: This indicates any property can be added to this object.
      • [DisplayName <String>]: The display name of the identity. The display name might not always be available or up to date. For example, if a user changes their display name the API might show the new value in a future response, but the items associated with the user won't show up as having changed when using delta.
      • [Id <String>]: Unique identifier for the identity. When the unique identifier is unavailable, the displayName property is provided for the identity, but the id property isn't included in the response.
    • [Device <IMicrosoftGraphIdentity>]: identity
    • [User <IMicrosoftGraphIdentity>]: identity
  • [CreatedDateTime <DateTime?>]: The date and time the operation was created.
  • [PercentProgress <Int32?>]: The progress of the operation.
  • [ResultInfo <IMicrosoftGraphResultInfo>]: resultInfo
    • [(Any) <Object>]: This indicates any property can be added to this object.
    • [Code <Int32?>]: The result code.
    • [Message <String>]: The message.
    • [Subcode <Int32?>]: The result sub-code.
  • [Status <String>]: caseOperationStatus
  • [Id <String>]: The unique identifier for an entity. Read-only.
  • [IndexedItemCount <Int64?>]: The estimated count of items for the sourceCollection that matched the content query.
  • [IndexedItemsSize <Int64?>]: The estimated size of items for the sourceCollection that matched the content query.
  • [MailboxCount <Int32?>]: The number of mailboxes that had search hits.
  • [SiteCount <Int32?>]: The number of mailboxes that had search hits.
  • [SourceCollection <IMicrosoftGraphEdiscoverySourceCollection>]: sourceCollection
    • [(Any) <Object>]: This indicates any property can be added to this object.
    • [Id <String>]: The unique identifier for an entity. Read-only.
    • [AddToReviewSetOperation <IMicrosoftGraphEdiscoveryAddToReviewSetOperation>]: addToReviewSetOperation
      • [(Any) <Object>]: This indicates any property can be added to this object.
      • [Action <String>]: caseAction
      • [CompletedDateTime <DateTime?>]: The date and time the operation was completed.
      • [CreatedBy <IMicrosoftGraphIdentitySet>]: identitySet
      • [CreatedDateTime <DateTime?>]: The date and time the operation was created.
      • [PercentProgress <Int32?>]: The progress of the operation.
      • [ResultInfo <IMicrosoftGraphResultInfo>]: resultInfo
      • [Status <String>]: caseOperationStatus
      • [Id <String>]: The unique identifier for an entity. Read-only.
      • [ReviewSet <IMicrosoftGraphEdiscoveryReviewSet>]: reviewSet
        • [(Any) <Object>]: This indicates any property can be added to this object.
        • [Id <String>]: The unique identifier for an entity. Read-only.
        • [CreatedBy <IMicrosoftGraphIdentitySet>]: identitySet
        • [CreatedDateTime <DateTime?>]: The datetime when the review set was created. The Timestamp type represents date and time information using ISO 8601 format and is always in UTC time. For example, midnight UTC on Jan 1, 2014 is 2014-01-01T00:00:00Z. Read-only.
        • [DisplayName <String>]: The review set name. The name is unique with a maximum limit of 64 characters.
        • [Queries <IMicrosoftGraphEdiscoveryReviewSetQuery- []>]:
          • [Id <String>]: The unique identifier for an entity. Read-only.
          • [CreatedBy <IMicrosoftGraphIdentitySet>]: identitySet
          • [CreatedDateTime <DateTime?>]: The time and date when the query was created. The Timestamp type represents date and time information using ISO 8601 format and is always in UTC time. For example, midnight UTC on Jan 1, 2014 is 2014-01-01T00:00:00Z
          • [DisplayName <String>]: The name of the query.
          • [LastModifiedBy <IMicrosoftGraphIdentitySet>]: identitySet
          • [LastModifiedDateTime <DateTime?>]: The date and time the query was last modified. The Timestamp type represents date and time information using ISO 8601 format and is always in UTC time. For example, midnight UTC on Jan 1, 2014 is 2014-01-01T00:00:00Z
          • [Query <String>]: The query string in KQL (Keyword Query Language) query. For details, see Document metadata fields in Advanced eDiscovery. This field maps directly to the keywords condition. You can refine searches by using fields listed in the searchable field name paired with values; for example, subject:'Quarterly Financials' AND Date>=06/01/2016 AND Date<=07/01/2016.
      • [SourceCollection <IMicrosoftGraphEdiscoverySourceCollection>]: sourceCollection
    • [AdditionalSources <IMicrosoftGraphEdiscoveryDataSource- []>]: Adds an additional source to the sourceCollection.
      • [Id <String>]: The unique identifier for an entity. Read-only.
      • [CreatedBy <IMicrosoftGraphIdentitySet>]: identitySet
      • [CreatedDateTime <DateTime?>]: The date and time the dataSource was created.
      • [DisplayName <String>]: The display name of the dataSource, and is the name of the SharePoint site.
      • [HoldStatus <String>]: dataSourceHoldStatus
    • [ContentQuery <String>]: The query string in KQL (Keyword Query Language) query. For details, see Keyword queries and search conditions for Content Search and eDiscovery. You can refine searches by using fields paired with values; for example, subject:'Quarterly Financials' AND Date>=06/01/2016 AND Date<=07/01/2016.
    • [CreatedBy <IMicrosoftGraphIdentitySet>]: identitySet
    • [CreatedDateTime <DateTime?>]: The date and time the sourceCollection was created.
    • [CustodianSources <IMicrosoftGraphEdiscoveryDataSource- []>]: Custodian sources that are included in the sourceCollection.
    • [DataSourceScopes <String>]: dataSourceScopes
    • [Description <String>]: The description of the sourceCollection.
    • [DisplayName <String>]: The display name of the sourceCollection.
    • [LastEstimateStatisticsOperation <IMicrosoftGraphEdiscoveryEstimateStatisticsOperation>]: estimateStatisticsOperation
    • [LastModifiedBy <IMicrosoftGraphIdentitySet>]: identitySet
    • [LastModifiedDateTime <DateTime?>]: The last date and time the sourceCollection was modified.
    • [NoncustodialSources <IMicrosoftGraphEdiscoveryNoncustodialDataSource- []>]: noncustodialDataSource sources that are included in the sourceCollection
      • [CreatedDateTime <DateTime?>]: Created date and time of the dataSourceContainer entity.
      • [DisplayName <String>]: Display name of the dataSourceContainer entity.
      • [HoldStatus <String>]: dataSourceHoldStatus
      • [LastIndexOperation <IMicrosoftGraphEdiscoveryCaseIndexOperation>]: caseIndexOperation
        • [(Any) <Object>]: This indicates any property can be added to this object.
        • [Action <String>]: caseAction
        • [CompletedDateTime <DateTime?>]: The date and time the operation was completed.
        • [CreatedBy <IMicrosoftGraphIdentitySet>]: identitySet
        • [CreatedDateTime <DateTime?>]: The date and time the operation was created.
        • [PercentProgress <Int32?>]: The progress of the operation.
        • [ResultInfo <IMicrosoftGraphResultInfo>]: resultInfo
        • [Status <String>]: caseOperationStatus
        • [Id <String>]: The unique identifier for an entity. Read-only.
      • [LastModifiedDateTime <DateTime?>]: Last modified date and time of the dataSourceContainer.
      • [ReleasedDateTime <DateTime?>]: Date and time that the dataSourceContainer was released from the case.
      • [Status <String>]: dataSourceContainerStatus
      • [Id <String>]: The unique identifier for an entity. Read-only.
      • [ApplyHoldToSource <Boolean?>]: Indicates if hold is applied to noncustodial data source (such as mailbox or site).
      • [DataSource <IMicrosoftGraphEdiscoveryDataSource>]: dataSource
  • [UnindexedItemCount <Int64?>]: The estimated count of unindexed items for the collection.
  • [UnindexedItemsSize <Int64?>]: The estimated size of unindexed items for the collection.

LASTMODIFIEDBY <IMicrosoftGraphIdentitySet>: identitySet

  • [(Any) <Object>]: This indicates any property can be added to this object.
  • [Application <IMicrosoftGraphIdentity>]: identity
    • [(Any) <Object>]: This indicates any property can be added to this object.
    • [DisplayName <String>]: The display name of the identity. The display name might not always be available or up to date. For example, if a user changes their display name the API might show the new value in a future response, but the items associated with the user won't show up as having changed when using delta.
    • [Id <String>]: Unique identifier for the identity. When the unique identifier is unavailable, the displayName property is provided for the identity, but the id property isn't included in the response.
  • [Device <IMicrosoftGraphIdentity>]: identity
  • [User <IMicrosoftGraphIdentity>]: identity

NONCUSTODIALSOURCES <IMicrosoftGraphEdiscoveryNoncustodialDataSource- []>: noncustodialDataSource sources that are included in the sourceCollection

  • [CreatedDateTime <DateTime?>]: Created date and time of the dataSourceContainer entity.
  • [DisplayName <String>]: Display name of the dataSourceContainer entity.
  • [HoldStatus <String>]: dataSourceHoldStatus
  • [LastIndexOperation <IMicrosoftGraphEdiscoveryCaseIndexOperation>]: caseIndexOperation
    • [(Any) <Object>]: This indicates any property can be added to this object.
    • [Action <String>]: caseAction
    • [CompletedDateTime <DateTime?>]: The date and time the operation was completed.
    • [CreatedBy <IMicrosoftGraphIdentitySet>]: identitySet
      • [(Any) <Object>]: This indicates any property can be added to this object.
      • [Application <IMicrosoftGraphIdentity>]: identity
        • [(Any) <Object>]: This indicates any property can be added to this object.
        • [DisplayName <String>]: The display name of the identity. The display name might not always be available or up to date. For example, if a user changes their display name the API might show the new value in a future response, but the items associated with the user won't show up as having changed when using delta.
        • [Id <String>]: Unique identifier for the identity. When the unique identifier is unavailable, the displayName property is provided for the identity, but the id property isn't included in the response.
      • [Device <IMicrosoftGraphIdentity>]: identity
      • [User <IMicrosoftGraphIdentity>]: identity
    • [CreatedDateTime <DateTime?>]: The date and time the operation was created.
    • [PercentProgress <Int32?>]: The progress of the operation.
    • [ResultInfo <IMicrosoftGraphResultInfo>]: resultInfo
      • [(Any) <Object>]: This indicates any property can be added to this object.
      • [Code <Int32?>]: The result code.
      • [Message <String>]: The message.
      • [Subcode <Int32?>]: The result sub-code.
    • [Status <String>]: caseOperationStatus
    • [Id <String>]: The unique identifier for an entity. Read-only.
  • [LastModifiedDateTime <DateTime?>]: Last modified date and time of the dataSourceContainer.
  • [ReleasedDateTime <DateTime?>]: Date and time that the dataSourceContainer was released from the case.
  • [Status <String>]: dataSourceContainerStatus
  • [Id <String>]: The unique identifier for an entity. Read-only.
  • [ApplyHoldToSource <Boolean?>]: Indicates if hold is applied to noncustodial data source (such as mailbox or site).
  • [DataSource <IMicrosoftGraphEdiscoveryDataSource>]: dataSource
    • [(Any) <Object>]: This indicates any property can be added to this object.
    • [Id <String>]: The unique identifier for an entity. Read-only.
    • [CreatedBy <IMicrosoftGraphIdentitySet>]: identitySet
    • [CreatedDateTime <DateTime?>]: The date and time the dataSource was created.
    • [DisplayName <String>]: The display name of the dataSource, and is the name of the SharePoint site.
    • [HoldStatus <String>]: dataSourceHoldStatus