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Updates a property or properties of a Rights Management template.


   -TemplateId <Guid>
   [-Names <Hashtable>]
   [-Descriptions <Hashtable>]
   [-RightsDefinitions <System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Microsoft.RightsManagementServices.Online.Admin.TemplateRightsDefinition]>]
   [-ContentExpirationOption <ContentExpirationType>]
   [-ContentExpirationDate <DateTime>]
   [-ContentValidityDuration <Int32>]
   [-LicenseValidityDuration <Int32>]
   [-Status <TemplateStatus>]
   [-ScopedIdentities <System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String]>]
   [-EnableInLegacyApps <Boolean>]



This cmdlet from the AADRM module is now deprecated. After July 15, 2020, this cmdlet name will be supported only as an alias to its replacement in the AIPService module.

For more information, see the overview page.

The Set-AadrmTemplateProperty cmdlet updates a property or properties of a custom Azure Rights Management template.

You can update most of these properties in the Azure portal.

When you use this cmdlet, the template is identified by its GUID, which must refer to an existing custom Rights Management template. You cannot use this cmdlet to update the default templates.

You can use the Get-AadrmTemplate cmdlet to get the template ID.

Important: When you update properties of a custom template, the existing settings for those properties will be overwritten (not supplemented) without warning, so be sure to specify all the settings that you need for the properties that you are updating.

As a best practice, back up the existing template before you run this cmdlet, by using the Export-AadrmTemplate cmdlet. Then, if you need to revert to the original configuration, you can use the Import-AadrmTemplate cmdlet to restore the template.

For more information about custom templates, including how to configure them in the Azure portal, see Configuring and managing templates for Azure Information Protection.


Example 1: Update a template's status

PS C:\>Set-AadrmTemplateProperty -TemplateID 28168524-29c3-44f1-9e11-ea6c60bb6428 -Status Published

This command sets a template status to Published.

Example 2: Specify users and rights for a custom template

PS C:\> $r1 = New-AadrmRightsDefinition -EmailAddress -Rights "VIEW","EXPORT"
PS C:\> $r2 = New-AadrmRightsDefinition -EmailAddress -Rights "VIEW"
PS C:\>Set-AadrmTemplateProperty -TemplateID 28168524-29c3-44f1-9e11-ea6c60bb6522 -RightsDefinitions ($r1, $r2)

This example updates the existing custom template New Launch - Confidential Content for new users and rights. Whereas the existing template granted View and Export rights to the marketing department (which should not change), the engineering department must now also have View rights.

Because specifying the RightsDefinitions parameter overwrites the existing settings, the first rights definition object keeps the existing settings for marketing, and another rights definition object creates the new engineering department rights.

Example 3: Add new users and rights to a custom template

PS C:\> $templateid = "7b1db17a-cb1a-41cf-bad7-b452f9d384c1"
PS C:\> [array]$r = New-AadrmRightsDefinition -EmailAddress -Rights "DOCEDIT", "EXTRACT"
PS C:\> $r += New-AadrmRightsDefinition -EmailAddress -Rights "VIEW"
PS C:\> $CurrentRightsDefinitions = [array]((get-aadrmtemplate -templateid $templateid).RightsDefinitions)
PS C:\> $ResultingRightsDefinitions = $CurrentRightsDefinitions + $r
PS C:\> Set-AadrmTemplateProperty -TemplateId $templateid -RightsDefinition $ResultingRightsDefinitions

This set of command adds two new users and their different rights to an existing template, without overwriting the existing users and rights already defined in the template.

The new users and their rights are (a user within the organization) who is granted DOCEDIT and EXTRACT rights; and (a user from another organization) who is granted VIEW rights. These users and their rights are added to rights definition objects using an array, which is then added to the existing rights definitions for the template.



Specifies the date on which content protected with the template expires.

Use this parameter only if ContentExpirationOption is set to OnDate.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


Specifies the type of content expiration for content protected with the template.

The acceptable values for this parameter are:

  • Never. Indicates that content is available indefinitely.
  • OnDate. Indicates that content expires at a certain fixed date.
  • AfterDays.Indicates that content will be available for the indicated number of days after it is protected.
Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


Specifies the number of days from the first day of protection after which content protected with the template expires.

Use this parameter only if the ContentExpirationOption parameter is set to AfterDays.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


Specifies a list of descriptions for the template.

Create names and descriptions for multiple locale IDs using the hash-table syntax in Windows PowerShell. There must be at least one name/description pair. The locale IDs for names and descriptions must match each other.

$descriptions = @{}

$descriptions[1033] = "This content is confidential and should not be shared externally"

$descriptions[1034] = "Este contenido es confidencial y no debe ser compartido fuera de la organizacion"

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


Determines the behavior of a departmental template in client applications that do not support departmental templates. For this scenario, decide whether all users can see departmental templates from the list of available templates, or no users can see departmental templates in the list.

Departmental templates can be created by using the ScopedIdentities parameter, or by creating protection settings in a scoped policy for Azure Information Protection. Department templates might also have been created by using the Azure classic portal (now retired).

  • If set to True and the template is a departmental template, all users will see the template and therefore be able to select it, regardless of whether the users are members of the template's scope or not.

  • If set to False, no users see and therefore cannot select the template, even if the users are members of the template's target scope.

This setting has no effect on templates that are not departmental templates and also has no effect on client applications that natively support departmental templates. This setting also has no effect for Outlook on the web that uses Exchange Online rather than Exchange on-premises and for this scenario, departmental templates are never displayed to users.

Note that this setting does not affect whether a user can access content that is protected by a departmental template; it only affects the ability for a user to see and therefore select the template itself.

If you have applications that do not support departmental templates by default, you can use a custom RMS template download script or other tools to deploy these templates to the local RMS client folder. Then, these applications will correctly display the departmental templates.

From a client computer that has downloaded all the templates, you can copy and then paste the template files to other computers.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


Specifies the validity period of use licenses for content that is protected with this template. The value is specified as the number of days that content is available offline after a use license is acquired (0-9999). During this period users can re-open content they previously accessed without requiring an Internet network connection.

Reducing this value gives more control to document owners by helping ensure that content that has been revoked or for which the policy has changed cannot be accessed for too long after these changes.

Increasing this value gives more freedom to users to access the content without requiring an Internet network connection.

To specify unlimited access, use -1.

To specify that a use license must be obtained each time the protected content is accessed and that content is available only with an Internet connection, specify 0.

Each organization has a maximum use license validity time, which is 30 days by default and can be configured by using the Set-AadrmMaxUseLicenseValidityTime. The value that you specify for the LicenseValidityDuration parameter must be lower than that value.

When there are different values for the use license validity time, for example, one value for the tenant and one for the template, Azure RMS uses the most restrictive value.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


Specifies a list of names for the template.

Do not include any of the following characters in the name because not all services and applications that use Azure Information Protection can support these characters: < > % & / ? ; + \ : #

Create names and descriptions for multiple locale IDs by using the hash-table syntax in Windows PowerShell. There must be at least one name/description pair. The locale IDs for names and descriptions must match each other.

$names = @{}

$names[1033] = "Confidential content"

$names[1034] = "Contenido confidencial"

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


Specifies a list of rights definition objects that are specified by using the New-AadrmRightsDefinition cmdlet.

These rights definition objects express the rights to grant individual users or groups to content that is protected by applying the template.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


Lists the users by email address (account or group) that can see and therefore select departmental templates from applications.

For the specified users to see the templates, the application must support departmental templates or the EnableInLegacyApps parameter must be set to True.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


Specifies the status of the template. Valid values are: Published or Archived.

  • Archived templates are available to consume content previously protected but are not visible to users.
  • Published templates are distributed to users and made available to protect content.
Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


Specifies the GUID of a Rights Management template.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False