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Downloads protection user logs from Azure Information Protection to local storage.


   -Path <String>
   [-FromDate <DateTime>]
   [-ToDate <DateTime>]
   [-ForDate <DateTime>]
   [-NumberOfThreads <Int32>]


The Get-AipServiceUserLog cmdlet downloads protection user logs to local storage. You must specify either a specific date or a date range to download the log entries.

You must use PowerShell to get these user logs; you cannot do this action by using a management portal.

When you run this command and specify a date only for the DateTime objects, the time is assumed to be 00:00:00 in your local time, and then converted to UTC.

When you specify a time with a date (for example, -ForDate '2/1/2016 15:00:00'), that date and time is converted to UTC. The Get-AipServiceUserLog command then gets the logs for that UTC time period. Usage logs are only available when the “date” field name contains a value of a previous date (in UTC time). Usage logs from the current date are not available.

See the examples for how you might need to change your DateTime values, to accommodate the conversion needed for your local time.

For more information about protection usage logging and a step-by-step example, see Logging and analyzing protection usage from Azure In formation Protection.


Example 1: Get user logs for a date range

PS C:\>Get-AipServiceUserLog -Path 'C:\Logs' -FromDate '12/12/2015' -ToDate '12/15/2015' -NumberOfThreads 10

This command downloads user logs created between 12/12/2015 and 12/15/2015 (in UTC time) to the folder C:\Logs.

The command uses 10 threads to download the logs.

Example 2: Get user logs for a date

PS C:\>Get-AipServiceUserLog -Path 'C:\Logs' -ForDate '12/5/2015'

This command downloads the user logs for 12/5/2015 (in UTC time) to the folder C:\Logs.

Example 3: Get user logs for a date, taking into account a UTC +offset time conversion

PS C:\>Get-AipServiceUserLog -Path 'C:\Logs' -ForDate '2/2/2016 12:00:00'

This command shows how you might need to take into account a UTC +offset time conversion from your local time, before downloading user logs to the folder C:\Logs.

You are in New Zealand, which means your computer's local time is UTC+12 and you want to download logs for 2/2/2016 for your local time rather than UTC. If you didn't specify the time of 12:00:00 with the date, your logs would contain data for only the first 12 hours of 2/2/2016 (and the last 12 hours of the previous day).

Example 4: Get user logs for a date range, taking into account a UTC -offset time conversion

PS C:\>Get-AipServiceUserLog -Path 'C:\Logs' -FromDate '2/1/2016 18:00:00' -ToDate '2/9/15/2016 18:00:00'

This command shows how you might need to take into account a UTC -offset time conversion from your local time before downloading user logs to the folder C:\Logs.

You are in Houston, USA, which means your computer's local time is UTC-6 and you want to download logs from 2/2/2016 through 2/9/2016 for your local time rather than UTC.

If you didn't specify the previous date and time of 18:00:00, your logs would be missing data for the first 6 hours of 2/2/2016 your local time (and an additional 6 hours for the ending date).



Indicates that this cmdlet overwrites, without prompting for confirmation, an existing log file for the same date or date range.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


Specifies a date (and optionally, a time) for the log file as a DateTime object.

Use this parameter when you do not use the FromDate parameter.

To obtain a DateTime object, use the Get-Date cmdlet.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


Specifies the start date (and optionally, a time) for the log file as a DateTime object.

Use this parameter when you do not use the ForDate parameter.

If you specify this parameter but not the ToDate, the end date is the day you run the command.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


Specifies the number of threads to use to download logs.

The acceptable values for this parameter are: 1-32.

The default value is 3.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


Specifies an existing path of the folder in which to save the logs.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:True
Accept wildcard characters:False


Specifies the stop date (and optionally, a time) for the log file as a DateTime object.

Optionally, specify this parameter when you use the FromDate parameter, to specify a specific date range. If you do not specify this parameter when you use the FromDate parameter, the end date is the day you run the command.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False