
Sets the credentials for running diagnostic tests.


   -Credential <PSCredential>
   [-ClusterConnectionString <String[]>]
   [-Scheduler <String[]>]
   [-Thumbprint <String>]
   [-ClusterConnectionString <String[]>]
   [-Scheduler <String[]>]


The Set-HpcTestCredential cmdlet sets the credentials for running diagnostic tests. The cmdlet stores these credentials in the credential cache of the user who ran the cmdlet. These credentials are used to run the clusrun commands that run each phase of the diagnostic test if the user does not specify credentials when running the test.


Example 1: Set test credentials for a cluster

PS C:\>Set-HpcTestCrendential

This command sets the credentials for running diagnostic tests on the cluster. When the Set-HpcTestCredential cmdlet runs, a dialog box appears that requests a user name and password. After you enter this information, the Set-HpcTestCredential cmdlet sets the credentials for running diagnostic tests on the cluster to the credentials that you supplied.

Example 2: Get a credential object to use for test credentials

PS C:\>$Credential = Get-Credential
PS C:\> Set-HpcTestCrendential -Credential $Credential

This command gets a PSCredential object, and then sets the credentials for running diagnostics tests on the cluster to the credentials that the PSCredential object represents. When the Get-Credential cmdlet runs, a dialog box appears that requests a user name and password. After you enter this information, the Get-Credential cmdlet creates the PSCredential object and passes it to the Set-HpcTestCredential cmdlet.



Specifies an array of cluster connection strings for the cluster to which you want to add the device drivers. The value format is host1,host2,host3. If you do not specify the ClusterConnectionString parameter, this cmdlet uses the connection string on the head node that the CCP_CONNECTIONSTRING environment variable specifies. To set this environment variable, run the following cmdlet: Set-Content Env: CCP_CONNECTIONSTRING \<head_node_name\>.

This parameter was introduced in HPC Pack 2016.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


Specifies a PSCredential object that represents the credentials that you want to set for running diagnostic tests on the cluster that the Scheduler parameter specifies. This cmdlet sets these credentials in the credential cache of the user who ran the cmdlet.

You can use the Get-Credential cmdlet to get a PsCredential object. Save that object in a variable, and then use that variable with this parameter.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


Specifies the host name or IP address of the head node for the cluster for which you want to set the credentials for running diagnostic tests. The value must be a valid computer name or IP address. If you do not specify the Scheduler parameter, this cmdlet uses the scheduler on the head node that the CCP_SCHEDULER environment variable specifies. To set this environment variable, run the following cmdlet:

Set-Content Env:CCP_SCHEDULER \<head_node_name\>

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


Uploads an HPC SoftCard to the HPC Scheduler service to be used for diagnostic tests. The certificate must be in the user's personal store on the local system and will be exported from it along with the corresponding key pair. It will be encrypted and transmitted to the scheduler. If an HPC SoftCard already exists on the Head Node, it is replaced with this SoftCard.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


Specifies a certificate thumbprint that can be used to identify the proper certificate if multiple HPC certificates are present. If multiple HPC certificates are present and the thumbprint is not present, or if the thumbprint does not match a certificate in the user's personal store, then an error is returned.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False






  • You must be a cluster administrator to run this cmdlet successfully.
  • This cmdlet was introduced in HPC Pack 2008 R2. It is not supported in previous versions.