
The shared schema feature is for use in conjunction only with Microsoft hosted offerings in Dynamics 365, is unsupported in Dynamics NAV, and may not be used outside Dynamics 365.


   [[-Id] <TenantDatabaseId>]
   [-ServerInstance] <String>


Use the Get-NAVTenantDatabase cmdlet to get information about one or more tenant databases that are mounted on a specific Dynamics NAV Server instance. The cmdlet returns values for these properties: ID, ApplicationVersion, ApplicationFamily, State, DatabaseName, DatabaseServer, and DatabaseUserName.


---------- EXAMPLE 1 ----------

Get-NAVTenantDatabase -ServerInstance 'DynamicsNAV' -Id 'MYTENANTDB1'

   Id                 : MYTENANTDB1
   ApplicationVersion : {10.0.16332.0}
   ApplicationFamily  : W1
   State              : Operational
   DatabaseName       : navtenantdb1
   DatabaseServer     : localhost\NAVDEMO
   DatabaseUserName   :

This example gets the information from the server instance 'DynamicsNAV' about the tenant database 'MYTENANTDB1'.

---------- EXAMPLE 2 ----------

Get-NAVTenantDatabase -ServerInstance 'DynamicsNAV'

   Id                 : MYTENANTDB1
   ApplicationVersion : {}
   ApplicationFamily  : 
   State              : Mounted
   DatabaseName       : navtenantdb1
   DatabaseServer     : localhost\NAVDEMO
   DatabaseUserName   :
   Id                 : MYTENANTDB2
   ApplicationVersion : {}
   ApplicationFamily  :
   State              : Mounted
   DatabaseName       : navtenantdb2
   DatabaseServer     : localhost\NAVDEMO
   DatabaseUserName   :

This example gets information about all the tenant databases that are mounted on the server instance 'DynamicsNAV'. Because the -ForceRefresh parameter is omitted, the ApplicationVersion, ApplicationFamily, and State values are not up-to-date.

---------- EXAMPLE 3 ----------

Get-NAVTenantDatabase -ServerInstance 'DynamicsNAV' -ForceRefresh

   Id                 : MYTENANTDB1
   ApplicationVersion : {10.0.16332.0}
   ApplicationFamily  : W1
   State              : Operational
   DatabaseName       : navtenantdb1
   DatabaseServer     : localhost\NAVDEMO
   DatabaseUserName   :
   Id                 : MYTENANTDB2
   ApplicationVersion : {10.0.16332.0}
   ApplicationFamily  : W1
   State              : OperationalWithSyncPending
   DatabaseName       : navtenantdb2
   DatabaseServer     : localhost\NAVDEMO
   DatabaseUserName   :

This example gets information about all the tenant databases that are mounted on the server instance 'DynamicsNAV'. Because of the -ForceRefresh parameter, the server instance gets information directly from the tenant database, so the ApplicationVersion, ApplicationFamily, and State values are up-to-date.



Forces the command to run without asking for user confirmation.

Default value:False
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


Specifies to read the properties directly from every mounted tenant database to ensure that the actual values for all properties are returned. For example, if you do not specify this parameter, the ApplicationVersion and ApplicationFamily values will be blank and the State value will be 'Mounted' for all tenants. When you specify this parameter, the server instance will establish a session with each tenant database. Therefore, be aware that it will take longer to complete the operation than if this parameter is omitted.

It is not necessary to set the -ForceRefresh parameter if you specify the -TenantDatabaseId. In this case, the actual values are returned for the tenant database by default.

Default value:False
Accept pipeline input:True
Accept wildcard characters:False


Specifies the ID of a specific tenant database that you want to get information about, such as TenantDatabase1. If you want to get information about all tenant databases that are mounted on the server instance, do not set this parameter.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:True
Accept wildcard characters:False


Specifies the name of a Dynamics NAV Server instance, for example, DynamicsNAV or myinstance. You can specify either the full name of an instance, such as MicrosoftDynamicsNavServer$myinstance or the short name such as myinstance.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:True
Accept wildcard characters:False



By property name: Id


By property name: ForceRefresh

