
Update the properties of a trustFrameworkKeyset. This operation will replace the content of an existing keyset. Specifying the ID in the request payload is optional.


      -TrustFrameworkKeySetId <String>
      [-ResponseHeadersVariable <String>]
      [-AdditionalProperties <Hashtable>]
      [-Id <String>]
      [-Keys <IMicrosoftGraphTrustFrameworkKey[]>]
      [-Headers <IDictionary>]
      [-ProgressAction <ActionPreference>]
      -TrustFrameworkKeySetId <String>
      -BodyParameter <IMicrosoftGraphTrustFrameworkKeySet>
      [-ResponseHeadersVariable <String>]
      [-Headers <IDictionary>]
      [-ProgressAction <ActionPreference>]
      -InputObject <IIdentitySignInsIdentity>
      [-ResponseHeadersVariable <String>]
      [-AdditionalProperties <Hashtable>]
      [-Id <String>]
      [-Keys <IMicrosoftGraphTrustFrameworkKey[]>]
      [-Headers <IDictionary>]
      [-ProgressAction <ActionPreference>]
      -InputObject <IIdentitySignInsIdentity>
      -BodyParameter <IMicrosoftGraphTrustFrameworkKeySet>
      [-ResponseHeadersVariable <String>]
      [-Headers <IDictionary>]
      [-ProgressAction <ActionPreference>]


Update the properties of a trustFrameworkKeyset. This operation will replace the content of an existing keyset. Specifying the ID in the request payload is optional.



Additional Parameters

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


trustFrameworkKeySet To construct, see NOTES section for BODYPARAMETER properties and create a hash table.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:True
Accept wildcard characters:False


Prompts you for confirmation before running the cmdlet.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


Optional headers that will be added to the request.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:True
Accept wildcard characters:False


The unique identifier for an entity. Read-only.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


Identity Parameter To construct, see NOTES section for INPUTOBJECT properties and create a hash table.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:True
Accept wildcard characters:False


A collection of the keys. To construct, see NOTES section for KEYS properties and create a hash table.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


{{ Fill ProgressAction Description }}

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


Optional Response Headers Variable.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


The unique identifier of trustFrameworkKeySet

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


Shows what would happen if the cmdlet runs. The cmdlet is not run.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False









To create the parameters described below, construct a hash table containing the appropriate properties. For information on hash tables, run Get-Help about_Hash_Tables.

BODYPARAMETER <IMicrosoftGraphTrustFrameworkKeySet>: trustFrameworkKeySet

  • [(Any) <Object>]: This indicates any property can be added to this object.
  • [Id <String>]: The unique identifier for an entity. Read-only.
  • [Keys <IMicrosoftGraphTrustFrameworkKey- []>]: A collection of the keys.
    • [D <String>]: RSA Key - private exponent. Field can't be read back.
    • [Dp <String>]: RSA Key - first exponent. Field can't be read back.
    • [Dq <String>]: RSA Key - second exponent. Field can't be read back.
    • [E <String>]: RSA Key - public exponent
    • [Exp <Int64?>]: This value is a NumericDate as defined in RFC 7519 (A JSON numeric value representing the number of seconds from 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z UTC until the specified UTC date/time, ignoring leap seconds.)
    • [K <String>]: Symmetric Key for oct key type. Field can't be read back.
    • [Kid <String>]: The unique identifier for the key.
    • [Kty <String>]: The kty (key type) parameter identifies the cryptographic algorithm family used with the key, The valid values are rsa, oct.
    • [N <String>]: RSA Key - modulus
    • [Nbf <Int64?>]: This value is a NumericDate as defined in RFC 7519 (A JSON numeric value representing the number of seconds from 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z UTC until the specified UTC date/time, ignoring leap seconds.)
    • [P <String>]: RSA Key - first prime. Field can't be read back.
    • [Q <String>]: RSA Key - second prime. Field can't be read back.
    • [Qi <String>]: RSA Key - Coefficient. Field can't be read back.
    • [Use <String>]: The use (public key use) parameter identifies the intended use of the public key. The use parameter is employed to indicate whether a public key is used for encrypting data or verifying the signature on data. Possible values are: sig (signature), enc (encryption)
    • [X5C <String- []>]: The x5c (X.509 certificate chain) parameter contains a chain of one or more PKIX certificates RFC 5280.
    • [X5T <String>]: The x5t (X.509 certificate SHA-1 thumbprint) parameter is a base64url-encoded SHA-1 thumbprint (also known as digest) of the DER encoding of an X.509 certificate RFC 5280.

INPUTOBJECT <IIdentitySignInsIdentity>: Identity Parameter

  • [ActivityBasedTimeoutPolicyId <String>]: The unique identifier of activityBasedTimeoutPolicy
  • [AppManagementPolicyId <String>]: The unique identifier of appManagementPolicy
  • [AuthenticationCombinationConfigurationId <String>]: The unique identifier of authenticationCombinationConfiguration
  • [AuthenticationConditionApplicationAppId <String>]: The unique identifier of authenticationConditionApplication
  • [AuthenticationContextClassReferenceId <String>]: The unique identifier of authenticationContextClassReference
  • [AuthenticationEventListenerId <String>]: The unique identifier of authenticationEventListener
  • [AuthenticationEventsFlowId <String>]: The unique identifier of authenticationEventsFlow
  • [AuthenticationMethodConfigurationId <String>]: The unique identifier of authenticationMethodConfiguration
  • [AuthenticationMethodId <String>]: The unique identifier of authenticationMethod
  • [AuthenticationMethodModeDetailId <String>]: The unique identifier of authenticationMethodModeDetail
  • [AuthenticationMethodModes <String- []>]: Usage: authenticationMethodModes={authenticationMethodModes}
  • [AuthenticationStrengthPolicyId <String>]: The unique identifier of authenticationStrengthPolicy
  • [AuthorizationPolicyId <String>]: The unique identifier of authorizationPolicy
  • [B2CIdentityUserFlowId <String>]: The unique identifier of b2cIdentityUserFlow
  • [B2XIdentityUserFlowId <String>]: The unique identifier of b2xIdentityUserFlow
  • [BitlockerRecoveryKeyId <String>]: The unique identifier of bitlockerRecoveryKey
  • [CertificateBasedAuthConfigurationId <String>]: The unique identifier of certificateBasedAuthConfiguration
  • [ClaimsMappingPolicyId <String>]: The unique identifier of claimsMappingPolicy
  • [ConditionalAccessPolicyId <String>]: The unique identifier of conditionalAccessPolicy
  • [ConditionalAccessTemplateId <String>]: The unique identifier of conditionalAccessTemplate
  • [CrossTenantAccessPolicyConfigurationPartnerTenantId <String>]: The unique identifier of crossTenantAccessPolicyConfigurationPartner
  • [CustomAuthenticationExtensionId <String>]: The unique identifier of customAuthenticationExtension
  • [DataLossPreventionPolicyId <String>]: The unique identifier of dataLossPreventionPolicy
  • [DataPolicyOperationId <String>]: The unique identifier of dataPolicyOperation
  • [DefaultUserRoleOverrideId <String>]: The unique identifier of defaultUserRoleOverride
  • [DirectoryObjectId <String>]: The unique identifier of directoryObject
  • [EmailAuthenticationMethodId <String>]: The unique identifier of emailAuthenticationMethod
  • [FeatureRolloutPolicyId <String>]: The unique identifier of featureRolloutPolicy
  • [Fido2AuthenticationMethodId <String>]: The unique identifier of fido2AuthenticationMethod
  • [GroupId <String>]: The unique identifier of group
  • [HomeRealmDiscoveryPolicyId <String>]: The unique identifier of homeRealmDiscoveryPolicy
  • [IdentityApiConnectorId <String>]: The unique identifier of identityApiConnector
  • [IdentityProviderBaseId <String>]: The unique identifier of identityProviderBase
  • [IdentityProviderId <String>]: The unique identifier of identityProvider
  • [IdentityUserFlowAttributeAssignmentId <String>]: The unique identifier of identityUserFlowAttributeAssignment
  • [IdentityUserFlowAttributeId <String>]: The unique identifier of identityUserFlowAttribute
  • [IdentityUserFlowId <String>]: The unique identifier of identityUserFlow
  • [InformationProtectionLabelId <String>]: The unique identifier of informationProtectionLabel
  • [InvitationId <String>]: The unique identifier of invitation
  • [LongRunningOperationId <String>]: The unique identifier of longRunningOperation
  • [MicrosoftAuthenticatorAuthenticationMethodId <String>]: The unique identifier of microsoftAuthenticatorAuthenticationMethod
  • [MobilityManagementPolicyId <String>]: The unique identifier of mobilityManagementPolicy
  • [MultiTenantOrganizationMemberId <String>]: The unique identifier of multiTenantOrganizationMember
  • [NamedLocationId <String>]: The unique identifier of namedLocation
  • [OAuth2PermissionGrantId <String>]: The unique identifier of oAuth2PermissionGrant
  • [OrganizationId <String>]: The unique identifier of organization
  • [PasswordAuthenticationMethodId <String>]: The unique identifier of passwordAuthenticationMethod
  • [PasswordlessMicrosoftAuthenticatorAuthenticationMethodId <String>]: The unique identifier of passwordlessMicrosoftAuthenticatorAuthenticationMethod
  • [PermissionGrantConditionSetId <String>]: The unique identifier of permissionGrantConditionSet
  • [PermissionGrantPolicyId <String>]: The unique identifier of permissionGrantPolicy
  • [PhoneAuthenticationMethodId <String>]: The unique identifier of phoneAuthenticationMethod
  • [PlatformCredentialAuthenticationMethodId <String>]: The unique identifier of platformCredentialAuthenticationMethod
  • [RiskDetectionId <String>]: The unique identifier of riskDetection
  • [RiskyServicePrincipalHistoryItemId <String>]: The unique identifier of riskyServicePrincipalHistoryItem
  • [RiskyServicePrincipalId <String>]: The unique identifier of riskyServicePrincipal
  • [RiskyUserHistoryItemId <String>]: The unique identifier of riskyUserHistoryItem
  • [RiskyUserId <String>]: The unique identifier of riskyUser
  • [SensitivityLabelId <String>]: The unique identifier of sensitivityLabel
  • [SensitivityLabelId1 <String>]: The unique identifier of sensitivityLabel
  • [ServicePrincipalCreationConditionSetId <String>]: The unique identifier of servicePrincipalCreationConditionSet
  • [ServicePrincipalCreationPolicyId <String>]: The unique identifier of servicePrincipalCreationPolicy
  • [ServicePrincipalRiskDetectionId <String>]: The unique identifier of servicePrincipalRiskDetection
  • [SoftwareOathAuthenticationMethodId <String>]: The unique identifier of softwareOathAuthenticationMethod
  • [TemporaryAccessPassAuthenticationMethodId <String>]: The unique identifier of temporaryAccessPassAuthenticationMethod
  • [ThreatAssessmentRequestId <String>]: The unique identifier of threatAssessmentRequest
  • [ThreatAssessmentResultId <String>]: The unique identifier of threatAssessmentResult
  • [TokenIssuancePolicyId <String>]: The unique identifier of tokenIssuancePolicy
  • [TokenLifetimePolicyId <String>]: The unique identifier of tokenLifetimePolicy
  • [TrustFrameworkKeySetId <String>]: The unique identifier of trustFrameworkKeySet
  • [TrustFrameworkPolicyId <String>]: The unique identifier of trustFrameworkPolicy
  • [UnifiedRoleManagementPolicyAssignmentId <String>]: The unique identifier of unifiedRoleManagementPolicyAssignment
  • [UnifiedRoleManagementPolicyId <String>]: The unique identifier of unifiedRoleManagementPolicy
  • [UnifiedRoleManagementPolicyRuleId <String>]: The unique identifier of unifiedRoleManagementPolicyRule
  • [UserFlowLanguageConfigurationId <String>]: The unique identifier of userFlowLanguageConfiguration
  • [UserFlowLanguagePageId <String>]: The unique identifier of userFlowLanguagePage
  • [UserId <String>]: The unique identifier of user
  • [WindowsHelloForBusinessAuthenticationMethodId <String>]: The unique identifier of windowsHelloForBusinessAuthenticationMethod

KEYS <IMicrosoftGraphTrustFrameworkKey- []>: A collection of the keys.

  • [D <String>]: RSA Key - private exponent. Field can't be read back.
  • [Dp <String>]: RSA Key - first exponent. Field can't be read back.
  • [Dq <String>]: RSA Key - second exponent. Field can't be read back.
  • [E <String>]: RSA Key - public exponent
  • [Exp <Int64?>]: This value is a NumericDate as defined in RFC 7519 (A JSON numeric value representing the number of seconds from 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z UTC until the specified UTC date/time, ignoring leap seconds.)
  • [K <String>]: Symmetric Key for oct key type. Field can't be read back.
  • [Kid <String>]: The unique identifier for the key.
  • [Kty <String>]: The kty (key type) parameter identifies the cryptographic algorithm family used with the key, The valid values are rsa, oct.
  • [N <String>]: RSA Key - modulus
  • [Nbf <Int64?>]: This value is a NumericDate as defined in RFC 7519 (A JSON numeric value representing the number of seconds from 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z UTC until the specified UTC date/time, ignoring leap seconds.)
  • [P <String>]: RSA Key - first prime. Field can't be read back.
  • [Q <String>]: RSA Key - second prime. Field can't be read back.
  • [Qi <String>]: RSA Key - Coefficient. Field can't be read back.
  • [Use <String>]: The use (public key use) parameter identifies the intended use of the public key. The use parameter is employed to indicate whether a public key is used for encrypting data or verifying the signature on data. Possible values are: sig (signature), enc (encryption)
  • [X5C <String- []>]: The x5c (X.509 certificate chain) parameter contains a chain of one or more PKIX certificates RFC 5280.
  • [X5T <String>]: The x5t (X.509 certificate SHA-1 thumbprint) parameter is a base64url-encoded SHA-1 thumbprint (also known as digest) of the DER encoding of an X.509 certificate RFC 5280.

