
Update multiple alerts in one request instead of multiple requests.


      [-ResponseHeadersVariable <String>]
      [-AdditionalProperties <Hashtable>]
      [-Value <IMicrosoftGraphAlert[]>]
      [-Headers <IDictionary>]
      [-ProgressAction <ActionPreference>]
      -BodyParameter <IPaths1Ehzqn7SecurityAlertsMicrosoftGraphUpdatealertsPostRequestbodyContentApplicationJsonSchema>
      [-ResponseHeadersVariable <String>]
      [-Headers <IDictionary>]
      [-ProgressAction <ActionPreference>]


Update multiple alerts in one request instead of multiple requests.


Example 1: Code snippet

Import-Module Microsoft.Graph.Beta.Security

$params = @{
	value = @(
			assignedTo = "String"
			closedDateTime = [System.DateTime]::Parse("String (timestamp)")
			comments = @(
		feedback = @{
			"@odata.type" = "microsoft.graph.alertFeedback"
		id = "String (identifier)"
		status = @{
			"@odata.type" = "microsoft.graph.alertStatus"
		tags = @(
	vendorInformation = @{
		provider = "String"
		vendor = "String"

Update-MgBetaSecurityAlertMultiple -BodyParameter $params

This example shows how to use the Update-MgBetaSecurityAlertMultiple Cmdlet.



Additional Parameters

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


To construct, see NOTES section for BODYPARAMETER properties and create a hash table.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:True
Accept wildcard characters:False


Prompts you for confirmation before running the cmdlet.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


Optional headers that will be added to the request.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:True
Accept wildcard characters:False


{{ Fill ProgressAction Description }}

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


Optional Response Headers Variable.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


To construct, see NOTES section for VALUE properties and create a hash table.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


Shows what would happen if the cmdlet runs. The cmdlet is not run.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False








To create the parameters described below, construct a hash table containing the appropriate properties. For information on hash tables, run Get-Help about_Hash_Tables.

BODYPARAMETER <IPaths1Ehzqn7SecurityAlertsMicrosoftGraphUpdatealertsPostRequestbodyContentApplicationJsonSchema>: .

  • [(Any) <Object>]: This indicates any property can be added to this object.
  • [Value <IMicrosoftGraphAlert- []>]:
    • [Id <String>]: The unique identifier for an entity. Read-only.
    • [ActivityGroupName <String>]: Name or alias of the activity group (attacker) this alert is attributed to.
    • [AlertDetections <IMicrosoftGraphAlertDetection- []>]:
      • [DetectionType <String>]:
      • [Method <String>]:
      • [Name <String>]:
    • [AssignedTo <String>]: Name of the analyst the alert is assigned to for triage, investigation, or remediation (supports update).
    • [AzureSubscriptionId <String>]: Azure subscription ID, present if this alert is related to an Azure resource.
    • [AzureTenantId <String>]: Microsoft Entra tenant ID. Required.
    • [Category <String>]: Category of the alert (for example, credentialTheft, ransomware).
    • [ClosedDateTime <DateTime?>]: Time at which the alert was closed. The Timestamp type represents date and time information using ISO 8601 format and is always in UTC time. For example, midnight UTC on Jan 1, 2014 is 2014-01-01T00:00:00Z (supports update).
    • [CloudAppStates <IMicrosoftGraphCloudAppSecurityState- []>]: Security-related stateful information generated by the provider about the cloud application/s related to this alert.
      • [DestinationServiceIP <String>]: Destination IP Address of the connection to the cloud application/service.
      • [DestinationServiceName <String>]: Cloud application/service name (for example 'Salesforce', 'DropBox', etc.).
      • [RiskScore <String>]: Provider-generated/calculated risk score of the Cloud Application/Service. Recommended value range of 0-1, which equates to a percentage.
    • [Comments <String- []>]: Customer-provided comments on alert (for customer alert management) (supports update).
    • [Confidence <Int32?>]: Confidence of the detection logic (percentage between 1-100).
    • [CreatedDateTime <DateTime?>]: Time at which the alert was created by the alert provider. The Timestamp type represents date and time information using ISO 8601 format and is always in UTC time. For example, midnight UTC on Jan 1, 2014 is 2014-01-01T00:00:00Z. Required.
    • [Description <String>]: Alert description.
    • [DetectionIds <String- []>]: Set of alerts related to this alert entity (each alert is pushed to the SIEM as a separate record).
    • [EventDateTime <DateTime?>]: Time at which the event or events that served as the trigger to generate the alert occurred. The Timestamp type represents date and time information using ISO 8601 format and is always in UTC time. For example, midnight UTC on Jan 1, 2014 is 2014-01-01T00:00:00Z. Required.
    • [Feedback <String>]: alertFeedback
    • [FileStates <IMicrosoftGraphFileSecurityState- []>]: Security-related stateful information generated by the provider about the file(s) related to this alert.
      • [FileHash <IMicrosoftGraphFileHash>]: fileHash
        • [(Any) <Object>]: This indicates any property can be added to this object.
        • [HashType <String>]: fileHashType
        • [HashValue <String>]: Value of the file hash.
      • [Name <String>]: File name (without path).
      • [Path <String>]: Full file path of the file/imageFile.
      • [RiskScore <String>]: Provider generated/calculated risk score of the alert file. Recommended value range of 0-1, which equates to a percentage.
    • [HistoryStates <IMicrosoftGraphAlertHistoryState- []>]: A collection of alertHistoryStates comprising an audit log of all updates made to an alert.
      • [AppId <String>]: The Application ID of the calling application that submitted an update (PATCH) to the alert. The appId should be extracted from the auth token and not entered manually by the calling application.
      • [AssignedTo <String>]: UPN of user the alert was assigned to (note: alert.assignedTo only stores the last value/UPN).
      • [Comments <String- []>]: Comment entered by signed-in user.
      • [Feedback <String>]: alertFeedback
      • [Status <String>]: alertStatus
      • [UpdatedDateTime <DateTime?>]: Date and time of the alert update. The Timestamp type represents date and time information using ISO 8601 format and is always in UTC time. For example, midnight UTC on Jan 1, 2014 is 2014-01-01T00:00:00Z
      • [User <String>]: UPN of the signed-in user that updated the alert (taken from the bearer token - if in user/delegated auth mode).
    • [HostStates <IMicrosoftGraphHostSecurityState- []>]: Security-related stateful information generated by the provider about the host(s) related to this alert.
      • [Fqdn <String>]: Host FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name) (for example, machine.company.com).
      • [IsAzureAdJoined <Boolean?>]:
      • [IsAzureAdRegistered <Boolean?>]:
      • [IsHybridAzureDomainJoined <Boolean?>]: True if the host is domain joined to an on-premises Active Directory domain.
      • [NetBiosName <String>]: The local host name, without the DNS domain name.
      • [OS <String>]: Host Operating System. (For example, Windows 10, macOS, RHEL, etc.).
      • [PrivateIPAddress <String>]: Private (not routable) IPv4 or IPv6 address (see RFC 1918) at the time of the alert.
      • [PublicIPAddress <String>]: Publicly routable IPv4 or IPv6 address (see RFC 1918) at time of the alert.
      • [RiskScore <String>]: Provider-generated/calculated risk score of the host. Recommended value range of 0-1, which equates to a percentage.
    • [IncidentIds <String- []>]: IDs of incidents related to current alert.
    • [InvestigationSecurityStates <IMicrosoftGraphInvestigationSecurityState- []>]:
      • [Name <String>]:
      • [Status <String>]:
    • [LastEventDateTime <DateTime?>]:
    • [LastModifiedDateTime <DateTime?>]: Time at which the alert entity was last modified. The Timestamp type represents date and time information using ISO 8601 format and is always in UTC time. For example, midnight UTC on Jan 1, 2014 is 2014-01-01T00:00:00Z.
    • [MalwareStates <IMicrosoftGraphMalwareState- []>]: Threat Intelligence pertaining to malware related to this alert.
      • [Category <String>]: Provider-generated malware category (for example, trojan, ransomware, etc.).
      • [Family <String>]: Provider-generated malware family (for example, 'wannacry,' 'notpetya,' etc.).
      • [Name <String>]: Provider-generated malware variant name (for example, Trojan:Win32/Powessere.H).
      • [Severity <String>]: Provider-determined severity of this malware.
      • [WasRunning <Boolean?>]: Indicates whether the detected file (malware/vulnerability) was running at the time of detection or was detected at rest on the disk.
    • [MessageSecurityStates <IMicrosoftGraphMessageSecurityState- []>]:
      • [ConnectingIP <String>]:
      • [DeliveryAction <String>]:
      • [DeliveryLocation <String>]:
      • [Directionality <String>]:
      • [InternetMessageId <String>]:
      • [MessageFingerprint <String>]:
      • [MessageReceivedDateTime <DateTime?>]:
      • [MessageSubject <String>]:
      • [NetworkMessageId <String>]:
    • [NetworkConnections <IMicrosoftGraphNetworkConnection- []>]: Security-related stateful information generated by the provider about the network connection(s) related to this alert.
      • [ApplicationName <String>]: Name of the application managing the network connection (for example, Facebook, SMTP, etc.).
      • [DestinationAddress <String>]: Destination IP address (of the network connection).
      • [DestinationDomain <String>]: Destination domain portion of the destination URL. (for example 'www.contoso.com').
      • [DestinationLocation <String>]: Location (by IP address mapping) associated with the destination of a network connection.
      • [DestinationPort <String>]: Destination port (of the network connection).
      • [DestinationUrl <String>]: Network connection URL/URI string - excluding parameters. (for example 'www.contoso.com/products/default.html')
      • [Direction <String>]: connectionDirection
      • [DomainRegisteredDateTime <DateTime?>]: Date when the destination domain was registered. The Timestamp type represents date and time information using ISO 8601 format and is always in UTC time. For example, midnight UTC on Jan 1, 2014 is 2014-01-01T00:00:00Z
      • [LocalDnsName <String>]: The local DNS name resolution as it appears in the host's local DNS cache (for example, in case the 'hosts' file was tampered with).
      • [NatDestinationAddress <String>]: Network Address Translation destination IP address.
      • [NatDestinationPort <String>]: Network Address Translation destination port.
      • [NatSourceAddress <String>]: Network Address Translation source IP address.
      • [NatSourcePort <String>]: Network Address Translation source port.
      • [Protocol <String>]: securityNetworkProtocol
      • [RiskScore <String>]: Provider generated/calculated risk score of the network connection. Recommended value range of 0-1, which equates to a percentage.
      • [SourceAddress <String>]: Source (i.e. origin) IP address (of the network connection).
      • [SourceLocation <String>]: Location (by IP address mapping) associated with the source of a network connection.
      • [SourcePort <String>]: Source (i.e. origin) IP port (of the network connection).
      • [Status <String>]: connectionStatus
      • [UrlParameters <String>]: Parameters (suffix) of the destination URL.
    • [Processes <IMicrosoftGraphProcess- []>]: Security-related stateful information generated by the provider about the process or processes related to this alert.
      • [AccountName <String>]: User account identifier (user account context the process ran under) for example, AccountName, SID, and so on.
      • [CommandLine <String>]: The full process invocation commandline including all parameters.
      • [CreatedDateTime <DateTime?>]: Time at which the process was started. The Timestamp type represents date and time information using ISO 8601 format and is always in UTC time. For example, midnight UTC on Jan 1, 2014 is 2014-01-01T00:00:00Z.
      • [FileHash <IMicrosoftGraphFileHash>]: fileHash
      • [IntegrityLevel <String>]: processIntegrityLevel
      • [IsElevated <Boolean?>]: True if the process is elevated.
      • [Name <String>]: The name of the process' Image file.
      • [ParentProcessCreatedDateTime <DateTime?>]: DateTime at which the parent process was started. The Timestamp type represents date and time information using ISO 8601 format and is always in UTC time. For example, midnight UTC on Jan 1, 2014 is 2014-01-01T00:00:00Z.
      • [ParentProcessId <Int32?>]: The Process ID (PID) of the parent process.
      • [ParentProcessName <String>]: The name of the image file of the parent process.
      • [Path <String>]: Full path, including filename.
      • [ProcessId <Int32?>]: The Process ID (PID) of the process.
    • [RecommendedActions <String- []>]: Vendor/provider recommended action(s) to take as a result of the alert (for example, isolate machine, enforce2FA, reimage host).
    • [RegistryKeyStates <IMicrosoftGraphRegistryKeyState- []>]: Security-related stateful information generated by the provider about the registry keys related to this alert.
      • [Hive <String>]: registryHive
      • [Key <String>]: Current (i.e. changed) registry key (excludes HIVE).
      • [OldKey <String>]: Previous (i.e. before changed) registry key (excludes HIVE).
      • [OldValueData <String>]: Previous (i.e. before changed) registry key value data (contents).
      • [OldValueName <String>]: Previous (i.e. before changed) registry key value name.
      • [Operation <String>]: registryOperation
      • [ProcessId <Int32?>]: Process ID (PID) of the process that modified the registry key (process details will appear in the alert 'processes' collection).
      • [ValueData <String>]: Current (i.e. changed) registry key value data (contents).
      • [ValueName <String>]: Current (i.e. changed) registry key value name
      • [ValueType <String>]: registryValueType
    • [SecurityResources <IMicrosoftGraphSecurityResource- []>]: Resources related to current alert. For example, for some alerts this can have the Azure Resource value.
      • [Resource <String>]: Name of the resource that is related to current alert. Required.
      • [ResourceType <String>]: securityResourceType
    • [Severity <String>]: alertSeverity
    • [SourceMaterials <String- []>]: Hyperlinks (URIs) to the source material related to the alert, for example, provider's user interface for alerts or log search.
    • [Status <String>]: alertStatus
    • [Tags <String- []>]: User-definable labels that can be applied to an alert and can serve as filter conditions (for example 'HVA', 'SAW') (supports update).
    • [Title <String>]: Alert title. Required.
    • [Triggers <IMicrosoftGraphAlertTrigger- []>]: Security-related information about the specific properties that triggered the alert (properties appearing in the alert). Alerts might contain information about multiple users, hosts, files, ip addresses. This field indicates which properties triggered the alert generation.
      • [Name <String>]: Name of the property serving as a detection trigger.
      • [Type <String>]: Type of the property in the key:value pair for interpretation. For example, String, Boolean etc.
      • [Value <String>]: Value of the property serving as a detection trigger.
    • [UriClickSecurityStates <IMicrosoftGraphUriClickSecurityState- []>]:
      • [ClickAction <String>]:
      • [ClickDateTime <DateTime?>]:
      • [Id <String>]:
      • [SourceId <String>]:
      • [UriDomain <String>]:
      • [Verdict <String>]:
    • [UserStates <IMicrosoftGraphUserSecurityState- []>]: Security-related stateful information generated by the provider about the user accounts related to this alert.
      • [AadUserId <String>]: AAD User object identifier (GUID) - represents the physical/multi-account user entity.
      • [AccountName <String>]: Account name of user account (without Active Directory domain or DNS domain) - (also called mailNickName).
      • [DomainName <String>]: NetBIOS/Active Directory domain of user account (that is, domain/account format).
      • [EmailRole <String>]: emailRole
      • [IsVpn <Boolean?>]: Indicates whether the user logged on through a VPN.
      • [LogonDateTime <DateTime?>]: Time at which the sign-in occurred. The Timestamp type represents date and time information using ISO 8601 format and is always in UTC time. For example, midnight UTC on Jan 1, 2014 is 2014-01-01T00:00:00Z.
      • [LogonIP <String>]: IP Address the sign-in request originated from.
      • [LogonId <String>]: User sign-in ID.
      • [LogonLocation <String>]: Location (by IP address mapping) associated with a user sign-in event by this user.
      • [LogonType <String>]: logonType
      • [OnPremisesSecurityIdentifier <String>]: Active Directory (on-premises) Security Identifier (SID) of the user.
      • [RiskScore <String>]: Provider-generated/calculated risk score of the user account. Recommended value range of 0-1, which equates to a percentage.
      • [UserAccountType <String>]: userAccountSecurityType
      • [UserPrincipalName <String>]: User sign-in name - internet format: (user account name)@(user account DNS domain name).
    • [VendorInformation <IMicrosoftGraphSecurityVendorInformation>]: securityVendorInformation
      • [(Any) <Object>]: This indicates any property can be added to this object.
      • [Provider <String>]: Specific provider (product/service - not vendor company); for example, WindowsDefenderATP.
      • [ProviderVersion <String>]: Version of the provider or subprovider, if it exists, that generated the alert. Required
      • [SubProvider <String>]: Specific subprovider (under aggregating provider); for example, WindowsDefenderATP.SmartScreen.
      • [Vendor <String>]: Name of the alert vendor (for example, Microsoft, Dell, FireEye). Required
    • [VulnerabilityStates <IMicrosoftGraphVulnerabilityState- []>]: Threat intelligence pertaining to one or more vulnerabilities related to this alert.
      • [Cve <String>]: Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) for the vulnerability.
      • [Severity <String>]: Base Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) severity score for this vulnerability.
      • [WasRunning <Boolean?>]: Indicates whether the detected vulnerability (file) was running at the time of detection or was the file detected at rest on the disk.

VALUE <IMicrosoftGraphAlert- []>: .

  • [Id <String>]: The unique identifier for an entity. Read-only.
  • [ActivityGroupName <String>]: Name or alias of the activity group (attacker) this alert is attributed to.
  • [AlertDetections <IMicrosoftGraphAlertDetection- []>]:
    • [DetectionType <String>]:
    • [Method <String>]:
    • [Name <String>]:
  • [AssignedTo <String>]: Name of the analyst the alert is assigned to for triage, investigation, or remediation (supports update).
  • [AzureSubscriptionId <String>]: Azure subscription ID, present if this alert is related to an Azure resource.
  • [AzureTenantId <String>]: Microsoft Entra tenant ID. Required.
  • [Category <String>]: Category of the alert (for example, credentialTheft, ransomware).
  • [ClosedDateTime <DateTime?>]: Time at which the alert was closed. The Timestamp type represents date and time information using ISO 8601 format and is always in UTC time. For example, midnight UTC on Jan 1, 2014 is 2014-01-01T00:00:00Z (supports update).
  • [CloudAppStates <IMicrosoftGraphCloudAppSecurityState- []>]: Security-related stateful information generated by the provider about the cloud application/s related to this alert.
    • [DestinationServiceIP <String>]: Destination IP Address of the connection to the cloud application/service.
    • [DestinationServiceName <String>]: Cloud application/service name (for example 'Salesforce', 'DropBox', etc.).
    • [RiskScore <String>]: Provider-generated/calculated risk score of the Cloud Application/Service. Recommended value range of 0-1, which equates to a percentage.
  • [Comments <String- []>]: Customer-provided comments on alert (for customer alert management) (supports update).
  • [Confidence <Int32?>]: Confidence of the detection logic (percentage between 1-100).
  • [CreatedDateTime <DateTime?>]: Time at which the alert was created by the alert provider. The Timestamp type represents date and time information using ISO 8601 format and is always in UTC time. For example, midnight UTC on Jan 1, 2014 is 2014-01-01T00:00:00Z. Required.
  • [Description <String>]: Alert description.
  • [DetectionIds <String- []>]: Set of alerts related to this alert entity (each alert is pushed to the SIEM as a separate record).
  • [EventDateTime <DateTime?>]: Time at which the event or events that served as the trigger to generate the alert occurred. The Timestamp type represents date and time information using ISO 8601 format and is always in UTC time. For example, midnight UTC on Jan 1, 2014 is 2014-01-01T00:00:00Z. Required.
  • [Feedback <String>]: alertFeedback
  • [FileStates <IMicrosoftGraphFileSecurityState- []>]: Security-related stateful information generated by the provider about the file(s) related to this alert.
    • [FileHash <IMicrosoftGraphFileHash>]: fileHash
      • [(Any) <Object>]: This indicates any property can be added to this object.
      • [HashType <String>]: fileHashType
      • [HashValue <String>]: Value of the file hash.
    • [Name <String>]: File name (without path).
    • [Path <String>]: Full file path of the file/imageFile.
    • [RiskScore <String>]: Provider generated/calculated risk score of the alert file. Recommended value range of 0-1, which equates to a percentage.
  • [HistoryStates <IMicrosoftGraphAlertHistoryState- []>]: A collection of alertHistoryStates comprising an audit log of all updates made to an alert.
    • [AppId <String>]: The Application ID of the calling application that submitted an update (PATCH) to the alert. The appId should be extracted from the auth token and not entered manually by the calling application.
    • [AssignedTo <String>]: UPN of user the alert was assigned to (note: alert.assignedTo only stores the last value/UPN).
    • [Comments <String- []>]: Comment entered by signed-in user.
    • [Feedback <String>]: alertFeedback
    • [Status <String>]: alertStatus
    • [UpdatedDateTime <DateTime?>]: Date and time of the alert update. The Timestamp type represents date and time information using ISO 8601 format and is always in UTC time. For example, midnight UTC on Jan 1, 2014 is 2014-01-01T00:00:00Z
    • [User <String>]: UPN of the signed-in user that updated the alert (taken from the bearer token - if in user/delegated auth mode).
  • [HostStates <IMicrosoftGraphHostSecurityState- []>]: Security-related stateful information generated by the provider about the host(s) related to this alert.
    • [Fqdn <String>]: Host FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name) (for example, machine.company.com).
    • [IsAzureAdJoined <Boolean?>]:
    • [IsAzureAdRegistered <Boolean?>]:
    • [IsHybridAzureDomainJoined <Boolean?>]: True if the host is domain joined to an on-premises Active Directory domain.
    • [NetBiosName <String>]: The local host name, without the DNS domain name.
    • [OS <String>]: Host Operating System. (For example, Windows 10, macOS, RHEL, etc.).
    • [PrivateIPAddress <String>]: Private (not routable) IPv4 or IPv6 address (see RFC 1918) at the time of the alert.
    • [PublicIPAddress <String>]: Publicly routable IPv4 or IPv6 address (see RFC 1918) at time of the alert.
    • [RiskScore <String>]: Provider-generated/calculated risk score of the host. Recommended value range of 0-1, which equates to a percentage.
  • [IncidentIds <String- []>]: IDs of incidents related to current alert.
  • [InvestigationSecurityStates <IMicrosoftGraphInvestigationSecurityState- []>]:
    • [Name <String>]:
    • [Status <String>]:
  • [LastEventDateTime <DateTime?>]:
  • [LastModifiedDateTime <DateTime?>]: Time at which the alert entity was last modified. The Timestamp type represents date and time information using ISO 8601 format and is always in UTC time. For example, midnight UTC on Jan 1, 2014 is 2014-01-01T00:00:00Z.
  • [MalwareStates <IMicrosoftGraphMalwareState- []>]: Threat Intelligence pertaining to malware related to this alert.
    • [Category <String>]: Provider-generated malware category (for example, trojan, ransomware, etc.).
    • [Family <String>]: Provider-generated malware family (for example, 'wannacry,' 'notpetya,' etc.).
    • [Name <String>]: Provider-generated malware variant name (for example, Trojan:Win32/Powessere.H).
    • [Severity <String>]: Provider-determined severity of this malware.
    • [WasRunning <Boolean?>]: Indicates whether the detected file (malware/vulnerability) was running at the time of detection or was detected at rest on the disk.
  • [MessageSecurityStates <IMicrosoftGraphMessageSecurityState- []>]:
    • [ConnectingIP <String>]:
    • [DeliveryAction <String>]:
    • [DeliveryLocation <String>]:
    • [Directionality <String>]:
    • [InternetMessageId <String>]:
    • [MessageFingerprint <String>]:
    • [MessageReceivedDateTime <DateTime?>]:
    • [MessageSubject <String>]:
    • [NetworkMessageId <String>]:
  • [NetworkConnections <IMicrosoftGraphNetworkConnection- []>]: Security-related stateful information generated by the provider about the network connection(s) related to this alert.
    • [ApplicationName <String>]: Name of the application managing the network connection (for example, Facebook, SMTP, etc.).
    • [DestinationAddress <String>]: Destination IP address (of the network connection).
    • [DestinationDomain <String>]: Destination domain portion of the destination URL. (for example 'www.contoso.com').
    • [DestinationLocation <String>]: Location (by IP address mapping) associated with the destination of a network connection.
    • [DestinationPort <String>]: Destination port (of the network connection).
    • [DestinationUrl <String>]: Network connection URL/URI string - excluding parameters. (for example 'www.contoso.com/products/default.html')
    • [Direction <String>]: connectionDirection
    • [DomainRegisteredDateTime <DateTime?>]: Date when the destination domain was registered. The Timestamp type represents date and time information using ISO 8601 format and is always in UTC time. For example, midnight UTC on Jan 1, 2014 is 2014-01-01T00:00:00Z
    • [LocalDnsName <String>]: The local DNS name resolution as it appears in the host's local DNS cache (for example, in case the 'hosts' file was tampered with).
    • [NatDestinationAddress <String>]: Network Address Translation destination IP address.
    • [NatDestinationPort <String>]: Network Address Translation destination port.
    • [NatSourceAddress <String>]: Network Address Translation source IP address.
    • [NatSourcePort <String>]: Network Address Translation source port.
    • [Protocol <String>]: securityNetworkProtocol
    • [RiskScore <String>]: Provider generated/calculated risk score of the network connection. Recommended value range of 0-1, which equates to a percentage.
    • [SourceAddress <String>]: Source (i.e. origin) IP address (of the network connection).
    • [SourceLocation <String>]: Location (by IP address mapping) associated with the source of a network connection.
    • [SourcePort <String>]: Source (i.e. origin) IP port (of the network connection).
    • [Status <String>]: connectionStatus
    • [UrlParameters <String>]: Parameters (suffix) of the destination URL.
  • [Processes <IMicrosoftGraphProcess- []>]: Security-related stateful information generated by the provider about the process or processes related to this alert.
    • [AccountName <String>]: User account identifier (user account context the process ran under) for example, AccountName, SID, and so on.
    • [CommandLine <String>]: The full process invocation commandline including all parameters.
    • [CreatedDateTime <DateTime?>]: Time at which the process was started. The Timestamp type represents date and time information using ISO 8601 format and is always in UTC time. For example, midnight UTC on Jan 1, 2014 is 2014-01-01T00:00:00Z.
    • [FileHash <IMicrosoftGraphFileHash>]: fileHash
    • [IntegrityLevel <String>]: processIntegrityLevel
    • [IsElevated <Boolean?>]: True if the process is elevated.
    • [Name <String>]: The name of the process' Image file.
    • [ParentProcessCreatedDateTime <DateTime?>]: DateTime at which the parent process was started. The Timestamp type represents date and time information using ISO 8601 format and is always in UTC time. For example, midnight UTC on Jan 1, 2014 is 2014-01-01T00:00:00Z.
    • [ParentProcessId <Int32?>]: The Process ID (PID) of the parent process.
    • [ParentProcessName <String>]: The name of the image file of the parent process.
    • [Path <String>]: Full path, including filename.
    • [ProcessId <Int32?>]: The Process ID (PID) of the process.
  • [RecommendedActions <String- []>]: Vendor/provider recommended action(s) to take as a result of the alert (for example, isolate machine, enforce2FA, reimage host).
  • [RegistryKeyStates <IMicrosoftGraphRegistryKeyState- []>]: Security-related stateful information generated by the provider about the registry keys related to this alert.
    • [Hive <String>]: registryHive
    • [Key <String>]: Current (i.e. changed) registry key (excludes HIVE).
    • [OldKey <String>]: Previous (i.e. before changed) registry key (excludes HIVE).
    • [OldValueData <String>]: Previous (i.e. before changed) registry key value data (contents).
    • [OldValueName <String>]: Previous (i.e. before changed) registry key value name.
    • [Operation <String>]: registryOperation
    • [ProcessId <Int32?>]: Process ID (PID) of the process that modified the registry key (process details will appear in the alert 'processes' collection).
    • [ValueData <String>]: Current (i.e. changed) registry key value data (contents).
    • [ValueName <String>]: Current (i.e. changed) registry key value name
    • [ValueType <String>]: registryValueType
  • [SecurityResources <IMicrosoftGraphSecurityResource- []>]: Resources related to current alert. For example, for some alerts this can have the Azure Resource value.
    • [Resource <String>]: Name of the resource that is related to current alert. Required.
    • [ResourceType <String>]: securityResourceType
  • [Severity <String>]: alertSeverity
  • [SourceMaterials <String- []>]: Hyperlinks (URIs) to the source material related to the alert, for example, provider's user interface for alerts or log search.
  • [Status <String>]: alertStatus
  • [Tags <String- []>]: User-definable labels that can be applied to an alert and can serve as filter conditions (for example 'HVA', 'SAW') (supports update).
  • [Title <String>]: Alert title. Required.
  • [Triggers <IMicrosoftGraphAlertTrigger- []>]: Security-related information about the specific properties that triggered the alert (properties appearing in the alert). Alerts might contain information about multiple users, hosts, files, ip addresses. This field indicates which properties triggered the alert generation.
    • [Name <String>]: Name of the property serving as a detection trigger.
    • [Type <String>]: Type of the property in the key:value pair for interpretation. For example, String, Boolean etc.
    • [Value <String>]: Value of the property serving as a detection trigger.
  • [UriClickSecurityStates <IMicrosoftGraphUriClickSecurityState- []>]:
    • [ClickAction <String>]:
    • [ClickDateTime <DateTime?>]:
    • [Id <String>]:
    • [SourceId <String>]:
    • [UriDomain <String>]:
    • [Verdict <String>]:
  • [UserStates <IMicrosoftGraphUserSecurityState- []>]: Security-related stateful information generated by the provider about the user accounts related to this alert.
    • [AadUserId <String>]: AAD User object identifier (GUID) - represents the physical/multi-account user entity.
    • [AccountName <String>]: Account name of user account (without Active Directory domain or DNS domain) - (also called mailNickName).
    • [DomainName <String>]: NetBIOS/Active Directory domain of user account (that is, domain/account format).
    • [EmailRole <String>]: emailRole
    • [IsVpn <Boolean?>]: Indicates whether the user logged on through a VPN.
    • [LogonDateTime <DateTime?>]: Time at which the sign-in occurred. The Timestamp type represents date and time information using ISO 8601 format and is always in UTC time. For example, midnight UTC on Jan 1, 2014 is 2014-01-01T00:00:00Z.
    • [LogonIP <String>]: IP Address the sign-in request originated from.
    • [LogonId <String>]: User sign-in ID.
    • [LogonLocation <String>]: Location (by IP address mapping) associated with a user sign-in event by this user.
    • [LogonType <String>]: logonType
    • [OnPremisesSecurityIdentifier <String>]: Active Directory (on-premises) Security Identifier (SID) of the user.
    • [RiskScore <String>]: Provider-generated/calculated risk score of the user account. Recommended value range of 0-1, which equates to a percentage.
    • [UserAccountType <String>]: userAccountSecurityType
    • [UserPrincipalName <String>]: User sign-in name - internet format: (user account name)@(user account DNS domain name).
  • [VendorInformation <IMicrosoftGraphSecurityVendorInformation>]: securityVendorInformation
    • [(Any) <Object>]: This indicates any property can be added to this object.
    • [Provider <String>]: Specific provider (product/service - not vendor company); for example, WindowsDefenderATP.
    • [ProviderVersion <String>]: Version of the provider or subprovider, if it exists, that generated the alert. Required
    • [SubProvider <String>]: Specific subprovider (under aggregating provider); for example, WindowsDefenderATP.SmartScreen.
    • [Vendor <String>]: Name of the alert vendor (for example, Microsoft, Dell, FireEye). Required
  • [VulnerabilityStates <IMicrosoftGraphVulnerabilityState- []>]: Threat intelligence pertaining to one or more vulnerabilities related to this alert.
    • [Cve <String>]: Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) for the vulnerability.
    • [Severity <String>]: Base Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) severity score for this vulnerability.
    • [WasRunning <Boolean?>]: Indicates whether the detected vulnerability (file) was running at the time of detection or was the file detected at rest on the disk.

