Sets a OBMachineSetting object for the server.
[-EncryptionPassphrase] <SecureString>
[[-SecurityPin] <String>][[-PassphraseSaveLocation] <String>]
[[-KeyVaultUri] <String>]
[-WorkDay] <DayOfWeek[] {Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday}>
[-StartWorkHour] <TimeSpan>
[-EndWorkHour] <TimeSpan>
[-WorkHourBandwidth] <UInt32>
[-NonWorkHourBandwidth] <UInt32>
[-ProxyServer] <String>
[-ProxyPort] <Int32>
[[-ProxyUsername] <String>]
[[-ProxyPassword] <SecureString>]
The Set-OBMachineSetting cmdlet sets a OBMachineSetting object for the server that includes proxy server settings for accessing the internet, network bandwidth throttling settings, and the encryption passphrase that is required to decrypt the files during recovery to another server.
This cmdlet supports WhatIf and Confirm parameters with a medium impact. The medium impact signifies that the cmdlet will not prompt the user for confirmation by default. The WhatIf parameter gives a verbose description of what the cmdlet does without performing any operation. The Confirm parameter specifies whether the cmdlet should prompt the user. Using -Confirm:$FALSE will override the prompt.
To use Microsoft Azure Backup cmdlets, the user needs to be an administrator on the protected machine.
$spwd = ConvertTo-SecureString -String Notag00pa55word -AsPlainText -Force
Set-OBMachineSetting -EncryptionPassphrase $spwd -PassphraseSaveLocation C:\
This example sets encryption passphrase for a computer.
$spwd = ConvertTo-SecureString -String Notag00pa55word -AsPlainText -Force
Set-OBMachineSetting -ProxyServer -ProxyPort <your proxy port> -ProxyUsername contoso\johnj99 -ProxyPassword $spwd
This example sets proxy settings for a server.
$mon = [System.DayOfWeek]::Monday
$tue = [System.DayOfWeek]::Tuesday
Set-OBMachineSetting -WorkDay $mon, $tue -StartWorkHour "9:00:00" -EndWorkHour "18:00:00" -WorkHourBandwidth (512*1024) -NonWorkHourBandwidth (2048*1024)
This example sets throttling settings.
Set-OBMachineSetting -NoThrottle
This example specifies that network bandwidth throttling will not be used by this server.
Set-OBMachineSetting -NoProxy
This example specifies that this server does not use a unique proxy server configuration.
$spwd = ConvertTo-SecureString -String abcdefgh123456000345 -AsPlainText -Force
Set-OBMachineSetting -EncryptionPassphrase $spwd -SecurityPIN 123456 -PassphraseSaveLocation "C:\Users\myuser\MyFolder \Desktop\passphrases\"
This example registers a server with the given passphrase and saves it in the location provided.
$spwd = ConvertTo-SecureString -String abcdefgh123456000345 -AsPlainText -Force
Set-OBMachineSetting -EncryptionPassphrase $spwd -SecurityPIN 123456 -KeyVaultUri ""
This example registers a server with the given passphrase and saves it in Azure Key Vault.
Prompts you for confirmation before running the cmdlet.
Type: | SwitchParameter |
Position: | Named |
Default value: | False |
Required: | False |
Accept pipeline input: | False |
Accept wildcard characters: | False |
Sets the encryption passphrase to be used to encrypt the backed up data.
Type: | SecureString |
Position: | 2 |
Default value: | None |
Required: | True |
Accept pipeline input: | True |
Accept wildcard characters: | False |
Specifies the hour that ends the work hours range.
Type: | TimeSpan |
Position: | 4 |
Default value: | None |
Required: | True |
Accept pipeline input: | True |
Accept wildcard characters: | False |
Enter a Key Vault URI to save the passphrase securely. A new secret is created in the key vault specified to save the passphrase. One of PassphraseSaveLocation or KeyVaultUri (recommended) needs to be specified.
Type: | String |
Position: | 3 |
Default value: | None |
Required: | False |
Accept pipeline input: | True |
Accept wildcard characters: | False |
Specifies the bandwidth throttling setting to be used to limit the network bandwidth consumed by data transfers during non-work hours.
Type: | UInt32 |
Position: | 6 |
Default value: | None |
Required: | True |
Accept pipeline input: | True |
Accept wildcard characters: | False |
Specifies that unique proxy server settings are not to be used for online backups.
Type: | SwitchParameter |
Position: | 2 |
Default value: | None |
Required: | True |
Accept pipeline input: | False |
Accept wildcard characters: | False |
Specifies that network throttling is not used with online backups. Data transfers of backed up items from the local server to the Microsoft Azure Backup server will use bandwidth as needed.
Type: | SwitchParameter |
Position: | 2 |
Default value: | None |
Required: | True |
Accept pipeline input: | False |
Accept wildcard characters: | False |
Enter a network location or folder where the passphrase can be saved. Saving the passphrase in the machine being protected is not recommended. Microsoft cannot recover backup data if the passphrase is lost. One of PassphraseSaveLocation or KeyVaultUri (recommended) needs to be specified.
Type: | String |
Position: | 2 |
Default value: | None |
Required: | False |
Accept pipeline input: | True |
Accept wildcard characters: | False |
Specifies authentication password to be used for proxy setting.
Type: | SecureString |
Position: | 5 |
Default value: | None |
Required: | False |
Accept pipeline input: | True |
Accept wildcard characters: | False |
Specifies the port number to be used on the proxy server.
Type: | Int32 |
Position: | 3 |
Default value: | None |
Required: | True |
Accept pipeline input: | True |
Accept wildcard characters: | False |
Specifies the proxy server to be used when connecting to the Microsoft Azure Backup server.
Type: | String |
Position: | 2 |
Default value: | None |
Required: | True |
Accept pipeline input: | True |
Accept wildcard characters: | False |
Specifies the username to be used for proxy server authentication.
Type: | String |
Position: | 4 |
Default value: | None |
Required: | False |
Accept pipeline input: | True |
Accept wildcard characters: | False |
Security pin is necessary if you are changing passphrase and the hybrid security setting is turned on for the Recovery Services Vault. You must generate a security pin by selecting Generate under Settings > Properties > Security PIN in the Recovery Services vault section of the Azure portal.
Type: | String |
Position: | named |
Default value: | None |
Required: | False |
Accept pipeline input: | True |
Accept wildcard characters: | False |
Specifies the hour that starts the range of work hours.
Type: | TimeSpan |
Position: | 3 |
Default value: | None |
Required: | True |
Accept pipeline input: | True |
Accept wildcard characters: | False |
Shows what would happen if the cmdlet runs. The cmdlet is not run.
Type: | SwitchParameter |
Position: | Named |
Default value: | False |
Required: | False |
Accept pipeline input: | False |
Accept wildcard characters: | False |
Specifies the array of work days using the using [DayOfWeek] system variables.
Type: | DayOfWeek[] {Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday} |
Position: | 2 |
Default value: | None |
Required: | True |
Accept pipeline input: | True |
Accept wildcard characters: | False |
Specifies the bandwidth throttling setting to be used to limit the network bandwidth consumed by data transfers during work hours.
Type: | UInt32 |
Position: | 5 |
Default value: | None |
Required: | True |
Accept pipeline input: | True |
Accept wildcard characters: | False |