The MultiPoint cmdlets in this module are used to manage Windows MultiPoint Server sessions and users.
Add-WmsSystem |
Adds a computer that can be remotely managed. |
Clear-WmsStation |
Clears station mapping information for all stations. |
Close-WmsApp |
Closes an application. |
Close-WmsSession |
Logs the user off of the specified session. |
Disable-WmsDiskProtection |
Removes the disk protection driver from the filter stack. |
Disable-WmsScheduledUpdate |
Disables scheduled updates while disk protection is enabled and in discard mode. |
Disable-WmsWebLimiting |
Disables web limiting for a session. |
Disconnect-WmsSession |
Disconnects a session. |
Enable-WmsDiskProtection |
Enables disk protection. |
Enable-WmsScheduledUpdate |
Enables scheduled updates while disk protection is enabled and in discard mode. |
Enable-WmsWebLimiting |
Enables web limiting for a session. |
Get-WmsAlert |
Gets alert information. |
Get-WmsApp |
Gets a collection of currently running applications in a session. |
Get-WmsDiskProtection |
Gets the current state and configuration of the disk protection feature. |
Get-WmsScheduledUpdate |
Gets the scheduled update configuration. |
Get-WmsSession |
Gets session information. |
Get-WmsStation |
Gets station information. |
Get-WmsSystem |
Gets MultiPoint Server system information. |
Get-WmsUser |
Gets local user account information. |
Get-WmsVersion |
Gets the server version, the Connector version, and the SKU. |
Get-WmsWebLimiting |
Gets the web limiting configuration. |
Hide-WmsIdentifier |
Hides the identification window for a station or session. |
Join-WmsStation |
Unsplits a station. |
Lock-WmsSession |
Locks a session for a user. |
Lock-WmsUsbStorage |
Prevents USB storage devices from being used. |
New-WmsUser |
Modifies a Windows MultiPoint Server user account. |
Open-WmsApp |
Launches an application in a session. |
Publish-WmsDesktop |
Shares a desktop and optionally allows remote control of the desktop. |
Remove-WmsSystem |
Removes a computer from the list of managed systems. |
Remove-WmsUser |
Removes a local user from the current MultiPoint Server system. |
Restart-WmsSystem |
Restarts a computer that is running MultiPoint Server. |
Resume-WmsDiskProtection |
Switches disk protection to discard mode. |
Search-WmsSystem |
Gets MultiPoint servers or personal computers running MultiPoint Connector in the same network. |
Set-WmsScheduledUpdate |
Sets the schedule for Windows updates and custom maintenance scripts. |
Set-WmsStation |
Modifies station information. |
Set-WmsSystem |
Modifies system properties. |
Set-WmsUser |
Modifies a Windows MultiPoint Server user account. |
Set-WmsWebLimiting |
Configures web limiting for standard user sessions. |
Show-WmsDesktop |
Displays the currently shared desktop to the specified sessions. |
Show-WmsIdentifier |
Displays the identification screen for a station. |
Split-WmsStation |
Splits a station. |
Stop-WmsSystem |
Shuts down a computer that is running Windows MultiPoint Server. |
Suspend-WmsDiskProtection |
Suspends disk protection. |
Unlock-WmsSession |
Unblocks a user for desktop use. |
Unlock-WmsUsbStorage |
Unlocks USB storage. |
Unpublish-WmsDesktop |
Stops the sharing of the specified session desktop. |
Update-WmsStation |
Forces a station to reload its configuration settings. |