This reference provides cmdlet descriptions and syntax for the Network Switch Manager cmdlets. This table lists the cmdlets in alphabetical order.
Disable-NetworkSwitchEthernetPort |
Disables an Ethernet port on a network switch. |
Disable-NetworkSwitchFeature |
Disables features of a network switch. |
Disable-NetworkSwitchVlan |
Disables a VLAN of a network switch. |
Enable-NetworkSwitchEthernetPort |
Enables an Ethernet port on a network switch. |
Enable-NetworkSwitchFeature |
Enables features of a network switch. |
Enable-NetworkSwitchVlan |
Enables a VLAN for a network switch. |
Get-NetworkSwitchEthernetPort |
Gets port information for a network switch. |
Get-NetworkSwitchFeature |
Gets features of a network switch. |
Get-NetworkSwitchGlobalData |
Gets global data of a network switch. |
Get-NetworkSwitchVlan |
Gets VLANs for a network switch. |
New-NetworkSwitchVlan |
Creates a VLAN for a network switch. |
Remove-NetworkSwitchEthernetPortIPAddress |
Removes an IP address from a port of a network switch. |
Remove-NetworkSwitchVlan |
Removes network switch VLANs. |
Restore-NetworkSwitchConfiguration |
Restores configuration for a network switch. |
Save-NetworkSwitchConfiguration |
Saves configuration for starting a network switch. |
Set-NetworkSwitchEthernetPortIPAddress |
Sets the IP address on a port on a network switch. |
Set-NetworkSwitchPortMode |
Sets the port mode on a network switch. |
Set-NetworkSwitchPortProperty |
Sets the port properties for a network switch. |
Set-NetworkSwitchVlanProperty |
Modifies properties on a VLAN on a network switch. |