These are the cmdlets available in the Partner Center PowerShell module.
Add-PartnerCustomerCartLineItem |
Adds a new line item to the specified cart. |
Add-PartnerCustomerUserRoleMember |
Adds a customer user to a specified role. |
Connect-PartnerCenter |
Connect to Partner Center with an authenticated account for use with partner cmdlet requests. |
Disconnect-PartnerCenter |
Disconnects the current session from Partner Center. |
Enable-PartnerAzureSubscription |
Enables an Azure subscription that is part of an Azure Plan. |
Get-PartnerAgreementDetail |
Gets the agreement metadata for the Microsoft Cloud Agreement. |
Get-PartnerAgreementDocument |
Gets the links to download or view the Microsoft Customer Agreement template. |
Get-PartnerAgreementStatus |
Gets the status of acceptance of the Microsoft Partner Agreement for the specified partner. |
Get-PartnerAuditRecord |
Gets audit records from Partner Center. |
Get-PartnerAzureBillingAccount |
Gets the billing accounts where the authenticated user has access. |
Get-PartnerAzureBillingPolicy |
Gets the billing policy for the specified customer. |
Get-PartnerAzureBillingProfile |
Gets the billing profiles for specified billing account. |
Get-PartnerAzureRateCard |
Gets real-time prices for an Azure offer. |
Get-PartnerBillingProfile |
Gets the partner's billing profile. |
Get-PartnerContext |
Gets the metadata used to authenticate Partner Center requests. |
Get-PartnerCountryValidation |
Gets the rules for validating an address for a specific country. |
Get-PartnerCustomer |
Gets a specific customer or a list of available customers. |
Get-PartnerCustomerAgreement |
Gets confirmation of customer acceptance provided previously. |
Get-PartnerCustomerAzurePlanEntitlement |
Gets an Azure Plan's subscription entitlements. |
Get-PartnerCustomerBillingProfile |
Gets the customer's billing profile. |
Get-PartnerCustomerCart |
Gets a specific cart for the specified partner. |
Get-PartnerCustomerCompanyProfile |
Gets the customer's company profile. |
Get-PartnerCustomerConfigurationPolicy |
Gets a list of all of a customer's policies. |
Get-PartnerCustomerDevice |
Gets a list of devices in the specified device batch for the specified customer. |
Get-PartnerCustomerDeviceBatch |
Gets a list of device batches for the specified customer identifier. |
Get-PartnerCustomerEntitlement |
Gets a collection of entitlements. |
Get-PartnerCustomerLicenseDeploymentInfo |
Gets aggregated data on deployment for a specified customer. |
Get-PartnerCustomerManagedService |
Gets the managed services for a customer. |
Get-PartnerCustomerOrder |
Gets either a specific order or a list of order for the specified customer. |
Get-PartnerCustomerOrderLineItemActivationLink |
Gets the activation link for the specified order line item. |
Get-PartnerCustomerOrderProvisioningStatus |
Gets the provisioning status for a customer order. |
Get-PartnerCustomerQualification |
Get the qualification assigned to the customer. |
Get-PartnerCustomerServiceCosts |
Gets a customer's service cost line items for the specified billing period. |
Get-PartnerCustomerServiceCostsSummary |
Gets a customer's service costs for the specified billing period. |
Get-PartnerCustomerSubscribedSku |
Gets a list of licenses available to users of the specified customer. |
Get-PartnerCustomerSubscription |
Gets a list or a single customer subscription. |
Get-PartnerCustomerSubscriptionAddOn |
Gets the purchased add-ons for the specified subscription. |
Get-PartnerCustomerSubscriptionMeterUsage |
Gets the subscription's meter usage records. |
Get-PartnerCustomerSubscriptionProvisioningStatus |
Gets the provisioning status for the specified subscription. |
Get-PartnerCustomerSubscriptionRegistrationStatus |
Gets the subscription registration status. |
Get-PartnerCustomerSubscriptionResourceUsage |
Gets the subscription's resource usage records. |
Get-PartnerCustomerSubscriptionSupportContact |
Gets the support contact for the specified subscription. |
Get-PartnerCustomerSubscriptionUpgrades |
Gets the available upgrade offers for the specified subscription. |
Get-PartnerCustomerSubscriptionUtilization |
Gets the utilization of a customer's Azure subscription. |
Get-PartnerCustomerTrialConversion |
Gets a list of trial conversions available for the specified subscription. |
Get-PartnerCustomerUsageRecord |
Gets customer monthly usage records for all customers. |
Get-PartnerCustomerUsageSummary |
Gets the customer's usage of a specific Azure service or resource during the current billing period. |
Get-PartnerCustomerUser |
Gets a list of all customer users or a specified user for the tenant. |
Get-PartnerCustomerUserLicense |
Gets a list of licenses assigned to a user within a customer account. |
Get-PartnerCustomerUserRole |
Gets a list of directory roles for a customer. |
Get-PartnerEnvironment |
Get endpoints and metadata for an instance of Partner Center. |
Get-PartnerIndirectReseller |
Gets a list of indirect resellers. |
Get-PartnerInvoice |
Gets a list of invoices available to the partner. |
Get-PartnerInvoiceLineItem |
Gets the line items for the specified invoice. |
Get-PartnerInvoiceStatement |
Gets an invoice statement using the invoice identifier. |
Get-PartnerInvoiceSummary |
Gets a summary view of the invoice. |
Get-PartnerInvoiceTaxReceiptStatement |
Gets the tax receipt statement for the specified invoice. |
Get-PartnerLegalProfile |
Gets the partner legal business profile from Partner Center. |
Get-PartnerLicenseDeploymentInfo |
Gets aggregated data on licenses deployment |
Get-PartnerLicenseUsageInfo |
Gets aggregated data on licenses deployment |
Get-PartnerMpnProfile |
Gets the partner MPN from Partner Center. |
Get-PartnerOffer |
Gets a specific offer or a list of available offers from Partner Center. |
Get-PartnerOfferAddon |
Gets the add-ons for an offer by identifier. |
Get-PartnerOfferCategory |
Gets a list of offer categories. |
Get-PartnerOrganizationProfile |
Gets the partner organization profile from Partner Center. |
Get-PartnerProduct |
Gets information for the available products. |
Get-PartnerProductAvailability |
Gets the availability for a specified product. |
Get-PartnerProductInventory |
Checks the inventory for the specified product. |
Get-PartnerProductSku |
Gets the available SKUs for the specified product. |
Get-PartnerProductUpgradeEligibility |
Gets the product upgrade eligibility for the specified customer and product family. |
Get-PartnerProductUpgradeStatus |
Gets the product upgrade status for the specified customer and product family. |
Get-PartnerResellerRequestLink |
Gets a relationship request URL to send to a customer. |
Get-PartnerRole |
Gets the roles at the partner level. |
Get-PartnerRoleMember |
Gets the members of the specified partner role. |
Get-PartnerServiceIncident |
Gets a list of service incidents. |
Get-PartnerServiceRequest |
Gets the specified customer's service requests. |
Get-PartnerServiceRequestTopic |
Gets a list of service request topics. |
Get-PartnerSupportProfile |
Gets the partner's support profile. |
Get-PartnerUnbilledInvoiceLineItem |
Gets the unbilled invoice line items. |
Get-PartnerUser |
Gets a list of users from the partner tenant |
Get-PartnerUserSignInActivity |
Gets the sign activities for the specified user. |
Get-PartnerValidationCode |
Gets a collection of a partner's Government Community Cloud validation codes. |
New-PartnerAccessToken |
Acquires an access token from Azure Active Directory. |
New-PartnerAzureSubscription |
Creates a new Azure subscription for Microsoft Partner Agreement billing account. |
New-PartnerCustomer |
Creates a new customer. |
New-PartnerCustomerAgreement |
Confirms the customer acceptance of the Microsoft Cloud agreement. |
New-PartnerCustomerApplicationConsent |
Creates a new application consent for the specified customer. |
New-PartnerCustomerCart |
Creates a cart for a customer. |
New-PartnerCustomerConfigurationPolicy |
Creates a new configuration policy for the specified customer. |
New-PartnerCustomerDeviceBatch |
Creates a new device batch for the specified customer. |
New-PartnerCustomerOrder |
Create a new order for the specified services on behalf of the customer. |
New-PartnerCustomerSubscriptionActivation |
Activates a third-party subscription in the integration sandbox. |
New-PartnerCustomerSubscriptionRegistration |
Registers the specified subscription. |
New-PartnerCustomerUser |
Creates a new user in the specified customer Azure Active Directory tenant. |
New-PartnerProductUpgrade |
Creates a product upgrade request for the specified customer. |
New-PartnerServiceRequest |
Creates a service request at the partner level. |
Register-PartnerTokenCache |
Registers the specified token cache for the module. |
Remove-PartnerCustomerConfigurationPolicy |
Removes the specified configuration policy. |
Remove-PartnerCustomerUser |
Removes a user from the customer's tenant. |
Remove-PartnerCustomerUserRoleMember |
Removes a customer user from a specified role. |
Remove-PartnerResellerRelationship |
Removes the reseller relationship between the specified customer and the partner. |
Remove-PartnerSandboxCustomer |
Removes the specified customer. |
Resolve-PartnerError |
Display detailed information about PowerShell errors, with extended details for Partner Center PowerShell errors. |
Restore-PartnerCustomerUser |
Restores a previously removed customer user from the customer's tenant. |
Set-PartnerAzureBillingPolicy |
Updates the billing policy for the specified customer. |
Set-PartnerAzureSubscription |
Updates an Azure subscription that is part of an Azure Plan. |
Set-PartnerBillingProfile |
Updates the partner's billing profile. |
Set-PartnerCustomer |
Updates a customer's billing profile, including the address associated with the profile. |
Set-PartnerCustomerCart |
Updates an order for a customer in a cart. |
Set-PartnerCustomerConfigurationPolicy |
Updates an existing configuration policy with the specified options. |
Set-PartnerCustomerQualification |
Updates the specified customer's qualification to be Education or GovernmentCommunityCloud. |
Set-PartnerCustomerSubscription |
Updates the specified customer subscription. |
Set-PartnerCustomerSubscriptionSupportContact |
Update a subscription's support contact to one of the partner's value added resellers. |
Set-PartnerCustomerUser |
Updates the specified customer user account. |
Set-PartnerCustomerUserLicense |
Adds or removes licenses for a Microsoft online service to the list of assigned licenses for a user. |
Set-PartnerLegalProfile |
Updates the partner's legal profile. |
Set-PartnerOrganizationProfile |
Updates the partner's organization profile |
Set-PartnerServiceRequest |
Updates a service request at the partner level. |
Set-PartnerSupportProfile |
Updates the partner's support profile. |
Submit-PartnerCustomerCart |
Checks out the specified cart. |
Suspend-PartnerAzureSubscription |
Suspends an Azure subscription that is part of an Azure Plan. |
Test-PartnerAddress |
Tests whether or not the specified address is valid. |
Test-PartnerDomainAvailability |
Tests if the specified domain name is available for creating a new tenant. |
Test-PartnerSecurityRequirement |
Tests the account, used during authentication, if multi-factor authentication was enforced. |