Displays the configuration of DirectAccess (DA) and VPN (both Remote Access VPN and site-to-site VPN).
[[-EntrypointName] <String>]
[-CimSession <CimSession[]>]
[-ComputerName <String>]
[-ThrottleLimit <Int32>]
The Get-RemoteAccess cmdlet displays the configuration of DirectAccess (DA) and VPN (both Remote Access VPN and site-to-site VPN).
The output consists of the following. If a certain Remote Access technology (RA) is not installed, then only the computer status is displayed.
-- Status of DA.
-- Status of VPN.
-- Status of site-to-site VPN.
-- Status of Load Balancing.
-- DA global configuration: Comprises of properties that are applicable to the entire DA deployment.
-- DA server level or cluster level (if load balancing has been deployed) configuration. If multi-site is deployed, then this configuration is applicable at the site-level and configuration for the specified site is displayed.
-- DA pure server and cluster level configuration: This configuration is not impacted by multi-site deployment.
-- VPN server or cluster level configuration. If multi-site is deployed, then this configuration is applicable at the site-level and configuration for the specified site is displayed.
-- VPN pure server level configuration: This configuration is not impacted by multi-site deployment.
In a multi-site deployment if both the EntryPointName and ComputerName parameters are specified but the computer name does not belong to that entry point name, then no values are returned for the pure server-level DA and VPN (both Remote Access VPN and site-to-site VPN)configuration. The configuration will show up blank. However, if only the EntryPointName parameter is specified or the ComputerName parameter is also specified and belongs to the specified entry point name, then the pure server-level DA and VPN configuration are retrieved if the server on which the cmdlet is run belongs to this entry point. If not, then blanks are returned.
PS C:\>Get-RemoteAccess
DAStatus : Installed
DAInstallType : FullInstall
VpnStatus : Installed
VpnS2SStatus : Uninstalled
LoadBalancing : NotConfigured
ConnectToAddress :
InternetInterface : Private Internet
InternalInterface : Private Corpnet
SslCertificate : [Subject]
[Serial Number]
[Not Before]
23-01-2012 03:21:52
[Not After]
22-01-2017 19:31:51
AppServerSecurityGroupNameList :
AppServerGpoName :
ConnectionType : NoE2EAuth
TrafficProtection : Disabled
ClientSecurityGroupNameList :\Domain Computers
ClientGpoName :\DirectAccess Client Settings
OnlyRemoteComputers : Enabled
Downlevel : Disabled
ForceTunnel : Disabled
ForceTunnelingNrptSuffix :
EntrypointName :
DownlevelSecurityGroupNameList :
DownlevelGpoName :
DnsSuffix : {,}
EnableDAForAllNetworks : Disable
SecureNameQueryFallback : FallbackPrivate
QueryPolicy : Disable
ServerGpoName :\DirectAccess Server Settings
InternalIPv6Prefix : 2002:836b:1:1::/64
ClientIPv6Prefix : 2002:836b:1:1000::/64
UserAuthentication : UserPasswd
ComputerCertAuthentication : Disabled
IPsecRootCertificate :
IntermediateRootCertificate : False
TeredoState : Disabled
IsSingleNic : False
IsNatDeployed : False
HealthCheck : Disabled
NlsLocation : DirectAccessServer
NlsUrl :
NlsCertificate : [Subject]
[Serial Number]
[Not Before]
23-01-2012 03:21:51
[Not After]
22-01-2017 19:31:51
NlsReachability : False
MgmtServer :
IPAssignmentMethod : StaticPool
IPAddressRangeList : { -, -}
IPv6Prefix : 2002:836b:1:2000::/64
AuthenticationType : Windows
RadiusServerList :
This example displays the configuration of DA and VPN for the local computer.
Type: | SwitchParameter |
Position: | Named |
Default value: | None |
Required: | False |
Accept pipeline input: | False |
Accept wildcard characters: | False |
Runs the cmdlet in a remote session or on a remote computer. Enter a computer name or a session object, such as the output of a New-CimSession or Get-CimSession cmdlet. The default is the current session on the local computer.
Type: | CimSession[] |
Position: | Named |
Default value: | None |
Required: | False |
Accept pipeline input: | False |
Accept wildcard characters: | False |
Specifies the IPv4 or IPv6 address, or host name, of the computer on which the remote access server computer specific tasks should be run.
Type: | String |
Position: | Named |
Default value: | None |
Required: | False |
Accept pipeline input: | False |
Accept wildcard characters: | False |
Specifies the identity of a site in a multi-site deployment. If this parameter is not specified, then the site to which the computer on which this cmdlet is run is used (the user may or may not be specifying a computer name).
Type: | String |
Position: | 2 |
Default value: | None |
Required: | False |
Accept pipeline input: | True |
Accept wildcard characters: | False |
Specifies the maximum number of concurrent operations that can be established to run the cmdlet.
If this parameter is omitted or a value of 0
is entered, then Windows PowerShell® calculates an optimum throttle limit for the cmdlet based on the number of CIM cmdlets that are running on the computer.
The throttle limit applies only to the current cmdlet, not to the session or to the computer.
Type: | Int32 |
Position: | Named |
Default value: | None |
Required: | False |
Accept pipeline input: | False |
Accept wildcard characters: | False |
The Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimInstance
object is a wrapper class that displays Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) objects.
The path after the pound sign (#
) provides the namespace and class name for the underlying WMI object.
The RemoteAccessCommon object consists of the following properties:
-- The status of the DA and VPN configuration.
-- The entire VPN configuration.
-- The entire DA configuration.
-- The configuration common to both VPN and DA.