
Downloads the contents of a file.


The cmdlets referenced in this documentation are for managing legacy Azure resources that use Service Management APIs. See the Az PowerShell module for cmdlets to manage Azure Resource Manager resources.


   [-ShareName] <String>
   [-Path] <String>
   [[-Destination] <String>]
   [-Context <IStorageContext>]
   [-ServerTimeoutPerRequest <Int32>]
   [-ClientTimeoutPerRequest <Int32>]
   [-ConcurrentTaskCount <Int32>]
   [-Share] <CloudFileShare>
   [-Path] <String>
   [[-Destination] <String>]
   [-ServerTimeoutPerRequest <Int32>]
   [-ClientTimeoutPerRequest <Int32>]
   [-ConcurrentTaskCount <Int32>]
   [-Directory] <CloudFileDirectory>
   [-Path] <String>
   [[-Destination] <String>]
   [-ServerTimeoutPerRequest <Int32>]
   [-ClientTimeoutPerRequest <Int32>]
   [-ConcurrentTaskCount <Int32>]
   [-File] <CloudFile>
   [[-Destination] <String>]
   [-ServerTimeoutPerRequest <Int32>]
   [-ClientTimeoutPerRequest <Int32>]
   [-ConcurrentTaskCount <Int32>]


The Get-AzureStorageFileContent cmdlet downloads the contents of a file, and then saves it to a destination that you specify. This cmdlet does not return the contents of the file.


Example 1: Download a file from a folder

PS C:\>Get-AzureStorageFileContent -ShareName "ContosoShare06" -Path "ContosoWorkingFolder/CurrentDataFile"

This command downloads a file that is named CurrentDataFile in the folder ContosoWorkingFolder from the file share ContosoShare06 to current folder.



If you specify the path of a file that does not exist, this cmdlet creates that file, and saves the contents in the new file. If you specify a path of a file that already exists and you specify the Force parameter, the cmdlet overwrites the file. If you specify a path of an existing file and you do not specify Force, the cmdlet prompts you before it continues.

If you specify the path of a folder, this cmdlet attempts to create a file that has the name of the Azure storage file.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


If you specify the path of a file that does not exist, this cmdlet creates that file, and saves the contents in the new file. If you specify a path of a file that already exists and you specify the Force parameter, the cmdlet overwrites the file. If you specify a path of an existing file and you do not specify Force, the cmdlet prompts you before it continues.

If you specify the path of a folder, this cmdlet attempts to create a file that has the name of the Azure storage file.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


If you specify the path of a file that does not exist, this cmdlet creates that file, and saves the contents in the new file. If you specify a path of a file that already exists and you specify the Force parameter, the cmdlet overwrites the file. If you specify a path of an existing file and you do not specify Force, the cmdlet prompts you before it continues.

If you specify the path of a folder, this cmdlet attempts to create a file that has the name of the Azure storage file.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


Prompts you for confirmation before running the cmdlet.

Default value:False
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


If you specify the path of a file that does not exist, this cmdlet creates that file, and saves the contents in the new file. If you specify a path of a file that already exists and you specify the Force parameter, the cmdlet overwrites the file. If you specify a path of an existing file and you do not specify Force, the cmdlet prompts you before it continues.

If you specify the path of a folder, this cmdlet attempts to create a file that has the name of the Azure storage file.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:True
Accept wildcard characters:False


Specifies the destination path. This cmdlet downloads the file contents to the location that this parameter specifies.

If you specify the path of a file that does not exist, this cmdlet creates that file, and saves the contents in the new file. If you specify a path of a file that already exists and you specify the Force parameter, the cmdlet overwrites the file. If you specify a path of an existing file and you do not specify Force, the cmdlet prompts you before it continues.

If you specify the path of a folder, this cmdlet attempts to create a file that has the name of the Azure storage file.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


Specifies a folder as a CloudFileDirectory object. This cmdlet gets content for a file in the folder that this parameter specifies. To obtain a directory, use the New-AzureStorageDirectory cmdlet. You can also use the Get-AzureStorageFile cmdlet to obtain a directory.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:True
Accept wildcard characters:False


Specifies a file as a CloudFile object. This cmdlet gets the file that this parameter specifies. To obtain a CloudFile object, use the Get-AzureStorageFile cmdlet.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:True
Accept wildcard characters:False


If you specify the path of a file that does not exist, this cmdlet creates that file, and saves the contents in the new file. If you specify a path of a file that already exists and you specify the Force parameter, the cmdlet overwrites the file. If you specify a path of an existing file and you do not specify Force, the cmdlet prompts you before it continues.

If you specify the path of a folder, this cmdlet attempts to create a file that has the name of the Azure storage file.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


If you specify the path of a file that does not exist, this cmdlet creates that file, and saves the contents in the new file. If you specify a path of a file that already exists and you specify the Force parameter, the cmdlet overwrites the file. If you specify a path of an existing file and you do not specify Force, the cmdlet prompts you before it continues.

If you specify the path of a folder, this cmdlet attempts to create a file that has the name of the Azure storage file.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


Specifies the path of a file. This cmdlet gets the contents the file that this parameter specifies. If the file does not exist, this cmdlet returns an error.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


If you specify the path of a file that does not exist, this cmdlet creates that file, and saves the contents in the new file. If you specify a path of a file that already exists and you specify the Force parameter, the cmdlet overwrites the file. If you specify a path of an existing file and you do not specify Force, the cmdlet prompts you before it continues.

If you specify the path of a folder, this cmdlet attempts to create a file that has the name of the Azure storage file.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


Specifies a CloudFileShare object. This cmdlet downloads the contents of the file in the share this parameter specifies. To obtain a CloudFileShare object, use the Get-AzureStorageShare cmdlet. This object contains the storage context. If you specify this parameter, do not specify the Context parameter.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:True
Accept wildcard characters:False


Specifies the name of the file share. This cmdlet downloads the contents of the file in the share this parameter specifies.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


Shows what would happen if the cmdlet runs. The cmdlet is not run.

Default value:False
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False