
Gets the names and AppIDs of apps in the Start screen.


   [[-Name] <Object>]


The Get-StartApps cmdlet gets the names and AppIDs of apps in the Start screen of the current user. An AppID is an AppUserModelID. You can specify a particular app by using its name, or you can specify a name that includes the wildcard character (*). If you do not specify a name, the cmdlet displays all the apps from the Start screen.


Example 1: Get all apps on the Start screen

PS C:\> Get-StartApps
Name AppID
---- -----

A. Datum Pro Center Datum.ProCenter
Proseware Studio Proseware.Studio.5
A. Datum 2010 prog..tion_0000000000000000_ebec13db489e8ef9
Fabrikam Initializer Fabrikam.Initializer.1
A. Datum Connector Contoso.Datum.Connector
Proseware Design Pro Proseware.Design.3

This command gets all the names and IDs of apps in the Start screen for the current user.



Specifies the name of an app. You can use the wildcard character. If you do not specify this parameter, the cmdlet gets all the apps.

Default value:All Apps
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False



A PSObject that contains the name and AppID for each app found in the Start screen for the user, as in this output example:

Output Example:

Name AppID

A. Datum Pro Center Datum.ProCenter Proseware Studio Proseware.Studio.5 A. Datum 2010 prog..tion_0000000000000000_ebec13db489e8ef9 Fabrikam Initializer Fabrikam.Initializer.1 A. Datum Connector Contoso.Datum.Connector Proseware Design Pro Proseware.Design.3