Gets the details of a user action in the system.
[-StartTime <DateTime>]
[-EndTime <DateTime>]
[-ActivityType <ActivityType>]
[-UserName <String>]
[-ActivityId <Guid>]
[-Outcome <Outcome>]
[-TenantName <String>]
The Get-RdsDiagnosticActivities cmdlet gets the details of a user action in the system, both for end-user or administrative purposes. The list of activities can be filtered by the following parameters:
- ActivityId
- ActivityType
- Outcome
- StartTime (and optionally, EndTime)
- UserName
You can combine multiple filters into a single query. If you do not specify a start time or a time range, you will receive a list of activities only for the last hour. You can also query with the -Detailed parameter to receive additional information about each activity. The additional information for each activity varies depending on the activity type.
Example 1: Retrieve basic diagnostic activities in a tenant
PS C:\> Get-RdsDiagnosticActivities -TenantName "contoso"
ActivityId : xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx
ActivityType : Connection
StartTime : 1/1/2018 3:20:00 PM
EndTime :
UserName :
RoleInstances : rdwebclient;mrs-eus2r0c001-rdgateway-prod-staging::RD2818782CE977;mrs-eus2r0c001-rdbroker-prod-staging::RD2818785C1CF1;;
Outcome :
Status : Ongoing
Details :
LastHeartbeatTime : 1/1/2018 4:01:00 PM
Checkpoints :
Errors :
ActivityId : xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx
ActivityType : Feed
StartTime : 1/1/2018 3:52:20 PM
EndTime : 1/1/2018 3:52:26 PM
UserName :
RoleInstances : rdwebclient;mrs-eus2r0c001-rdbroker-prod-staging::RD28187853BC78;
Outcome : Success
Status : Completed
Details :
LastHeartbeatTime : 1/1/2018 3:52:26 PM
Checkpoints :
Errors :
ActivityId : xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx
ActivityType : Management
StartTime : 1/1/2018 3:44:54 PM
EndTime : 1/1/2018 3:44:54 PM
UserName :
RoleInstances : mrs-eus2r0c001-rdbroker-prod-staging::RD28187853BC78;
Outcome : Success
Status : Completed
Details :
LastHeartbeatTime : 1/1/2018 3:44:54 PM
Checkpoints :
Errors :
ActivityId : xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx
ActivityType : Connection
StartTime : 1/1/2018 3:14:15 AM
EndTime : 1/1/2018 3:18:00 AM
UserName :
RoleInstances :;mrs-eus2r0c001-rdgateway-prod-staging::RD2818782C3626;mrs-eus2r0c001-rdbroker-prod::RD28187853BC78;;
Outcome : Success
Status : Completed
Details :
LastHeartbeatTime : 1/1/2018 3:18:00 AM
Checkpoints :
Errors :
This command gets activities for the specified tenant. By running the Get-RdsDiagnosticActivities cmdlet without specifying a time range, you will only receive activities for the past hour.
Example 2: Retrieve detailed diagnostic activities in a tenant
PS C:\> Get-RdsDiagnosticActivities -TenantName "contoso" -Detailed
ActivityId : xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx
ActivityType : Connection
StartTime : 1/1/2018 3:20:00 PM
EndTime :
UserName :
RoleInstances : rdwebclient;mrs-eus2r0c001-rdgateway-prod-staging::RD2818782CE977;mrs-eus2r0c001-rdbroker-prod-staging::RD2818785C1CF1;;
Outcome :
Status : Ongoing
Details : {[ClientOS, ], [ClientVersion, ], [ClientType, ], [PredecessorConnectionId, ]...}
LastHeartbeatTime : 1/1/2018 4:01:00 PM
Checkpoints : {RdpConnectionProgress, RdpConnectionProgress, RdpConnectionProgress, RdpConnectionProgress...}
Errors : {}
ActivityId : xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx
ActivityType : Feed
StartTime : 1/1/2018 3:52:20 PM
EndTime : 1/1/2018 3:52:26 PM
UserName :
RoleInstances : rdwebclient;mrs-eus2r0c001-rdbroker-prod-staging::RD28187853BC78;
Outcome : Success
Status : Completed
Details : {[ClientOS, Win32 Chrome 70.0.3538.110], [ClientVersion, 1.0.4-wvd], [ClientType, HTML], [ClientIPAddress, ]...}
LastHeartbeatTime : 1/1/2018 3:52:26 PM
Checkpoints : {TenantListComplete, TenantResourceComplete}
Errors : {}
ActivityId : xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx
ActivityType : Management
StartTime : 1/1/2018 3:44:54 PM
EndTime : 1/1/2018 3:44:54 PM
UserName :
RoleInstances : mrs-eus2r0c001-rdbroker-prod-staging::RD28187853BC78;
Outcome : Success
Status : Completed
Details : {[Object, /RdsManagement/V1/TenantGroups/Default%20Tenant%20Group/Tenants/Contoso], [Method, Get], [Route,
Tenant::GetTenantAsync], [ObjectsFetched, 1]...}
LastHeartbeatTime : 1/1/2018 3:44:54 PM
Checkpoints : {}
Errors : {}
ActivityId : xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx
ActivityType : Connection
StartTime : 1/1/2018 3:14:15 AM
EndTime : 1/1/2018 3:18:00 AM
UserName :
RoleInstances :;mrs-eus2r0c001-rdgateway-prod-staging::RD2818782C3626;mrs-eus2r0c001-rdbroker-prod::RD28187853BC78;;
Outcome : Success
Status : Completed
Details : {[ClientOS, WINDOWS 10.0.17763], [ClientVersion, 10.0.17763.1], [ClientType, MSTSC], [PredecessorConnectionId, ]...}
LastHeartbeatTime : 1/1/2018 3:18:00 AM
Checkpoints : {LoadBalancedNewConnection, RdpStackAuthenticaticatedUser, RdpStackAuthorization, OnConnected...}
Errors : {}
This command gets detailed activities for the specified tenant.
Example 3: Retrieve detailed diagnostics of a specific activity
PS C:\> Get-RdsDiagnosticActivities -TenantName "contoso" -ActivityGuid "xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx" -Detailed
ActivityId : xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx
ActivityType : Connection
StartTime : 1/1/2018 3:20:00 PM
EndTime :
UserName :
RoleInstances : rdwebclient;mrs-eus2r0c001-rdgateway-prod-staging::RD2818782CE977;mrs-eus2r0c001-rdbroker-prod-staging::RD2818785C1CF1;;
Outcome :
Status : Ongoing
Details : {[ClientOS, ], [ClientVersion, ], [ClientType, ], [PredecessorConnectionId, ]...}
LastHeartbeatTime : 1/1/2018 4:01:00 PM
Checkpoints : {RdpConnectionProgress, RdpConnectionProgress, RdpConnectionProgress, RdpConnectionProgress...}
Errors : {}
This command gets the specific detailed activity.
Example 4: Retrieve detailed diagnostics of a specific user
PS C:\> Get-RdsDiagnosticActivities -TenantName "contoso" -UserName "" -Detailed
ActivityId : xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx
ActivityType : Feed
StartTime : 1/1/2018 3:52:20 PM
EndTime : 1/1/2018 3:52:26 PM
UserName :
RoleInstances : rdwebclient;mrs-eus2r0c001-rdbroker-prod-staging::RD28187853BC78;
Outcome : Success
Status : Completed
Details : {[ClientOS, Win32 Chrome 70.0.3538.110], [ClientVersion, 1.0.4-wvd], [ClientType, HTML], [ClientIPAddress, ]...}
LastHeartbeatTime : 1/1/2018 3:52:26 PM
Checkpoints : {TenantListComplete, TenantResourceComplete}
Errors : {}
ActivityId : xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx
ActivityType : Connection
StartTime : 1/1/2018 3:14:15 AM
EndTime : 1/1/2018 3:18:00 AM
UserName :
RoleInstances :;mrs-eus2r0c001-rdgateway-prod-staging::RD2818782C3626;mrs-eus2r0c001-rdbroker-prod::RD28187853BC78;;
Outcome : Success
Status : Completed
Details : {[ClientOS, WINDOWS 10.0.17763], [ClientVersion, 10.0.17763.1], [ClientType, MSTSC], [PredecessorConnectionId, ]...}
LastHeartbeatTime : 1/1/2018 3:18:00 AM
Checkpoints : {LoadBalancedNewConnection, RdpStackAuthenticaticatedUser, RdpStackAuthorization, OnConnected...}
Errors : {}
This command gets detailed activities associated with the specified user name.
Example 5: Retrieve detailed diagnostics by a start time
PS C:\> Get-RdsDiagnosticActivities -TenantName "contoso" -StartTime "1/1/2018 3:45:00 PM" -Detailed
ActivityId : xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx
ActivityType : Connection
StartTime : 1/1/2018 3:20:00 PM
EndTime :
UserName :
RoleInstances : rdwebclient;mrs-eus2r0c001-rdgateway-prod-staging::RD2818782CE977;mrs-eus2r0c001-rdbroker-prod-staging::RD2818785C1CF1;;
Outcome :
Status : Ongoing
Details : {[ClientOS, Win32 Edge 18.17763], [ClientVersion, 1.0.4-wvd], [ClientType, HTML], [PredecessorConnectionId, ]...}
LastHeartbeatTime : 1/1/2018 4:01:00 PM
Checkpoints : {RdpConnectionProgress, RdpConnectionProgress, RdpConnectionProgress, RdpConnectionProgress...}
Errors : {}
ActivityId : xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx
ActivityType : Feed
StartTime : 1/1/2018 3:52:20 PM
EndTime : 1/1/2018 3:52:26 PM
UserName :
RoleInstances : rdwebclient;mrs-eus2r0c001-rdbroker-prod-staging::RD28187853BC78;
Outcome : Success
Status : Completed
Details : {[ClientOS, Win32 Chrome 70.0.3538.110], [ClientVersion, 1.0.4-wvd], [ClientType, HTML], [ClientIPAddress, ]...}
LastHeartbeatTime : 1/1/2018 3:52:26 PM
Checkpoints : {TenantListComplete, TenantResourceComplete}
Errors : {}
This command gets detailed activities that have completed after the specified time or that have been ongoing as of the specified time.
Example 6: Retrieve detailed diagnostics by a start time and end time
PS C:\> Get-RdsDiagnosticActivities -TenantName "contoso" -StartTime "1/1/2018 3:45:00 PM" -EndTime "1/1/2018 3:50:00 PM" -Detailed
ActivityId : xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx
ActivityType : Connection
StartTime : 1/1/2018 3:20:00 PM
EndTime :
UserName :
RoleInstances : rdwebclient;mrs-eus2r0c001-rdgateway-prod-staging::RD2818782CE977;mrs-eus2r0c001-rdbroker-prod-staging::RD2818785C1CF1;;
Outcome :
Status : Ongoing
Details : {[ClientOS, Win32 Edge 18.17763], [ClientVersion, 1.0.4-wvd], [ClientType, HTML], [PredecessorConnectionId, ]...}
LastHeartbeatTime : 1/1/2018 4:01:00 PM
Checkpoints : {RdpConnectionProgress, RdpConnectionProgress, RdpConnectionProgress, RdpConnectionProgress...}
Errors : {}
This command gets detailed activities that have completed during the specified time or that has been ongoing since the specified time range.
Example 7: Retrieve detailed diagnostics by activity type
PS C:\> Get-RdsDiagnosticActivities -TenantName "contoso" -ActivityType Connection -Detailed
ActivityId : xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx
ActivityType : Connection
StartTime : 1/1/2018 3:20:00 PM
EndTime :
UserName :
RoleInstances : rdwebclient;mrs-eus2r0c001-rdgateway-prod-staging::RD2818782CE977;mrs-eus2r0c001-rdbroker-prod-staging::RD2818785C1CF1;;
Outcome :
Status : Ongoing
Details : {[ClientOS, Win32 Edge 18.17763], [ClientVersion, 1.0.4-wvd], [ClientType, HTML], [PredecessorConnectionId, ]...}
LastHeartbeatTime : 1/1/2018 4:01:00 PM
Checkpoints : {RdpConnectionProgress, RdpConnectionProgress, RdpConnectionProgress, RdpConnectionProgress...}
Errors : {}
ActivityId : xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx
ActivityType : Connection
StartTime : 1/1/2018 3:14:15 AM
EndTime : 1/1/2018 3:18:00 AM
UserName :
RoleInstances :;mrs-eus2r0c001-rdgateway-prod-staging::RD2818782C3626;mrs-eus2r0c001-rdbroker-prod::RD28187853BC78;;
Outcome : Success
Status : Completed
Details : {[ClientOS, WINDOWS 10.0.17763], [ClientVersion, 10.0.17763.1], [ClientType, MSTSC], [PredecessorConnectionId, ]...}
LastHeartbeatTime : 1/1/2018 3:18:00 AM
Checkpoints : {LoadBalancedNewConnection, RdpStackAuthenticaticatedUser, RdpStackAuthorization, OnConnected...}
Errors : {}
This command gets detailed activities that match the specified activity type.
The ID of the activity.
Type: | Guid |
Aliases: | Id |
Position: | Named |
Default value: | None |
Required: | False |
Accept pipeline input: | True |
Accept wildcard characters: | False |
The type of the activity. Activities are classified into the following categories:
- Connection
- Feed
- Management
Type: | ActivityType |
Aliases: | Type |
Accepted values: | Connection, Management, Feed, RegistrationToken |
Position: | Named |
Default value: | None |
Required: | False |
Accept pipeline input: | True |
Accept wildcard characters: | False |
A scope specific to Windows Virtual Desktop.
Type: | SwitchParameter |
Position: | Named |
Default value: | None |
Required: | False |
Accept pipeline input: | True |
Accept wildcard characters: | False |
A switch indicating to return more detailed information for each activity. The additional information returned will vary depending on the type of each activity.
Type: | SwitchParameter |
Position: | Named |
Default value: | None |
Required: | False |
Accept pipeline input: | True |
Accept wildcard characters: | False |
The date time to use as the upper bound for querying activities.
Type: | DateTime |
Aliases: | End |
Position: | Named |
Default value: | None |
Required: | False |
Accept pipeline input: | True |
Accept wildcard characters: | False |
The outcome of the activity. Activities can have one of two outcomes:
- Success
- Failure
Type: | Outcome |
Accepted values: | Success, Failure |
Position: | Named |
Default value: | None |
Required: | False |
Accept pipeline input: | True |
Accept wildcard characters: | False |
The date time to use as the lower bound for querying activities.
Type: | DateTime |
Aliases: | Start |
Position: | Named |
Default value: | None |
Required: | False |
Accept pipeline input: | True |
Accept wildcard characters: | False |
The name of the tenant associated with the activity.
Type: | String |
Aliases: | Tenant |
Position: | Named |
Default value: | None |
Required: | False |
Accept pipeline input: | True |
Accept wildcard characters: | False |
The user principal name (UPN) of the user associated with the activity.
Type: | String |
Aliases: | User |
Position: | Named |
Default value: | None |
Required: | False |
Accept pipeline input: | True |
Accept wildcard characters: | False |
System.Nullable`1[[System.DateTime, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089]]
System.Nullable`1[[Microsoft.RDInfra.Diagnostics.Common.ActivityType, Microsoft.RDInfra.Diagnostics.Common, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=99498ce06f56ba9d]]
System.Nullable`1[[System.Guid, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089]]
System.Nullable`1[[Microsoft.RDInfra.Diagnostics.Common.Outcome, Microsoft.RDInfra.Diagnostics.Common, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=99498ce06f56ba9d]]