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Removing objects from the pipeline

In PowerShell, you often generate and pass along more objects to a pipeline than you want. You can specify the properties of particular objects to display using the Format-* cmdlets, but this doesn't help with the problem of removing entire objects from the display. You may want to filter objects before the end of a pipeline, so you can perform actions on only a subset of the initially generated objects.

PowerShell includes a Where-Object cmdlet that allows you to test each object in the pipeline and only pass it along the pipeline if it meets a particular test condition. Objects that don't pass the test are removed from the pipeline. You supply the test condition as the value of the FilterScript parameter.

Performing simple tests with Where-Object

The value of FilterScript is a script block - one or more PowerShell commands surrounded by braces ({}) - that evaluates to true or false. These script blocks can be simple, but creating them requires knowing about another PowerShell concept, comparison operators. A comparison operator compares the items that appear on each side of it. Comparison operators begin with a hyphen character (-) and are followed by a name. Basic comparison operators work on almost any kind of object. The more advanced comparison operators might only work on text or arrays.


By default, PowerShell comparison operators are case-insensitive.

Due to parsing considerations, symbols such as <,>, and = aren't used as comparison operators. Instead, comparison operators are comprised of letters. The basic comparison operators are listed in the following table.

Comparison Operator Meaning Example (returns true)
-eq is equal to 1 -eq 1
-ne isn't equal to 1 -ne 2
-lt Is less than 1 -lt 2
-le Is less than or equal to 1 -le 2
-gt Is greater than 2 -gt 1
-ge Is greater than or equal to 2 -ge 1
-like Is like (wildcard comparison for text) "file.doc" -like "f*.do?"
-notlike isn't like (wildcard comparison for text) "file.doc" -notlike "p*.doc"
-contains Contains 1,2,3 -contains 1
-notcontains doesn't contain 1,2,3 -notcontains 4

Where-Object script blocks use the special variable $_ to refer to the current object in the pipeline. Here is an example of how it works. If you have a list of numbers, and only want to return the ones that are less than 3, you can use Where-Object to filter the numbers by typing:

1,2,3,4 | Where-Object {$_ -lt 3}

Filtering based on object properties

Since $_ refers to the current pipeline object, we can access its properties for our tests.

As an example, we can look at the Win32_SystemDriver class in WMI. There might be hundreds of system drivers on a particular system, but you might only be interested in a particular set of the system drivers, such as those that are running. For the Win32_SystemDriver class the relevant property is State. You can filter the system drivers, selecting only the running ones by typing:

Get-CimInstance -Class Win32_SystemDriver |
    Where-Object {$_.State -eq 'Running'}

This still produces a long list. You may want to filter to only select the drivers set to start automatically by testing the StartMode value as well:

Get-CimInstance -Class Win32_SystemDriver |
    Where-Object {$_.State -eq "Running"} |
    Where-Object {$_.StartMode -eq "Auto"}
DisplayName : RAS Asynchronous Media Driver
Name        : AsyncMac
State       : Running
Status      : OK
Started     : True

DisplayName : Audio Stub Driver
Name        : audstub
State       : Running
Status      : OK
Started     : True

This gives us a lot of information we no longer need because we know that the drivers are running. In fact, the only information we probably need at this point are the name and the display name. The following command includes only those two properties, resulting in much simpler output:

Get-CimInstance -Class Win32_SystemDriver |
    Where-Object {$_.State -eq "Running"} |
    Where-Object {$_.StartMode -eq "Manual"} |
    Format-Table -Property Name,DisplayName
Name              DisplayName
----              -----------
AsyncMac               RAS Asynchronous Media Driver
bindflt                Windows Bind Filter Driver
bowser                 Browser
CompositeBus           Composite Bus Enumerator Driver
condrv                 Console Driver
HdAudAddService        Microsoft 1.1 UAA Function Driver for High Definition Audio Service
HDAudBus               Microsoft UAA Bus Driver for High Definition Audio
HidUsb                 Microsoft HID Class Driver
HTTP                   HTTP Service
igfx                   igfx
IntcDAud               Intel(R) Display Audio
intelppm               Intel Processor Driver

There are two Where-Object elements in the above command, but they can be expressed in a single Where-Object element using the -and logical operator, like this:

Get-CimInstance -Class Win32_SystemDriver |
    Where-Object {($_.State -eq 'Running') -and ($_.StartMode -eq 'Manual')} |
    Format-Table -Property Name,DisplayName

The standard logical operators are listed in the following table.

Logical Operator Meaning Example (returns true)
-and Logical and; true if both sides are true (1 -eq 1) -and (2 -eq 2)
-or Logical or; true if either side is true (1 -eq 1) -or (1 -eq 2)
-not Logical not; reverses true and false -not (1 -eq 2)
! Logical not; reverses true and false !(1 -eq 2)