Managing a SecretStore vault

The SecretStore module is an extension vault for the PowerShell SecretManagement module. It stores secrets, locally, in files for the current user account context, and uses .NET crypto APIs to encrypt file contents. The SecretStore module has several configuration options. In the default configuration, a password is required to store and access secrets, and provides the strongest protection. SecretStore also supports the storage of metadata about secrets.

Registering a new vault

Before you can create new secret you must register a vault. The Name parameter is a friendly name and can be any valid string.

Register-SecretVault -Name SecretStore -ModuleName Microsoft.PowerShell.SecretStore -DefaultVault


The SecretManagement module allows an extension vault to be registered multiple times, because it's possible that an extension vault may support different contexts via the registration VaultParameters. However, the SecretStore vault currently always operates in the logged on user scope. Registering multiple SecretStore vaults with different names just results in duplication of the same store.

Use the following command to see a list of registered vaults:


Name        ModuleName                       IsDefaultVault
----        ----------                       --------------
Edge        SecretManagement.Chromium        False
SecretStore Microsoft.PowerShell.SecretStore True

In this example there are two vaults registered using different extension modules.

Configuring a vault

Use the Get-SecretStoreConfiguration cmdlet to see a vault's configuration.


      Scope Authentication PasswordTimeout Interaction
      ----- -------------- --------------- -----------
CurrentUser       Password             900      Prompt

SecretStore vaults have the following configuration settings:

  • Authentication - Password (default) or None
  • PasswordTimeout - 900 seconds (default)
  • Interaction - Prompt (default) or None

The default configuration requires a password, sets the session password timeout to 15 minutes, and prompts the user for a password to unlock the vault.

For non-interactive automation scenarios, the Interaction can be configured as None to suppress user prompting. If a password is required, vault commands return Microsoft.PowerShell.SecretStore.PasswordRequiredException exception if there is no valid session password. The Unlock-SecretStore cmdlet can be used to provide the password for the current PowerShell session. The vault remains unlocked until the timeout expires.

Vault configuration and data are stored in separate files. The file location depends on the platform operating system.

  • For Windows platforms the location is: $env:LOCALAPPDATA\Microsoft\PowerShell\secretmanagement\localstore\
  • For Non-Windows platforms the location is: $HOME/.secretmanagement/localstore/

Changing the configuration

You can change the configuration of a vault using the Set-SecretStoreConfiguration cmdlet. The cmdlet provides the parameters Authentication, PasswordTimeout, and Interaction that are used to change the corresponding configuration properties. There is also a Default parameter to reset the configuration back to the default values.

There are two ways to set the password on the vault.

  1. The Set-SecretStoreConfiguration cmdlet has the Password parameter that takes a SecureString value.
  2. The Set-SecretStorePassword cmdlet changes the vault password. The cmdlet takes no parameters and can only be used interactively. You are prompted the for old and new passwords.

Adding metadata

The SecretStore module allows you to add non-sensitive metadata to your secrets. The metadata can be used to document the intended purpose of a secret. For example, to indicate that a secret is intended for a particular subscription or application scenario. You could also add metadata about the secret's creation date, expiration time, or other information used to manage the secret lifecycle.

The metadata can be any arbitrary key-value pair. The SecretStore module supports the following value types for metadata:

  • string
  • int
  • DateTime

To create a new secret with metadata:

$metadata = @{
    Purpose = 'Testing'
    Expires = (Get-Date).AddDays(30)
    Limit = 5
Set-Secret -Name TestSecret -Secret NewSecret -Metadata $metadata

To view secret metadata you can then run the command:

Get-SecretInfo -Name TestSecret | Format-List *

Name      : TestSecret
Type      : String
VaultName : SecretStore
Metadata  : {[Limit, 5], [Expires, 6/23/2022 1:45:09 PM], [Purpose, Testing]}

You can also set metadata for an existing secret using the Set-SecretInfo cmdlet:

Set-SecretInfo TestSecret -Metadata @{Purpose = "showing the new cmdlet"}
Get-SecretInfo -Name TestSecret | Select-Object Metadata

{[Purpose, showing the new cmdlet]}


This overwrites any existing metadata with the new values.

Resetting or removing a vault

The Reset-SecretStore cmdlet resets the SecretStore vault by deleting all secret data and configuring the store with default options. It is intended to be used only when the required password is lost or data files become corrupted. The default configuration options can be overridden by specifying individual command configuration option parameters.