Starting Deployment Workbench
To start Deployment Workbench, click Start, point to All Programs, point to BDD 2007, and then click Deployment Workbench. The console tree shows the following items:
Information Center. This item provides access to the documentation, breaking news about BDD 2007, and the components required for using Deployment Workbench.
The Documentation item, which is shown in Figure 1, helps team members quickly navigate the solution’s guidance. Click a process in the diagram to see a description of that process and related documents.
Figure 1. Deployment Workbench
Distribution Share. Under this item are the operating systems, applications, operating system packages, and out-of-box drivers that the distribution share contains. Click any item below Distribution Share, and then view its contents in the details pane.
Builds. Click Builds in the console tree to see a list of builds in the details pane. To create a build, right-click Builds, and then click New. To configure a build, right-click the build in the details pane, and then click Properties.
Deploy. The Deploy item contains two items below it: Deployment Points and Database. Click Deployment Points in the console tree to see a list of deployment points in the details pane. To create a deployment point, right-click Deployment Points, and then click New. To configure a deployment point, right-click a deployment point in the details pane, and then click Properties. Click Database to edit the BDD 2007 database. For more information about the database, see the Deployment Feature Team Guide, Deployment Configuration Guide, and the Deployment Configuration Samples Guide.
Caution Open only a single instance of Deployment Workbench. Opening two or more instances of Deployment Workbench can result in unpredictable behavior.
Tip For the BDD 2007 MMC, the default view includes the Action pane. To remove the Action pane as shown in Figure 1, author the management console. To author the console, run C:\Program Files\BDD 2007\Bin\DeploymentWorkbench.msc /a. Then, click View, Customize; clear the Action pane check box, and then click OK. To save changes, from the File menu, click Save. When prompted to choose whether to display a single window interface, click Yes.
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