Code samples

This topic lists a set of samples using the Rights Management Services SDK 2.1, available at the MSDN Download Center.

Sample Description
Interop Library

The RMS SDK 2.1 RC managed interoperability sample is a set of sample utility classes that enable you to use the RMS SDK 2.1 RC from C# code.

Note  This sample also works with subsequent versions of the RMS SDK, beyond 2.1 RC.
Data Loss Prevention

IpcDlp is a sample rights-enabled Data Loss Prevention (DLP) application utilizing RMS SDK 2.1 RC. This sample code takes the user through the basic steps that a DLP rights-enabled application should perform by using RMS FileAPI for protecting and consuming restricted content.

Note  This sample also works with subsequent versions of the RMS SDK, beyond 2.1 RC.

IPCNotepad is a sample rights-enabled application utilizing RMS SDK 2.0. This sample code takes the user through the basic steps that each rights-enabled application should perform when protecting and consuming restricted content.

Note  This sample also works with subsequent versions of the RMS SDK, beyond 2.0.



Interop Library

Data Loss Prevention
