AssessmentManifest element
The root node of the assessment.
child elements
There are no attributes.
Element | Description |
This node intended to provide descriptive information about a manifest that is interesting to a person. |
This node describes how AXE executes an assessment. |
This element contains a collection of MetricDefinition elements. |
This node contains one or more metric thresholds. |
This node describes the minimum AXE version required for this assessment. |
A collection of ParameterDefinition elements. |
This node describes properties. |
This node contains XML that is specific to a solution or assessment. |
The unique identity of the assessment. |
Element | Description |
Contains one or more AssessmentManifest elements. |
When a Job manifest is fixed the assessment management object model will marshal the entire assessment manifest into the job manifest.
Here is an example of a minimal manifest. This assessment “wraps” a simple and existing test EXE named AppRKVdt.exe which tests an applications register key values for consistency. This is an old test and has been around a long time. It uses the common convention of return a process exit code of zero for success, and a non-zero value for failure.
<Major>1</Major> <Minor>0</Minor> <Build>0</Build> <Revision>0</Revision>
<Major>1</Major> <Minor>0</Minor> <Build>7751</Build> <Revision>1000</Revision>
<Name>Check Registry Key Consistency</Name>
<ToolTip>Checks the application registry key and ensures all the
values are there are valid.</ToolTip>
<ExitValueMeaning> <ZeroIsSuccess/> </ExitValueMeaning>
<ApplicationName>AppRKVdt.exe >%Results%\ AppRKVdt.txt</ApplicationName>
Here is what the above manifest does:
- Gives the legacy test an Identity and version that can be used by a test harness system like the WLK or the Ecosystem suite.
- Specifies the minimum version of AXE needed to interpret this manifest and run the test.
- Gives the assessment a programmatic name (that is never localized) that test harness can use to lookup this information in collections it may maintain.
- Gives the exe a human readable name and short “tool tip” description.
- Tells AXE that an exit value of zero means the test was successful and that any other value means failure.
- Instructs AXE to use the Win32 API CreateProcess() to execute the EXE and put the console output in the results directory in the AppRKVdt.txt file.
Can be empty | No |
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Build date: 10/12/2013