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Verb Name Guidelines

Windows PowerShell uses a verb-noun pair format to name a cmdlet and its derived .NET class. For example, the Get-Command cmdlet provided by Windows PowerShell is used to retrieve all the commands that are registered in the shell. As you can see, the verb part of a name identifies the action that the cmdlet performs. The noun part of the name identifies the entity on which the action is performed.

Simple Verb Naming Rules

Here are some simple rules to follow when naming verbs:

  • When specifying the verb part of a name, use one of the predefined verb names provided by Windows PowerShell. By using one of these predefined verbs, you will ensure consistency between the cmdlets that you create and those provided by Windows PowerShell and others.

  • To enforce consistency across cmdlets, do not use a synonym of an approved verb name.

  • Use only the present tense of a verb for a name. For example, use "get" instead of "getting".

  • Use a simple, singular noun in cmdlet naming. For example, use "Get-Record" instead of "Get-Records".

Common Verbs

Windows PowerShell uses the VerbsCommon class to define verbs that are general in nature and can apply to almost any cmdlet. Most of the defined verbs are summarized in the following table.

Verb Name Description Comments


This verb adds a resource to a container or attaches an element to another element. Use with Remove.

Do not use verbs such as append, attach, concatenate, or insert.


This verb removes all the elements from a container.

Do not use verbs such as flush, erase, release, unmark, unset, or nullify.


This verb copies a resource to another name or another container.

Do not use verbs such as duplicate, clone, or replicate.


This verb retrieves data. Use with Set.

Do not use verbs such as read, open, cat, type, dir, obtain, dump, acquire, examine, find, or search.


This verb locks a resource. Use with Unlock.

Not applicable.


This verb moves a resource.

Do not use verbs such as transfer, name, or migrate.


This verb creates a new resource.

Do not use verbs such as create, generate, build, make, or allocate.


This verb removes a resource from a container. Use with Add.

Not applicable.


This verb gives a resource a new name.

Not applicable.


This verb places some data. Use with Get.

Do not use verbs such as write, reset, assign, or configure.


This verb unlocks a resource. Use with Lock.

Not applicable.

Communications Verbs

Windows PowerShell uses the VerbsCommunications class to define verbs that apply to communications. Most of the defined verbs are summarized in the following table.

Verb Name Description Comments


This verb connects a source to a destination. Use with Disconnect.

Not applicable.


This verb disconnects a source from a destination. Use with Connect.

Not applicable.


This verb acquires information from a source. Use with Send.

Do not use verbs such as read, accept, or peek.


This verb writes information to a destination. Use with Receive.

Do not use verbs such as put, broadcast, mail, or fax.

Data Verbs

Windows PowerShell uses the VerbsData class to define verbs that apply to data handling. Most of the defined verbs are summarized in the following table.

Verb Name Description Comments


This verb backs up data.

Not applicable.


This verb creates a snapshot of the current state of data or its configuration so that the state can be restored later. Use with Restore.

Do not use verbs such as diff.


This verb compares the current resource with another resource and produces a set of differences.

Do not use verbs such as diff.


This verb changes from one format or encoding to another, or from one unit base to another.

Not applicable.


This verb makes a copy of a set of resources using an interchange format.

Do not use verbs such as extract or back up.


This verb creates a set of resources using an interchange format.

Do not use verbs such as bulk load or load.


This verb prepares a resource for use and initializes it with a beginning value.

Do not use verbs such as erase, renew, rebuild, reinitialize, or set up.


This verb limits the consumption of or applies a constraint to a resource.

Do not use verbs such as quota.


This verb creates a single data instance from multiple instances.

Not applicable.


This verb rolls back the data state to a predefined set of conditions. Use with Checkpoint.

Not applicable.


This verb updates or refreshes a resource.

Do not use verbs such as refresh, renew, recalculate, or re-index.

Diagnostic Verbs

Windows PowerShell uses the VerbsDiagnostic class to define verbs that apply to diagnostics. Most of the defined verbs are summarized in the following table.

Verb Name Description Comments


This verb acts on a resource or activity to examine its operation and diagnose any operational problems.

Not applicable.


This verb identifies resources consumed by a specified operation, or retrieves statistics about a resource.

Not applicable.


This verb determines if a resource is active and responding to requests.

Not applicable.


This verb maps a shorthand name to a long name.

Not applicable.


This verb verifies the operational validity or consistency of a resource.

Do not use verbs such as diagnose, verify, analyze, salvage, or verify.


This verb follows activities performed by a specified operation.

Not applicable.

Lifecycle Verbs

Windows PowerShell uses the VerbsLifeCycle class to define verbs that apply to the life cycle of a cmdlet. Most of the defined verbs are summarized in the following table.

Verb Name Description Comments


This verb stops an activity of the cmdlet, or it configures an item to be unavailable so that it cannot start again. Use with Enable.

Not applicable.


This verb starts an activity of the cmdlet, or it configures an item to be available. Use with Disable.

Not applicable.


This verb places a resource in the indicated location and optionally initializes it. Use with Uninstall.

Do not use verbs such as set up.


This verb terminates existing activity and starts it again with the same configuration. It uses a checkpoint to determine the configuration.

Do not use verbs such as recycle.


This verb begins an activity again after it has been suspended. Use with Suspend.

Not applicable.


This verb begins an activity. Use with Stop.

Do not use verbs such as launch, initiate, or boot.


This verb discontinues an activity. Use with Start.

Do not use verbs such as end, kill, terminate, or cancel.


This verb halts an activity temporarily. Use with Resume.

Do not use verbs such as pause.


This verb removes a resource from an indicated location. Use with Install.

Not applicable.

Security Verbs

Windows PowerShell uses the VerbsSecurity class to define verbs that apply to security. Most of the defined verbs are summarized in the following table.

Verb Name Description Comments


This verb prevents access to a resource. Use with Unblock.

Not applicable.


This verb grants access to a resource. Use with Revoke.

Not applicable.


This verb revokes access to a resource. Use with Grant.

Not applicable.


This verb permits access to a resource. Use with Block.

Not applicable.

See Also


Windows PowerShell Programmer's Guide

Other Resources

Windows PowerShell SDK

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