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Mapping Locale Data on Downlevel Systems

NLS is introducing a new direct-link library (DLL) to use for applications that you develop to run on pre-Windows Vista operating systems (sometimes called "downlevel systems"). The new functions support mapping between locale identifiers and locale names, and listing of neutral locales.

Conversion Functions to Support Data Mapping

NLS provides conversion functions that map between locale identifiers and locale names. For information about the associated locale information, see LCTYPE Constants (National Language Support).

The new conversion functions that support data mapping for pre-Windows Vista operating systems are:

Applications that only run on Windows Vista and later should not use these functions. Instead, for mapping between locale identifiers and locale names, an application should call LocaleNameToLCID and LCIDToLocaleName.

Listing Functions to Support Data Mapping

The new NLS functionality includes the following functions that list neutral locales:

Applications that only run on Windows Vista and later should not use these functions. Instead, an application should call GetLocaleInfo or GetLocaleInfoEx with LCType set to LOCALE_SPARENT.

Using National Language Support, DownlevelLCIDToLocaleName, DownlevelLocaleNameToLCID, DownlevelGetParentLocaleLCID, DownlevelGetParentLocaleName, LocaleNameToLCID, LCIDToLocaleName, GetLocaleInfo, GetLocaleInfoEx