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Save As HTML Dialog Box

Enables you to create a new HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) version of the current form, menu, report, or table. Available from the Form Designer, Menu Designer, and Report Designer when the active form, menu, or report has been saved, or from a Browse window.

  • Save file for later use
    Saves the file to disk as an .htm file.

  • Save and edit file
    Saves the file to disk as an .htm file and opens the file in an editing window.

  • Save file and view in Web browser
    Saves the file as an .htm file and displays the file in your Web browser.

See Also


How to: Save a Form as HTML

How to: Save a Menu as HTML

How to: Generate Output for Reports

How to: Save a Table as HTML


_GENHTML System Variable

Save As Class Dialog Box

Save As Dialog Box (Visual FoxPro)

Print File Dialog Box

HTML Item Dialog Box

Form Designer

Report Designer

Browse Window

Other Resources

Dialog Boxes (Visual FoxPro)