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Adding Merge Modules to a Deployment Project

Merge modules (.msm files) allow you to share components between multiple deployment projects. You can create your own merge modules using Visual Studio, or you can use existing merge modules that are available for many standard components from Microsoft as well as from third-party vendors.

To add a merge module to a deployment project

  1. Select the deployment project in Solution Explorer.
  2. On the Project menu, point to Add, and then click Merge Module.
  3. In the resulting Add Modules dialog box, browse to the location of the merge module that you want to add.

See Also

Excluding Items from a Deployment Project | Introduction to Merge Modules | Installer vs. Merge Module Recommendations | Deploying Applications | Opening the Deployment Editors | File Installation Management in Deployment | Setting Deployment Project Properties | Adding and Removing Folders in the File System Editor | What's New in Deployment