Visual Basic-Specific IntelliSense
The Visual Basic source code editor offers the following IntelliSense features:
Completion on various keywords
For example, if you type
and a space, IntelliSense will display a list of the defined labels in a drop-down menu. Other supported keywords include Exit, Implements, Option, and Declare.Completion on Enum and Boolean
When a statement will refer to a member of an enumeration, IntelliSense will display a list of the members of the Enum. When a statement will refer to a Boolean, IntelliSense will display a true-false drop-down menu.
Syntax tips
Syntax tips display the syntax of the statement that you are typing. This is useful for statements such as Declare.
Completion can be turned off by default by deselecting Auto list members from the General property page in the Visual Basic folder. See Modifying IntelliSense Options for more information.
You can manually invoke completion by invoking List Members, Complete Word, or ALT+RIGHT ARROW.