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Using Help in Visual Studio .NET

The Visual Studio .NET Help collection presents information about languages, designers, and technologies in a variety of ways. Use the following links to read more about how you can get the help you need, when you need it.

In This Section

  • Strategies for Using Help
    Discusses how you can get specific results from the variety of Help features in Visual Studio .NET.
  • Document Conventions
    Shows how typographical conventions are used to indicate the meaning and function of text in Help topics.
  • Graphics within Help Topics
    Shows the three different graphics that can be displayed in topic headers and describes how they link to additional types of information related to the topics.
  • Tips for Using the Help Keyword Index
    Describes ways you can optimize and limit the results you get from using the Index window.
  • Using the Combined Help Collection Manager
    Explains when and how you can select which Help collections to include in the default "Visual Studio .NET Combined Help Collection" (VSCC).