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EnvDTE Constants

The EnvDTE assembly contains an enumeration called Constants. This is an assortment of various constants that apply to solutions and projects, documents, windows, wizards, and so forth. It contains the following groups of constants.

Constant Name Description
ds Constants Deprecated in Visual Studio .NET. They are available only for backward compatibility with earlier versions of Visual Studio. For details, see the documention for the previous version.
vsCATID Constants These constants are returned whenever you request the ExtenderCATID for an item.
vsContext Constants Indicates the current status (context) of the IDE.
vsDocument Constants Returned by the Find method.
vsext_GUID Constants Deprecated in Visual Studio .NET. They are available only for backward compatibility with earlier versions of Visual Studio. For details, see the documention for the previous version.
vsext_vk Constants Deprecated in Visual Studio .NET. They are available only for backward compatibility with earlier versions of Visual Studio. For details, see the documention for the previous version.
vsext_wk Constants Deprecated in Visual Studio .NET. They are available only for backward compatibility with earlier versions of Visual Studio. For details, see the documention for the previous version.
vsProjectItemKind Constants Represents pre-defined kinds of projects. Some language projects may include additional project kinds.
vsProjectItemsKind Constants Represents pre-defined kinds of project item collections.
vsProjectKind Constants Represents pre-defined kinds of projects. Each project kind defines different constants or values for the results of Project.Kind.
vsViewKind Constants Represents the kind of view that you want when opening a project item.
vsWindowKind Constants Represents a tool or document window in the Visual Studio .NET IDE.
vsWizard Constants Represents the type of wizard that is currently being run, or the type of wizard that is to be run.
Misc EnvDTE Constants These constants are related to various environment functions.

See Also

Common Environment Object Model Constants