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Working with Unmodeled Projects

Most project types in Visual Studio .NET implement the Visual Studio .NET automation model. Some projects, however, do not. When such a project is encountered while you are programming in the Visual Studio .NET automation model, it is referred to as an "unmodeled project."

Unmodeled projects are treated the same as modeled projects except that many of the project-related properties and methods do not work with them. Because the automation model cannot communicate with the project, certain details cannot be discovered or altered. You can only obtain basic information about such projects.

The following is a list of valid members for unmodeled projects:

Valid Unmodeled Project Members
DTE Property (General Extensibility)
Name Property (General Extensibility)
Kind Property [Variant 1] (General Extensibility)
FileName Property
UniqueName Property

If other properties or methods are used with an unmodeled project, either E_NOTIMPL or Nothing is returned.

See Also

Introduction to Solutions, Projects, and Items | Adding and Handling Commands | Creating and Controlling Environment Windows | Creating Add-Ins and Wizards | Creating an Add-In | Creating a Wizard | Automation and Extensibility Reference | Automation Object Model Chart