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Server Explorer Window

Server Explorer is the server management console for Visual Studio .NET. Use Server Explorer to open data connections and to log on to servers and explore their databases and system services. You can drag nodes from Server Explorer and drop them onto Visual Studio .NET designers. This creates new data components that are preconfigured to reference the item dropped.

To access Server Explorer, select Server Explorer on the View menu. To make the Server Explorer window close automatically when not in use, select Auto Hide on the Window menu.

There are two primary nodes in Server Explorer.

  • Data Connections
    Top-level node that lists any data connections added by a user to the server. Beneath this node are listed the diagrams, tables, views, stored procedures, and functions for each connection. You can make Data Connections to many types of databases, including Oracle databases running on UNIX or Microsoft Windows operating systems.

  • Servers
    Top-level node that lists the servers currently available for use. Beneath each server node are listed the databases and server resources you can use in your applications.

    Note   The Servers node and its children are not available in some editions of Visual Studio .NET.

For more information, see Data Link Properties Dialog Box and Information on Data Link Properties and OLE DB Providers.

See Also

Connecting to Remote Resources with Server Explorer | Databases in Server Explorer | Displaying Data Sources in Server Explorer | Adding Items from Server Explorer