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QOSStopTrackingClient Function

The QOSStopTrackingClient function notifies the QoS subsystem to stop tracking a client that has previously used the QOSStartTrackingClient function. If a flow is currently in progress, this function will not affect it.


BOOL WINAPI QOSStopTrackingClient(
  __in        HANDLE QOSHandle,
  __in        PSOCKADDR DestAddr,
  __reserved  DWORD Flags


  • QOSHandle [in]
    Handle to the QOS subsystem returned by QOSCreateHandle.

  • DestAddr [in]
    Pointer to a sockaddr structure that contains the IP address of the client device. Clients are identified by their IP address and address family. A port number is not required and will be ignored.

  • Flags
    Reserved for future use.

Return Value

If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero.

If the function fails, the return value is 0. To get extended error information, call GetLastError. Some possible error codes follow.

Return code Description

The QOSHandle parameter is invalid.


The DestAddr parameter is invalid.


Indicates that a memory allocation failed.


There are insufficient resources to carry out the operation.


The request could not be performed because of an I/O device error.


The indicated device requires reinitialization due to hardware errors. The application should clean up and call QOSCreateHandle again.


A network adapter hardware error occurred.



The Winsock2.h header file must be included to use Winsock defined identifiers or functions.


The following code shows this function called in an application setting. See QOSStartTrackingClient for parameter information.

if(!QOSStopTrackingClient(QoSHandle, (sockaddr*)ptr->ai_addr, 0))
    std::cerr << std::endl;
    std::cerr << __FILE__ <<" Line: " << __LINE__ ;
    std::cerr << " - QOSStartTrackingClient failed. Exception code: "; 
    std::cerr << GetLastError() ;
    std::cout << "QoS client tracking stopped." << std::endl;


Minimum supported client Windows Vista
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2008
Header Qos2.h (include Qos2.h)
Library Qwave.lib
DLL Qwave.dll

See Also

Quality Windows Audio/Video Experience (qWAVE)


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Build date: 5/21/2009