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The WOWGetVDMPointerFix function converts a 16:16 address to the equivalent linear address. This function can only be called in the context of a thunk.

This function behaves like the WOWGetVDMPointer function. The memory is not fixed.

**Windows Me/98/95:  **This function calls the GlobalFix function before returning the linear address so that the 16-bit memory block will not be moved around in the 16-bit global heap.

  DWORD vp,
  DWORD dwBytes,
  BOOL fProtectedMode


  • vp
    [in] Valid 16:16 address.
  • dwBytes
    [in] Size of the block pointed to by vp.
  • fProtectedMode
    [in] Specifies the mode. This parameter can be one of the following values.
    Value Meaning
    0 The upper 16 bits are treated as a real-mode segment value (real-mode 16:16 pointer).
    1 The upper 16 bits are treated as a selector in the local descriptor table (16-bit protected mode pointer).

Return Value

Returns a 32-bit address if successful. If the selector is invalid, the return value is NULL.


Client Requires Windows XP, Windows 2000 Professional, Windows NT Workstation, Windows Me, Windows 98, or Windows 95.
Server Requires Windows Server 2003, Windows 2000 Server, or Windows NT Server.

Declared in Wownt32.h.


Use Wow32.lib.

DLL Requires Wow32.dll.

See Also

Generic Thunks Overview
32-bit Generic Thunk Functions