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Windows Media Player 11 SDK About the Metadata 

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About the Metadata

Windows Media Player 10 or later attempts to synchronize the following metadata attributes.

WMDM global constant Description Required
AlbumArtist g_wszWMDMAlbumArtist Null-terminated string containing the name of the primary artist for the album. Windows Media Player 11 or later.
Album g_wszWMDMAlbumTitle Null-terminated string containing the title of the album on which the content was originally released. Windows Media Player 11 or later.
Author g_wszWMDMAuthor Null-terminated string containing the name of the media artist or actor associated with the content. Windows Media Player 11 or later.
BuyNow g_wszWMDMBuyNow Boolean indicating whether the user has chosen to purchase the content. Windows Media Player 10 or later.
WM/Genre g_wszWMDMGenre Null-terminated string containing the genre of the content. Windows Media Player 11 or later.
UserPlayCount g_wszWMDMPlayCount DWORD containing the number of times the user has played the digital media file. Windows Media Player 10 or later.
ReleaseDate g_wszWMDMYear The date of the original release of the item. Windows Media Player 11 or later.
Title g_wszWMDMTitle Null-terminated string containing the title. Windows Media Player 11 or later.
WM/TrackNumber g_wszWMDMTrack DWORD containing the track number of the item on the album on which it was originally released. Windows Media Player 11 or later.
UserRating g_wszWMDMUserRating DWORD containing a value that represents the star rating the user specified for the digital media file. Windows Media Player 10 or later.

See Also

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