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Windows Media Player 11 SDK AxWindowsMediaPlayer.Ctlenabled (VB and C#) 

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AxWindowsMediaPlayer.Ctlenabled (VB and C#)

The Ctlenabled property gets or sets a value indicating whether the Windows Media Player control is enabled.

[Visual Basic]
Public Overridable Property Ctlenabled As Boolean

public virtual bool Ctlenabled {get; set;}

Property Value

A System.Boolean value that indicates whether the Windows Media Player control is enabled. The default value is true.


If the Ctlenabled property is set to false, then Windows Media Player hides the user controls during full-screen playback.


Version: Windows Media Player 9 Series or later

Namespace: AxWMPLib

Assembly: AxInterop.WMPLib.dll (automatically generated by Visual Studio)

See Also

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