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Windows Media Player 11 SDK DSP Plug-in User Overview 

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DSP Plug-in User Overview

To the user, DSP plug-ins are add-on features that somehow change the way the user experiences the audio or video that Windows Media Player is playing. The result of a DSP plug-in could be something obvious, like the colors in the video image being reversed so it looks like a photographic negative, or something very subtle, like a light reverb effect in the audio to add a feeling of spaciousness to the sound.

Users can install and uninstall DSP plug-ins by using the Plug-ins tab of the Options dialog box in Windows Media Player. Users can then enable and disable installed plug-ins using the checkboxes provided on the Plug-ins tab. DSP plug-ins may implement a property page, which users can also access from the Plug-ins tab. A property page provides the user with a way to change settings that affect the way a DSP plug-in works. For example, a property page might include a slider control that allows the user to change the decay time of a reverb effect.

See Also

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