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Windows Media Player 11 SDK IWMPEffects Interface 

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IWMPEffects Interface

In addition to the methods inherited from IUnknown, the IWMPEffects interface exposes the following methods, in IDL order.

Method Description
Render Renders the visualization
MediaInfo Sends channel and sample-rate data to the visualization.
GetCapabilities Gets the capabilities of the visualization.
GetTitle Gets the display title of the visualization.
GetPresetTitle Gets the title of the current preset.
GetPresetCount Gets the preset count.
SetCurrentPreset Sets the current preset by number.
GetCurrentPreset Gets the current preset by number.
DisplayPropertyPage Displays the property page of a visualization, if it exists.
GoFullscreen Instructs the visualization to switch to full-screen mode.
RenderFullScreen Renders the visualization in full-screen mode.

See Also

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