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Windows Media Player 11 SDK Hiding the Windows Media Player ControlĀ 

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Hiding the Windows Media Player Control

The Windows Media Player ActiveX object is embedded in a Web page using the OBJECT element. Unlike earlier versions, the OBJECT element that defines Windows Media Player must be placed in the BODY section of a Web page, between the <BODY> and </BODY> tags. Placing the Windows Media Player ActiveX object in the HEAD section of a Web page to hide the user interface can produce unexpected results.

If you put the Windows Media Player ActiveX control in the BODY section of a Web page, the control user interface will be displayed. If you do not want it to be displayed, and wish to create your own user interface, set the height and width attributes of the OBJECT element to zero.

The control can also be made invisible by setting the Player**.uiMode** property to "invisible". This can be done using a PARAM tag as discussed in the next section. In this case, space is reserved for the control using height and width, but nothing is displayed in the reserved space until uiMode is changed to something other than "invisible".

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