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Windows Media Player 11 SDK Hit RGB ColorĀ 

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Hit RGB Color

If you are using region buttons (PushHit, ToggleHit, and 2PushHit), you must define the color that Windows Media Player will use to determine the hit area of your button. This value must be specified using three positive integers separated by commas. These integers represent the amount of red, green, and blue for a bitmap color, and range from 0 to 255.

Note Buttons types are deprecated in skins for Windows Media Player 10 Mobile or later.

You can use any colors for the values, but be sure that each region button you define has a unique color in the Region image file and that the color value you define here as a number matches the actual color used in the Region image.

The following table shows some typical colors you might want to use.

Value Description
0,0,0 Black
255,255,255 White
255,0,0 Red
0,255,0 Green
0,0,255 Blue

If you do not use region buttons, you must enter the following:


See Also

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