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Windows Media Player 11 SDK Image Element 

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Image Element

Note This section describes functionality designed for use by online stores. Use of this functionality outside the context of an online store is not supported.

The Image element specifies the images that Windows Media Player displays to the user to represent the online store.


    EulaURL = "
    MenuURL = "
    ServiceLargeURL = "
    ServiceSmallURL = "


EulaURL (required for type 1 stores, ignored for type 2)

URL for the logo that Windows Media Player displays in the end user license agreement (EULA) dialog box. This must be a PNG image that is 80 x 80 pixels.

MenuURL (optional)

URL for the image that Windows Media Player displays on the services menu. This image must be 15 x 15 pixels.

ServiceLargeURL (optional)

For a type 1 online store, this is the URL for the image that Windows Media Player displays on the Online Stores tab. This image must be 45 pixels wide by 13 pixels high.

For a type 2 online store, this is the URL for the image that Windows Media Player displays beside the Online Stores tab or beside the task pane buttons. This image must be 30 x 30 pixels.

ServiceSmallURL (optional)

URL for the logo that is displayed along with the marketing description specified in the Description element. If it is not supplied, it will be blank. (All types, optional) This must be a PNG image that is 45 pixels wide and 13 pixels high.

Parent/Child Elements

Hierarchy Element
Parent elements ServiceInfo
Child elements None


The supported image formats are .gif, .jpg, .bmp, and .png (which is the recommended format). Using Web transparency is both supported and recommended. Animated GIF files are not supported.

If you do not supply a value for MenuURL, Windows Media Player displays no graphic on the menu for your online store.

You can supply an animated image for ServiceLargeURL by creating a single image file that contains successive frames of your animation. For example, for an image that is 30 pixels wide and 30 pixels high, you could supply 20 successive images side by side in an image that is 600 pixels wide and 30 pixels high. Windows Media Player would automatically animate such an image by showing the 20 individual images one after another. This animation occurs only once when the online store opens; it does not repeat.


Version: Windows Media Player 10 or later.

See Also

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