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Windows Media Player 11 SDK IWMPCdromBurn Interface 

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IWMPCdromBurn Interface

The IWMPCdromBurn interface provides methods to manage creating audio CDs.

In addition to the methods inherited from IUnknown, the IWMPCdromBurn interface exposes the following methods.

Method Description
erase Erases the current CD.
get_burnFormat Retrieves a value that indicates the type of CD to burn.
get_burnPlaylist Retrieves the current playlist to burn to the CD.
get_burnProgress Retrieves the CD burning progress as percent complete.
get_burnState Retrieves an enumeration value that indicates the current burn state.
get_label Retrieves the CD volume label string.
getItemInfo Retrieves the value of the specified attribute for the CD.
isAvailable Provides information about the CD drive and media.
put_burnFormat Specifies the type of CD to burn.
put_burnPlaylist Specifies the playlist to burn to CD.
put_label Specifies the label string for the CD volume.
refreshStatus Updates the status information for the current burn playlist.
startBurn Burns the CD.
stopBurn Stops the CD burning process.

See Also

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