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Windows Media Player 11 SDK IWMPCdromBurn.refreshStatus (VB and C#) 

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IWMPCdromBurn.refreshStatus (VB and C#)

The refreshStatus method updates the status information for the current burn playlist.



This method takes no parameters

Return Value

This method does not return a value.


You should call this method after you create or change a burn playlist before reading status information or burning the CD. You can test whether a refresh is required by getting the value of burnState and checking for wmpbsRefreshStatusPending.

Refreshing the status is a synchronous operation. This means that a lengthy period of time might elapse before this method returns if the current burn playlist is large and contains many changes.


Version: Windows Media Player 11.

Namespace: WMPLib

Assembly: Interop.WMPLib.dll (automatically generated by Visual Studio)

See Also

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