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Windows Media Player 11 SDK IWMPDVD::topMenuĀ 

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The topMenu method stops playback and displays the top (or root) menu for the current title.




This method takes no parameters.

Return Values

The method returns an HRESULT. Possible values include, but are not limited to, those in the following table.

Return code Description
S_OK The method succeeded.


Every DVD is authored differently. The DVD must contain a menu for this method to work. Some DVDs are authored so that the topMenu and IWMPDVD::titleMenu methods open the same menu. The topMenu method usually invokes the top (or root) menu, but it may invoke the title menu if there is no root menu available.

Windows Media Player 10 Mobile: This method always returns S_OK, but does not perform the intended operation.


Version: Windows Media Player 9 Series or later.

Header: Include wmp.h.

Library: Use wmp.dll.

Platform: Windows XP or later.

See Also

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