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Windows Media Player 11 SDK IWMPMedia Interface 

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IWMPMedia Interface

Use the IWMPMedia interface to set and retrieve the properties of a media item.

In addition to the methods inherited from IDispatch, the IWMPMedia interface exposes the following methods.

Method Description
get_attributeCount Retrieves the number of attributes that can be queried and/or set for the media item.
get_duration Retrieves the duration in seconds of the current media item.
get_durationString Retrieves a value indicating the duration of the current media item in HH:MM:SS format.
get_imageSourceHeight Retrieves the height of the current media item in pixels.
get_imageSourceWidth Retrieves the width of the current media item in pixels.
get_isIdentical Retrieves a value indicating whether the specified object is the same as the current one.
get_markerCount Retrieves the number of markers in the media item.
get_name Retrieves the name of the media item.
get_sourceURL Retrieves the URL of the media item.
getAttributeName Retrieves the name of the attribute corresponding to the specified index.
getItemInfo Retrieves the value of the specified attribute for the media item.
getItemInfoByAtom Retrieves the value of the attribute with the specified index number.
getMarkerName Retrieves the name of the marker at the specified index.
getMarkerTime Retrieves the time of the marker at the specified index.
isMemberOf Retrieves a value indicating whether the specified media item is a member of the specified playlist.
isReadOnlyItem Retrieves a value indicating whether the attributes of the specified media item can be edited.
put_name Sets the name of the media item.
setItemInfo Sets the value of the specified attribute for the media item.

See Also

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